National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Nursing care of a woman after mastectomy and her social inclusion in a society
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of breast cancer, or the treatment of this disease by surgery and the subsequent nursing care before the surgery, during the hospitalization and before the discharge from the health care facility, including the subsequent inclusion of the woman back into the society. The first part of the thesis describes the theory of breast cancer, risks, prevention and treatment. Mastectomy is specifically discussed, including the effects of this procedure on the psyche of women and the subsequent reintegration of patients back into social life. The research part defines the objectives, which are subsequently addressed in the bachelor thesis as: Specifics of nursing care for women after mastectomy, Adequate awareness of women in this treatment, social life after breast removal, psychological support and well-being of women after mastectomy. The data were obtained by means of qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews with women attending the mammary team of the South Bohemian Region. The information was processed using a coding method that resulted in 4 categories with their additional subcategories. From the results, it was found that most women were satisfied with the nursing care and awareness during hospitalization. This was mainly about the ability to communicate and to give sufficient information before the procedure before discharge and about various health options or limitations. Here, women agreed in most cases on the quality of communication and the submission of a sufficient amount of information. Furthermore, in the results, the women also reported a very negative impact of the disease on both psychological health and overall life satisfaction after mastectomy. Despite the fact that some women were able to deal with the disease better than others, for all of them the disease was a heavy burden both psychologically and physically. These results can be beneficial for both healthcare staff and the general public to help raise awareness of the issue.
Physiotherapy with dynamic neuromuscular stabilization elements in oncological patients after mastectomy
Háblová, Karolina ; Aujezdská, Eva (advisor) ; Plevová, Kristýna (referee)
The bachelor's thesis deals with physiotherapy with elements of dynamic neuromuscular stabilization in oncological patients after breast ablation. The aim of the practical part is to use objective measurements to evaluate the benefit of preoperative and early postoperative physiotherapy on the patient's overall recovery. The evaluation took place three times - as a part of preoperative treatment, after surgery and after the end of the physiotherapy intervention. For this, postural locomotion tests (diaphragm test, intra-abdominal pressure test, quadruped rock forward test and test of a 3-month-old supine position), measurements of inspiratory and expiratory chest circumferences, range of motion measurements on the upper extremities and cervical spine, and measurements of arm circumferences were used. It was found that physiotherapy had a positive effect on the overall recovery of the patients. In addition, the elements of the DNS have been shown to be a suitable adjunct to the analytic exercise and could be used along with other proven methods in post-mastectomy women-patients. Keywords: Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, breast cancer, muscle dysbalance, physiotherapy, mastectomy
Physiotherapy after breast surgery
Knapová, Kristýna ; Břízová, Marie (advisor) ; Havlová, Martina (referee)
The aim of this work is to describe the issue of breast cancer surgery and the role of physiotherapy in this area. The theoretical part describes basics of breast anatomy, defines breast carcinoma, its diagnosis, risk factors, types, ways of spreading and symptoms of the disease. For the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications is crucial early and long-term physiotherapy of the patients. Next chapter describes the objectives of physiotherapy, kinesiological analysis of patients and most frequently used therapeutic techniques. The last chapter deals with the psychological aspect of therapy and confirms the significant influence of psychic on the results of treatment and on the quality of life of the patients. The practical part aims to analyze the physical condition of the patients after breast surgery and to evaluate the effect of physiotherapy on the course of treatment and prevention of postoperative complications. The second objective was to determine the level of awareness of breast cancer patients and possible postoperative complications. In order to meet the goals, the case studies of two patients who underwent a breast rescue operation with several sub- nodal nodes were processed. At the same time, both patients were handed over and explained the educational material...
