National Repository of Grey Literature 68 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Elastic characteristics of coatings
Olivo, Tomas ; Řehořek, Lukáš (referee) ; Válka, Libor (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the determination of Young's modulus of elasticity in tension of coatings with the inclusion of the effect of porosity using the impulse excitation method (IEM). In the theoretical part, the basics of the impulse excitation method and nanoindentation are discussed. Subsequently, the types of composite materials are presented, followed by a description of the Cold Spray technology used to produce the coatings presented in this work. In the next section, the composite models used to evaluate the measured data are defined. The experimental part is devoted to the description of the preparation of the test specimens, i.e., the substrate-coating system, together with the nanoindentation and pulsed excitation test procedure. Based on these tests, the tensile elastic moduli of the deposited coatings were evaluated using four composite models and compared with the results from the nanoindentation test. The most appropriate of these models was found to be the one based on the rule of mixtures with the inclusion of the nonlinear effect of porosity.
Porosity during welding aluminous alloys
Hájková, Alena ; Daněk, Ladislav (referee) ; Sigmund, Marian (advisor)
This thesis deals with the problem of occurrence of porosity in aluminous alloys and the methods of their repair in the company IFE. Theoretical part is aimed on the current state of porosity and the ways in which the be pores can be repaired. Used technologies of repairs are TIG welding and cementing. The practical part consists of experiment in which is used a method of cementing on specific part.
Possibilities of evaluation durability of the surface layer of concrete structures
Blažek, Michal ; Žalud, Oldřich (referee) ; Vymazal, Tomáš (advisor)
The thesis is focused on possibilities of durability evaluation of surface layer of concrete structures. The durability of concrete surface layer usually determines the durability of the structure as a unit. It has to be determined in what environment the structure is situated and what influences it has to face, to set the durability of the structure. There is a several normative prescription to set the resistance of the structure. There is formulated a summary of the most widely used and known prescriptions in the theoretical part of the thesis. It is a lot of effort to estimate the durability of the concrete by estimation of permeability of the concrete surface layer recently. Thus these methods are also formulated in the summary and there are compared the individual outputs of the tests. The permeability and pore structures of the concrete surface layer are crucial parameters for the durability of concrete structure. These parameters influence the construction properties of the concrete as well, thus the thesis is focused on relationship of the pore structure and the strength in press of the concrete.
Use of FRP Composites as Reinforcing Material for Concrete
Kratochvílová, Denisa ; Prokeš,, Jan (referee) ; Bodnárová, Lenka (advisor)
Because FRP composites have high fiber strength and good durability, they are increasingly used for repairs, modernisation and reconstruction of concrete structures. In practice, however there is a risk of premature separation of FRP reinforcement from concrete. This can be avoided by appropriate selecting the fibers and the matrix and the appropriate shape of the reinforcement. The actual materials and consistency of FRP reinforcement with concrete are also covered by this diploma thesis.
Utilization of various methods of porosimetry in investigation of internal structure of biopolymer hydrogels
Zahrádka, Jan ; Pekař, Miloslav (referee) ; Sedláček, Petr (advisor)
The main aim of the thesis was to select, optimize and test suitable methods for studying inner structure of hydrogel materials. The study of the size of pores with potential use in fundamental and applied research of these materials is the central focus of the thesis. Firstly, a literature search was done in order to collect basic information about usefulness of the individual methods. On the basis of this literature search, the experimental part of the work was divided into several steps. First, selected methods of conventional porosimetry (mercury intrusion porosimetry, BET analysis and DSC thermoporometry) were applied on reference porous materials and the results obtained by the individual methods were compared. The methods optimized with the use of these reference materials were then utilized in the analysis of porosity of model hydrogels based on polyvinyl alcohol. Based on the results of this analysis, the usability and benefits of the individual methods were discussed with respect to the sample preparation, time and financial demands, and also from the viewpoint of compliance of the determined pore sizes with the range of sizes declared for the physical PVA gels.
Friction components produced by rapid prototyping
Pečenka, Tomáš ; Škaroupka, David (referee) ; Omasta, Milan (advisor)
The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to make an overview of use of additive technology for production of friction components. The first part is concerned on review of additive methods and type of materials. In the second section are situated applications of this technology for fabrication of friction components. The main goal of last part is research in area of tribology of parts manufactured by additive technology.
Preparation and properties of porous zinc material
Ryšťák, Jaroslav ; Fintová, Stanislava (referee) ; Doležal, Pavel (advisor)
Bachelor thesis is focused on preparation of bulk material prepared from zinc powder by cold pressing followed by sintering. Topic of the work includes characterization of prepared material depending on the choice of the compaction process conditions. Bulk material is characterized by physical-mechanical tests, structure and porosity. Thesis solving and focuses on study and control of processes during bulk material preparation and description of the processes from physically-chemical point of view of the structure creation and final material properties.
