National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Cider production Víchov
Stručovský, Lukáš ; Bílek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Dýr, Petr (advisor)
The topic of the bachelor thesis is a proposal for the revitalization of the existing agricultural area near the village of Víchov and the creation of new production, presentation, and administrative spaces. The work is based on a previously developed architectural study from the subject BGA021. The proposed building is located on land located on the eastern edge of the village of Víchov, in the former area of the agricultural cooperative. This is a slightly sloping plot of land. According to the wishes of the investor, the proposal is in the western part of the plot, on the remaining part of the plot it is planned to build production and storage halls. The Víchov cider house and cannery is divided into three main parts. The first part consists of two smaller representative buildings, intended for the sale of goods. The second part of the complex is the main two-story building, where the administrative part, accommodation facilities and gastronomy are located. The last part is the production hall located in the northern part of the area used for the production and storage of cider. These three parts are located one behind the other on the slope of the plot and are connected by a pedestrian road. A new road and new parking areas are created in the area. The entrance to the area is from the existing road on the south side. The new road in the area runs along the eastern edge of the planned area and connects the proposed buildings. An extensive green roof is planned for all buildings, except for the production hall. The entire area is designed so that its size does not disturb the existing village development and meets the requirements for the functions of individual objects.
Víchov cider house and cannery
Řezáčová, Anna ; Muroň, Ivo (referee) ; Ležatka, Lukáš (advisor)
Víchov-Černošín, cider house, cannery, new construction, administration, production, storage, sustainability, barrier-free, brick load-bearing system, atrium, metal roofing, green roof
Cider production Víchov
Kopáč, Martin ; Bílek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Dýr, Petr (advisor)
The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to design a new multifunctional cider house and canning factory in the village of Víchov near Pilsen. The site currently contains buildings of an unused pig farm. The land is accessible from two sides: the main road on the south side and a field road on the west side. Further plans include integrating with the broader context of warehouses from the east side, however, these are not part of the bachelor's thesis. The proposed facility will serve industrial and recreational purposes, attracting visitors and cider enthusiasts to the area and creating new jobs for local people. The facility will be enhanced with three green roofs. It consists of a complex of three separate buildings, whose arrangement is based on the original terrain, similar to the current development. The buildings are connected by necks, which also serve as ramps. The runoff of rainwater is directed to a retention tank, which also serves as a water feature between the production hall and the building with accommodation, a café, administration, and showrooms. The retention tank enhances the environment of the outdoor terrace, which offers a view of the bottling and pasteurization of the cider through the glass wall of the production hall. The buildings SO-01 to SO-03 have green roofs. The first floor of the SO-01 building consists of a showroom, café, administration, dining room, and entrance to the production area through the neck. This ensures the separation of clean and dirty traffic. As it is a rural construction, wood-plastic – the most suitable combination of significance and efficiency – is chosen as the main material for the exterior shell. Combined with glass, the building complex is modern, yet acknowledges its rural function.
Víchov cider house and cannery
Zeinerová, Eliška ; Muroň, Ivo (referee) ; Ležatka, Lukáš (advisor)
The subject of the bachelor thesis is the design of a new building of a production area of a cider and canning factory in Víchov, a local part of the municipality of Černošín in the Pilsen Region of the Czech Republic. The area is located in the outskirts of the village, on the site of a former agricultural complex. The land is bordered on the south-eastern side by a local road, from which the site is accessible via the main entrance. The site is slightly sloping towards the south. The site has a capacity for twenty employees in production and ten employees in administration. The design includes the production hall itself, supplemented by two warehouse buildings, an administration building and a sales showroom. The production process includes the production of cider, cider and seasonal fruit preservation. The main idea of the concept is to respect and respond to the rural type of the surrounding buildings as much as possible. This is mainly represented by detached houses and small farm buildings, which are often arranged around farmyards. The proposal therefore consists of five single storey buildings with a gable roof, which are situated around a central courtyard, the key area of the site. The scale of the site and the archetypal shape of the buildings, which responds to the surrounding character of the development, became the focal point of the design.
Porta Coeli complex - new use of selected objects
Ovsak, Artem ; Žalmanová, Petra (referee) ; Boleslavská, Yvona (advisor)
The subject of the master's thesis was the development of an architectural study and proposal for the new utilization of historical buildings in the Porta Coeli complex in Předklášteří near Tišnov. The complex consists of several buildings, but the focus of the work was on the key ones. Currently, three sisters reside in the monastery, utilizing the first and second quadratures and having access to the monastery garden. The third quadrature is used by volunteer groups who assist in the maintenance of the monastery and occasionally contribute to the production of local products such as must, preserves, and honey. One floor of this quadrature has already been reconstructed. In the future, the space of the former laundry is planned to be utilized as accommodation for employees, with a change in its function to a production area being implemented as part of the project. The former sheepfold will be transformed into a multifunctional space intended for various types of events. Currently serving as a sawmill, it is economically most advantageous for the monastery council. The reconstructed former granary will have accommodation functions, and its location near the water increases its attractiveness and generates investment interest in its reconstruction. The design also includes the placement of an amphitheater on the slope next to the granary and sheepfold. The utilization concept shows that these two structures will be closely interconnected, and the amphitheater, along with the modified space, will serve as a meeting place for various events, such as weddings, conferences, or celebrations. An important aspect is that the shape of the amphitheater will follow the slope, helping to perceive the space, surroundings, and allowing visitors an uninterrupted view of nature. As part of the work, an extension to the second quadrature was also proposed, intended to serve the staff of a future rehabilitation center. The concept focuses on utilizing the second quadrature as a rehabilitation center for athletes and ordinary visitors. The center includes short-term accommodation, a dining area, medical offices, and facilities for the staff. The connection with nature, peaceful location, and aesthetic and mental harmony contribute to the faster recovery of visitors. The former carriage house is currently used as sanitary facilities, while most of the building remains unused. Preliminary plans consider its future use either as a smaller production space or as a storage facility for the purposes of the museum and the monastery. An extensive intervention in the restoration of the forecourt of the former sheepfold will be carried out. Various elements will be placed here, such as a labyrinth and other recreational zones. The design also included modifications to the outdoor space, the creation of new parking capacities, and reinforced surfaces.

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