National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Impact of intellectual property rights implementation on the development of NAFTA trade
Miková, Ivana ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Parízek, Michal (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD INSTITUT POLITOLOGICKÝCH STUDIÍ Vplyv implementácie práv duševného vlastníctva na rozvoj vnútorného trhu NAFTA Bc. Ivana Miková MAGISTERSKÁ DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Praha 2013 Abstract: The thesis discusses the impact of intellectual property rights on economic development of NAFTA. It is based on the theoretical assumptions of the new institutional economics and its notion of transaction costs and institutions and their impact on economic growth, in particular the impact of intellectual property rights, which are an important part of the NAFTA treaty and are contained in chapter 17. of the NAFTA Agreement. Their impact is connected with the new growth theory, which considers innovation and new technology as a major source of economic development. The empirical analysis has found that measures of IPRs contributed to transfer technologies and economic development. Mexico has become the main beneficiary. In the U.S., the situation in the field of innovation and economic development associated with IPRs has not changed significantly, compared with the period before the emergence of NAFTA.
Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law
Šimeková, Zuzana
1 Thesis Summary Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law Zuzana Šimeková 1. Starting points and goals of the thesis The main goal of my thesis is the application of the ever-evolving contemporary issues of private enforcement of the EU competition law, its developments in the legislative area and the decision- making practice of the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union (the ECJ) to the pharmaceutical sector area. As regards the functioning of competition rules, the pharmaceutical sector found itself in the cross-hairs of the European Commission fairly recently. Its efforts resulted in the Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry Final Report of 8 July 2009 (the Final Report). The primary subject-matter of my thesis is the assessment of the competition relationship dynamic between the originator and generic pharmaceutical companies, especially the degree by which the conduct by the originator pharmaceutical companies can delay market entry by the generic pharmaceutical companies and thereby negatively affect the consumers by (among other things) limiting availability of cheaper drugs. Despite the expectations of legal practitioners and academia, the European Commission did not rule in the Final Report whether the discovered conducts constitute violations of the EU competition law. The...
Impact of intellectual property rights implementation on the development of NAFTA trade
Miková, Ivana ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Parízek, Michal (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD INSTITUT POLITOLOGICKÝCH STUDIÍ Vplyv implementácie práv duševného vlastníctva na rozvoj vnútorného trhu NAFTA Bc. Ivana Miková MAGISTERSKÁ DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Praha 2013 Abstract: The thesis discusses the impact of intellectual property rights on economic development of NAFTA. It is based on the theoretical assumptions of the new institutional economics and its notion of transaction costs and institutions and their impact on economic growth, in particular the impact of intellectual property rights, which are an important part of the NAFTA treaty and are contained in chapter 17. of the NAFTA Agreement. Their impact is connected with the new growth theory, which considers innovation and new technology as a major source of economic development. The empirical analysis has found that measures of IPRs contributed to transfer technologies and economic development. Mexico has become the main beneficiary. In the U.S., the situation in the field of innovation and economic development associated with IPRs has not changed significantly, compared with the period before the emergence of NAFTA.
Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law
Šimeková, Zuzana ; Král, Richard (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Václav (referee) ; Svobodová, Magdaléna (referee)
1 Thesis Summary Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law Zuzana Šimeková 1. Starting points and goals of the thesis The main goal of my thesis is the application of the ever-evolving contemporary issues of private enforcement of the EU competition law, its developments in the legislative area and the decision- making practice of the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union (the ECJ) to the pharmaceutical sector area. As regards the functioning of competition rules, the pharmaceutical sector found itself in the cross-hairs of the European Commission fairly recently. Its efforts resulted in the Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry Final Report of 8 July 2009 (the Final Report). The primary subject-matter of my thesis is the assessment of the competition relationship dynamic between the originator and generic pharmaceutical companies, especially the degree by which the conduct by the originator pharmaceutical companies can delay market entry by the generic pharmaceutical companies and thereby negatively affect the consumers by (among other things) limiting availability of cheaper drugs. Despite the expectations of legal practitioners and academia, the European Commission did not rule in the Final Report whether the discovered conducts constitute violations of the EU competition law. The...
Bojovať alebo nebojovať proti internetovému pirátstvu: Je ACTA naozaj to čo potrebujeme?
Regináč, Jozef ; Singer, Miroslav (advisor) ; Potužák, Pavel (referee)
Internet piracy has recently been addressed by several policies introduced in US, such as SOPA and ACTA. These policies suggest the general opinion to be that piracy reduce profits. The focus of this thesis is therefore put on the introduction of theoretical concept capable of describing possible piracy impacts and then showing empirical observations to prove it. We developed our own modified time-dependent model of demand function with network effect, which suggests that piracy can have indeed different results on producers' profits depending on the conditions. Further, we showed on real data that the resulting piracy effect in film industry is indefinite and piracy in other industries results in various outcomes.

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