Vrána, Radek ; Schleifenbaum, Johannes (referee) ; Skalon, Mateusz (referee) ; Paloušek, David (advisor)
Předložená dizertační práce je součástí většího výzkumného projektu, který si klade za cíl využití mikro prutové konstrukce vyrobené technologií SLM jako absorbér rázové energie s přesně navrženými vlastnostmi. Hlavním cílem práce je vývoj numerického modelu deformačního chování mikro-prutové konstrukce vyrobeného technologií Selective Laser Melting (SLM) z materiálu AlSi10Mg. Aby bylo možné dosáhnout hlavního cíle dizertační práce, bylo nutné analyzovat vliv procesních parametrů technologie SLM na tvorbu vnitřních materiálových vad a drsnost povrchu při výrobě mikro-prutové konstrukce. Tyto imperfekce degradují její mechanické vlastnosti a jejich odstranění zlepší možnosti a přesnost numerické predikce. Výsledky ukazují významný vliv dvou hlavních parametrů – skenovací rychlosti laseru a výkonu laseru. Na základě těchto poznatků byly dále definovány parametry vstupní energie Ein a lineární energie Elin, které zahrnují oba zmíněné parametry a byly definovány jejich limitní hodnoty pro minimalizaci vzniklých imperfekcí. Deformační chování vyrobené mikro-prutové konstrukce bylo analyzováno na navrženém pádové zařízení, které umožňuje testování s dopadovou energií až 120 J. Deformační chování je vyhodnocováno s využitím obrazové analýzy záznamu vysoko rychlostní kamery a silového průběhu z tenzometru. Výsledky analýzy byly využity pro validaci numerického modelu v programu ANSYS Explicit, do kterého byly implementovány poznatky o reálném tvaru vyrobeného mikro-prutového materiálu ve formě eliptického modelu geometrie a informace o reálných mechanických vlastnostech ve formě vyvinutého materiálového modelu. Výsledné porovnání výsledků experimentu s predikcí numerického modelu ukazují dobrou shodu v místě maximálního zatížení Fmax (odchylka 5 %) i průběhu celé deformace vzorku. Tyto poznatky budou v budoucnu využity při návrhu absorbéru energie s definovanými mechanickými vlastnostmi.
Preparation and Characterization of Porous Magnesium Based Materials
Březina, Matěj ; Pacal, Bohumil (referee) ; Vojtěch, Dalibor (referee) ; Ptáček, Petr (advisor)
Bulk magnesium materials produced nowadays via powder metallurgy are based on a vastly extensive technological spectrum, which makes it possible to create a wide range of materials. This work focuses on the preparation of bulk materials from magnesium powder by cold pressing and hot pressing, sintering and field assisted sintering. The bulk materials were prepared in a series of compacting pressures from 100 MPa to 500 MPa and the sintering temperatures were selected in the range of 300 ° C to 600 ° C in order to characterize the influence of the manufacturing conditions and technology on the final properties of bulk materials. Prepared materials were evaluated in terms of microstructure, hardness, microhardness, three-point bend test, and fractography. From the hot pressed materials, the samples prepared at 400 and 500 MPa and 400 °C had the highest strength and hardness. The classic sintering of magnesium in the furnace with argon atmosphere proved to be ineffective due to the oxide layer on the surface and the presence of oxygen in technical argon. The SPS sintering (Spark Plasma Sintering) was the more effective with the lower applying pressure used to make the preforms and with the higher applied pressure during the SPS process itself. Highest strength and hardness were achieved in this case of materials sintered at 600 ° C prepared from free powder and the most porous preform (100 MPa). The bulk materials were prepared using all methods used, but the properties of these materials varied considerably depending on the technology used.
Surface coatings of medium and high entropy alloy prepared by the cold-spray method
Vražina, Tomáš ; Adam, Ondřej (referee) ; Moravčík, Igor (advisor)
This bachelor thesis investigated coating of the CoCrNi (Medium entropy) alloy deposed onto austenitic steel substrate. The main objectives were characterization and analysis of sprayed deposition before and after heat treatment. The thesis was divided into 2 main parts. The theoretical part provided general information about alloy manufacturing, properties, and the method of its consolidation. The experimental part provided electron microscopy analysis including, an EDS, a porosity analysis and microhardness testing. Its results were then discussed on the base of the information gathered in the theoretical part. The results showed that the deposed layer was stable and there was no sign of material decohesion. The coating showed low porosity which was later successfully lowered by heat treatment. EDS proved that the coating was not entirely homogenous. The conclusion summarized the results achieved in the practical part.

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