Delayed and Immediate Breast Reconstruction
Kydlíček, Tomáš ; Klečka, Jiří (advisor) ; Nejedlý, Aleš (referee) ; Fedeleš, Jozef (referee) ; Zálešák, Bohumil (referee)
OBJECTIVES : This work studies the indications, methods, results , satisfaction and partner relationships in immediate (IBR ) and deferred breast reconstruction ( DBR ) to objectively consider the benefits and indications IBR . METHOD : IBR between 1/2002-12/2012 underwent 51 ( 33.33 %) women ( 29-58 years, mean 41.5 , median 40.5 ) ; DBR 102 ( 66.67 %) ( 31-64 , mean 47.5 , median 47 ), data were obtained from medical records , questionnaires interviews and questionnaires , processed by statistical analysis RESULTS : Indications IBR : ≤ pT2N0M0 , low grade tumor ; DBR : ≥ 1 year of remission. Age at IBR was lower than the DBR ( p- 0.0004 ) Statistical differences in the modes of life after reconstruction the IBR a DBR were observed ( p- 0.1935-0.9659 ) predominates full and prevailing contentment. IBR does not burden patients ( 55 to 160 min, average 91.1 and 139.3 min, median 75 and 135 min ) between unilateral and bilateral operations are not statistically significant differences ( p -value 0.1065 ) . Complications prolonging healing rare - IBR 5 ( 8.33 %) , DBR 6 ( 5.8 % ) and mortality generalization low - IBR and 1 ( 1.96 % s ) DBR 1 and 2 ( 0.98 % and 1 , 96%) . Satisfaction with IBR was reported by 84.09 % , with 86.11 % DBR . The DBR was found 4 times greater risk of life or relationship. SUMMARY:...
Physiotherapeutic procedures affecting muscular dysbalance in patients after mastectomy
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of muscle dysbalance in patients after mastectomy and the possible impact of some physiotherapuetic methods and excercises. The most common issues that plague post-mastectomy patients are upper-crossed syndrome and range of motion limitations in the affected shoulder. The muscle dysbalance in them may be caused by the chirurgical intervention when the breast is removed. This afflicts the soft tissue in chest and the shoulder girdle. The muscle dysbalance is accompained by pain cervical spine and thoracic spine. This shows that some muscles are contracted and in higher tension and the other are weakened. The muscles that should provide protective support to girdles and spine do not function sufficiently and are not able to keep the balance. The movement is made uneconomically and consequently some muscles are overload. The thesis consists of two parts, a theoretical one and a practical one. The theoretical part describes the muscle anatomy, muscle dysbalance and the impact of physiotherapuetic methods as well as the diagnostics outline. The practical part is based on qualitative research. With the help of three casuistries it informs about the positive impact of physiotheraphy of muscle dysbalance in patients after mastectomy based on kinesiologic examination and the endeavour at influencing this dysbalance with the help of a combination of chosen physiotherapeutic methods.
Physiotherapy after breast surgery
Knapová, Kristýna ; Břízová, Marie (advisor) ; Havlová, Martina (referee)
The aim of this work is to describe the issue of breast cancer surgery and the role of physiotherapy in this area. The theoretical part describes basics of breast anatomy, defines breast carcinoma, its diagnosis, risk factors, types, ways of spreading and symptoms of the disease. For the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications is crucial early and long-term physiotherapy of the patients. Next chapter describes the objectives of physiotherapy, kinesiological analysis of patients and most frequently used therapeutic techniques. The last chapter deals with the psychological aspect of therapy and confirms the significant influence of psychic on the results of treatment and on the quality of life of the patients. The practical part aims to analyze the physical condition of the patients after breast surgery and to evaluate the effect of physiotherapy on the course of treatment and prevention of postoperative complications. The second objective was to determine the level of awareness of breast cancer patients and possible postoperative complications. In order to meet the goals, the case studies of two patients who underwent a breast rescue operation with several sub- nodal nodes were processed. At the same time, both patients were handed over and explained the educational material...
