National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Research and Development of Communication Infrastructure for Q Sorting
Krajňák, Sebastián ; Beran, Vítězslav (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
V dynamickom prostredí spolupráce pri vývoji softvéru sa požiadavky na interakciu v reálnom čase a zefektívnenie procesov nasadenia stala nevyhnutnosťou. Táto práca sa zameria na vylepšenie aplikácie nášho kolegu Michala Janu o funkciu spolupráce v reálnom čase prostredníctvom WebSocket spojenia. Táto funkcia umožní viacerým používateľom spolupracovať na jednom Q-sorte. Okrem toho na zefektívnenie procesu softvérového projektu pre viacerých vývojárov, ktorého je táto práca súčasťou, nastavíme CI/CD postup využívajúci Dokcer kontajnery, Jenkins a nakoniec webový server Nginx používaný na hostovanie aplikácií každého vývojára.
Collaborative Business Process Modelling
Petrigač, Matej ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
Management of business processes is nowadays a rapidly growing area. Allows you to control the activities and processes of the organization so that they are performed in the most efficient manner . One of the major challenges is the correct understanding of this process . To facilitate this task , using business process models . These models and the process of process modeling meets a number of problems , which are mainly due lack of expertise in the modeled domain . This bachelor's thesis deals with the solution of this problem. It proposes an application that provides opportunities for real-time collaboration .
Collaborative Business Process Modelling
Petrigač, Matej ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
Management of business processes is nowadays a rapidly growing area. Allows you to control the activities and processes of the organization so that they are performed in the most efficient manner . One of the major challenges is the correct understanding of this process . To facilitate this task , using business process models . These models and the process of process modeling meets a number of problems , which are mainly due lack of expertise in the modeled domain . This bachelor's thesis deals with the solution of this problem. It proposes an application that provides opportunities for real-time collaboration .

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