National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Development of clusters in the Czech Republic
The topic of this thesis is Development of clusters in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work was to carry out an analysis by means of the sociological survey, evaluation and analysis of the clusters within regions according to the determination of the importance for the development of the individual regions. The work is divided into two main parts the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part includes information about the clusters, their benefits, processes of formation and development of the clusters, and also their funding. This part is also dedicated to the cluster politics and support of clusters in the Czech Republic. The practical part is based on the results from the sociological survey. The gained data and findings from the survey are processed and demonstrated with the help of diagrams and tables. Another component of the practical part is also division of the clusters according to their existence in territories of individual regions. Besides, their importance for the individual region is assessed as well. The overall communication and cooperation among members of the clusters, the extent of dependence on funding, the benefits of the clusters for the development of a region, and the ways of financing are evaluated in final results within each region.
Klastry jako jeden z pilířů zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti ČR
Běťáková, Anna
The aim of the diploma thesis is to identify the problem areas of functioning, support and development of clusters in the Czech Republic and to propose measures for correction. Also the aim is to find problem areas of competitive-ness of the Czech Republic and assessment of whether and how they can help to improve clusters or state apparatus. In this thesis is reader acquainted with the theoretical basis for the functioning of the clusters and their impact on competitiveness. Then is described the current state of the cluster issues in the country. In the practical part is analysed the competitiveness of the Czech Republic, state support and functioning of clusters in the Czech Republic. From that is drawn the results of the thesis.
Cluster Policy as a Part of Regional Innovation Policy
Beranová, Veronika ; Macháček, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Váchová, Daniela (referee)
The main objective of this thesis has been to answer the question, whether the cluster policy in the Moravian-Silesian Region is a proper part of the regional innovation policy and whether it is properly targeted within the context of the regional innovation policy. In other words whether there is an impact of cluster policy on research, development and innovation, or vice-versa on the fields that can eventually be considered harmful to the fair competition (e.g. activity of the cluster organisations in the field of joint procurement and enforcing of joint interests); and further whether the cluster policy measures contribute rather to dissolving of innovation barriers caused by lack of contact with the other companies and institutions (e.g. missing cooperation partner, low level of trust, missing technical equipment, missing know-how), or to dissolving innovation barriers which should be targeted by other means of the innovation policy (e.g. problems with financing of the innovation projects). An attempt to answer the questions was made in a survey among the members of the Moravian-Silesian cluster organisations. The results of the survey have confirmed the assumption, that the members of the cluster organisations see the activities in the field of networking and information and research, development and innovation as the most beneficial and that they have experienced the highest improvement in dissolving the following innovation barriers: missing cooperation partner, missing business related know-how and low level of trust. However, after a thorough analysis of the policy system and conduction of several structured interviews with the cluster managers, doubts concerning the impact on the "natural" clusters were stated. Based on these findings the further cluster promotion at the national and regional level proves to be eligible, but further research is necessary to examine, whether the activities of the cluster organisations really promote the "natural" clusters, what impact on the innovativeness and competitiveness they bring and whether the promotion is economically efficient.
Cluster development perspektives in Czech republic
The main object of this thesis is analyse conditions for formation clusters in the Czech republic and possibility their other development. The thesis contains characteristics of the last and present operational programme, which support clusters. The other part of the thesis is analyse of the present situacion of development clusters in particular regions of the Czech republic and their comparison with clusters of Austria. In the ending part of the thesis are summarized all information get from questionnaire and interwiev with manager of the cluster EKOGEN.
Cluster development perspectives in Czech republic
Březinová, Hana ; Abrhám, Josef (advisor) ; Jiránková, Martina (referee)
The objective of this thesis is to summarize the actual theoretical knowledge about clustering and cluster development and these findings consequently apply to czech business environment. The thesis analyses czech cluster policy and creates list of functional and developing clusters and cluster initiatives in Czech republic. The thesis sumarizes practical experience with cluster development in Czech republic - its successful projects and problems it has to face. As a conclusion this thesis brings evaluation of cluster concept in Czech republic, recommendations and alternatives for its future development.
Clustering as a Tool of Competitiveness, the Case of the Czech Republic
Daumová, Dora ; Zemplinerová, Alena (advisor) ; Chalupníček, Pavel (referee)
This paper deals with the issue of clusters as relatively new tools of competitiveness in economies and examines their linkage to state through cluster policies and initiatives. At the beginning, a theoretical development of the concept is presented. Afterwards, the cluster concept as such is introduced, putting down a wide scale of supportive rationales, presenting also possible risks and explaining a linkage to innovation and competitiveness. The second part of the thesis treats the issue of cluster policies as possible means of a cluster creation. Aside from examining cluster policies in different views, an emphasis is put on the justification of the role of state which can take part as either contributive or disturbing factor. The empirical part of the paper presents the case of the Czech clustering. Firstly, the Czech cluster policy is analyzed concerning its targets, instruments, approaches and other relevant issues, focusing on shortcomings and problems of the policy. Further, a case study of the Moravian-Silesian automotive cluster is presented. In this part, the particular cluster is observed with a view to its origin, development and activities. The endeavor is to compare the case with the classical Porter model and find out its inadequacies.

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