Nursing proces of patient after reconstructive breast surgery with method of free TRAM flap
Kneiflová, Jana ; Hakenová, Renata (advisor) ; Kulhavá, Miluše (referee)
(Aj) The topic of presented diploma thesis is nursing care of patients undergoing breast reconstruction surgery using TRAM (Transverse Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous) flap. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical part. Theoretical part deals with history of plastic surgery, breast anatomy, and physiology. In her thesis author focuses on breast cancer, its increasing incidence shifting to the younger and younger age groups, surgical therapy by total mastectomy as part of multidisciplinary treatment, postmastectomy reconstructive procedures using TRAM flap, and possible intraoperative, and postoperative complications. In empirical part author published case report of a patient after total mastectomy followed by TRAM flap breast reconstruction and dealt with nursing care during the immediate postoperative period in the intensive care unit and latter on in plastic surgery department's postoperative ward. The aim of author's thesis is to point out specific issues pertinent to nursing care both in the intensive care unit and standard postoperative ward in patients undergoing above mentioned surgical procedure as well as to highlight the need for more intensive supervision during postoperative period in such a cases compared to classic breast reconstruction with silicon implant. This...
Delayed and Immediate Breast Reconstruction
Kydlíček, Tomáš ; Klečka, Jiří (advisor) ; Nejedlý, Aleš (referee) ; Fedeleš, Jozef (referee) ; Zálešák, Bohumil (referee)
OBJECTIVES : This work studies the indications, methods, results , satisfaction and partner relationships in immediate (IBR ) and deferred breast reconstruction ( DBR ) to objectively consider the benefits and indications IBR . METHOD : IBR between 1/2002-12/2012 underwent 51 ( 33.33 %) women ( 29-58 years, mean 41.5 , median 40.5 ) ; DBR 102 ( 66.67 %) ( 31-64 , mean 47.5 , median 47 ), data were obtained from medical records , questionnaires interviews and questionnaires , processed by statistical analysis RESULTS : Indications IBR : ≤ pT2N0M0 , low grade tumor ; DBR : ≥ 1 year of remission. Age at IBR was lower than the DBR ( p- 0.0004 ) Statistical differences in the modes of life after reconstruction the IBR a DBR were observed ( p- 0.1935-0.9659 ) predominates full and prevailing contentment. IBR does not burden patients ( 55 to 160 min, average 91.1 and 139.3 min, median 75 and 135 min ) between unilateral and bilateral operations are not statistically significant differences ( p -value 0.1065 ) . Complications prolonging healing rare - IBR 5 ( 8.33 %) , DBR 6 ( 5.8 % ) and mortality generalization low - IBR and 1 ( 1.96 % s ) DBR 1 and 2 ( 0.98 % and 1 , 96%) . Satisfaction with IBR was reported by 84.09 % , with 86.11 % DBR . The DBR was found 4 times greater risk of life or relationship. SUMMARY:...
The effects of mastektomie on social life of women with breast cancer
Breast carcinoma is at present one of the most frequent diseases of women which affects all areas of woman ´s life and becomes all-society problem. It is an oncology disease which brings a woman and her close relatives a huge psychical and physical stress. One of the possibilities to cure the breast cancer is the chirurgical removal of the whole breast (mastectomy), which is a huge change not only in woman ´s social life. The thesis gives information on breast carcinoma, risk factors for the onset of the disease, clinical symptoms, diagnostics and the treatment of breast carcinoma. Further, it describes the possibilities of reconstruction therapy, rehabilitation and psycho- social effects of cancer. The objective of the thesis was to find out if and how mastectomy influences the social life of women. For the data elaboration the method of quantitative research by means of questioning was used. The questionnaires were addressed to women with breast carcinoma after mastectomy. The research group was created by the clients of General Faculty Hospital in Prague. The questionnaires were anonymous and voluntary, in the form of 25 closed and semi-open questions. Hypothesis H1: negative influence of mastectomy depends on the partner ´s attitude and the family support, was proved. Hypothesis H2: mastectomy negatively influences single women and women without children, was also proved. Hypothesis H3: women after mastectomy are of worsened occupational use, was disproved. The research has shown that the question of solving social issue in women after mastectomy is more and more up- to-date. Average age of respondents is 51 - 60 years. In the question concerning the change of life in women after mastectomy were most frequently mentioned the problems with the change in dressing, sport activities and psychical problems. The awareness of women on rehabilitation, reconstruction operations, possibilities of using epithesis and also on the civic partnerships focused on breast diseases should improve.

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