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Vhodnost finančního poradce pro klienta
Kosířová, Kateřina
Kosířová, K. Suitability of financial advisor for client. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2022. Bachelor thesis is focusing on suitability of financial advisor for client. The aim was to demonstrate that these cooperation is worthy for clients, which was described by model examples. Furthermore, the satisfaction of clients of financial advisory firms with their cooperation with financial advisors was examined. The evaluation was based on a questionnaire survey of 136 respondents and the results show that most of them have positive experiences with financial advisors. The conclusion identifies causes that may lead to client dissatisfaction and proposes solutions.
Analysis of Satisfaction of Clients of Several Banks with their Internet Banking and Comparison of the Implemented Functions
This bachelor thesis focuses on the user's perception of online banking services. The satisfaction, preferences and experiences of users of these services are examined. The objective is also to accept or reject two hypotheses. The chi-square test and quantitative research in the form of a questionnaire survey are used to meet the objectives. The results of the survey are analysed and converted into graphs and tables for better interpretation of the outcomes. The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of the survey is that clients are generally satisfied with online banking services. Both tested hypotheses were rejected. The discovery made was that the age of respondents does not affect their usage of internet banking or smartbanking.
Proposal to Change the Marketing Mix of the Selected Company
Nykel, Šimon ; Bindr, Petr (referee) ; Mráček, Pavel (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of services and products offered by the accomodation and recreation centre Heroltická s.r.o. Based on the gathered data about the company and conducted quetionnaire among the company´s employees, the measures are suggested in order to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. These measures also signify a way to approch new clients.
Impact of the Covid - 19 pandemic on Czech Social Security Administration
Bakalářská práce se zabývá činností České správy sociální zabezpečení (dále ČSSZ) v době pandemie covid-19, konkrétně Okresní správou sociálního zabezpečení České Budějovice a přibližuje její fungování. Cílem práce je zhodnotit a poodkrýt dopady pandemie covid-19 na činnost této správy. Dále se práce zabývá spokojeností klientů a jejich povědomím o produktech a službách. Práce také zkoumá klientskou komunikace s ČSSZ v době pandemie. Nejpodstatnější metodou zkoumání bylo dotazníkové šetření formou online dotazníku. Hlavními výsledky tohoto výzkumu je zjištění, že velmi málo klientů zná online službu ePortál a někteří nemají ani povědomí o činnosti ČSSZ. Dalším hlavním zjištěním je, že respondenti si přejí více úředních dní, konkrétně alespoň tři dny a také preferují elektronickou komunikaci (v různých podobách) s ČSSZ. Na základě těchto zjištění jsou navrhnutá konkrétní opatření pro zlepšení stávající či budoucí situace. Práce se opírá především o nejaktuálnější data, a tou je Zpráva o činnosti ČSSZ 2021.
Analýza internetového bankovnictví a návrhy na jeho zlepšení
Zelenská, Zuzana
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse the weaknesses of the internet banking of selected three banks and to propose recommendations for its improvement. The first part of the thesis focuses on the historical development of internet banking, its security and other studies dealing with the same issues. In addition, there are methods for selecting banks under examination, ways of measuring satisfaction and evaluation criteria. In the second part, the analysis of the three banks is car-ried out and the analysis of their clients' satisfaction based on the evaluation of the questionnaire survey. Consequently, a discussion is unfolding, summarizing the findings and giving recommendations for selected banks.
Clients Satisfaction of Early Intervention Programm in Czech republic today and in the past
Pacalová, Jana ; Pazlarová, Hana (advisor) ; Matoušek, Oldřich (referee)
PACALOVÁ, JANA. Clients Satisfaction of Early Intervention Programm in the Czech republic today and in the past. Prague: Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, 2011, 93 pp. Diploma Thesis. In recent years the early intervention program and its forms with new theories and trends attract the attention of the public, the workers from other fields and also the parents themselves of children with disabilities, who appreciate the focus of the program on the family system. In my thesis I was interested in the early intervention in general. I also have dealt with the civic association the Society for Early Intervention program, which is one of the leading organizations in this field in the Czech Republic. The aim is to determine the satisfaction of our clients from the facilities providing comprehensive early intervention program in the Czech Republic for the clients with particular types of disability and compare the present satisfaction of the clients with the satisfaction in 2005. The satisfaction of the clients from facilities providing early intervention is at least five of the eight areas assessed positively and clients satisfaction is higher in 2011 than in 2005 - this is my working hypothesis I want to confirm. For this task I have chosen a quantitative research strategy. As a...
Formy elektronického bankovníctva a spokojnosť klientov s jeho využívaním
Michalco, Jozef
Theoretical part of this thesis include analysis of every single form of electronic banking: Phone banking, GSM banking, E-mail banking, Home banking, Internet banking, Smart banking and bank credit cards. Theoretical part continues by analysis of safety and by risks, which are related with using of electronic banking. Practical part of this thesis is trying to analyze and determine contentedness of client with every single form of electronic banking. Contentedness of clients was investigated by answer sheet.
Proposal to Change the Marketing Mix of the Selected Company
Nykel, Šimon ; Bindr, Petr (referee) ; Mráček, Pavel (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of services and products offered by the accomodation and recreation centre Heroltická s.r.o. Based on the gathered data about the company and conducted quetionnaire among the company´s employees, the measures are suggested in order to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. These measures also signify a way to approch new clients.
Clients Satisfaction of Early Intervention Programm in Czech republic today and in the past
Pacalová, Jana ; Pazlarová, Hana (advisor) ; Matoušek, Oldřich (referee)
PACALOVÁ, JANA. Clients Satisfaction of Early Intervention Programm in the Czech republic today and in the past. Prague: Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, 2011, 93 pp. Diploma Thesis. In recent years the early intervention program and its forms with new theories and trends attract the attention of the public, the workers from other fields and also the parents themselves of children with disabilities, who appreciate the focus of the program on the family system. In my thesis I was interested in the early intervention in general. I also have dealt with the civic association the Society for Early Intervention program, which is one of the leading organizations in this field in the Czech Republic. The aim is to determine the satisfaction of our clients from the facilities providing comprehensive early intervention program in the Czech Republic for the clients with particular types of disability and compare the present satisfaction of the clients with the satisfaction in 2005. The satisfaction of the clients from facilities providing early intervention is at least five of the eight areas assessed positively and clients satisfaction is higher in 2011 than in 2005 - this is my working hypothesis I want to confirm. For this task I have chosen a quantitative research strategy. As a...
This thesis focuses on the personality of social workers and their view of the quality of the nursing home in which they work . The first part is generally concerned with quality, problems caused by the quality implementation, different views of quality evaluation and finally with quality evaluation by social workers themselves. The second part is dedicated to research performed by interviewing the social wor-kers working in retirement homes and subsequently comparing the results with the theo-ry.

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