National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Vliv jednotlivých typů závlah na vitalitu révových keřů a kvalitu hroznů
Hrazdilová, Markéta
The diploma thesis on The influence of different types of irrigation on the vitality of bushes and quality of grapes deals with ant describes the problems of irrigation systems used in vineyards. The advantages an disadvantages of the most used irrigation systems are described. It also mentions the effect of drought or excess water on the vine. The practical part consists of setting up an irrigation experiment which has thee variants. The first variant was a vineyard not irrigated, the second was a vineyard irrigated by flood irrigation, and the third was a vineyards using drip irrigation. Grapes from all three variants were harvested and uvologically evaluated. From the grapes obtained, must was also produced and analytically evaluated. A positive effect on hectare yield and sugar content was found for the irrigated variants.
Efficient irrigation system solution for a residential building in the village of Bubnov
Čapek, Filip ; Zedník, Ondřej (referee) ; Hyánková, Eva (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis focuses on the current efficient use of irrigation systems for private properties. The theoretical part deals with the requirements of irrigation systems, various automated systems for agricultural and ornamental areas, and sources of irrigation water. The practical part presents the design of an efficient irrigation system for lawns, ornamental, and cultivation areas for a residential property in orlické podhůří. The design includes sources of irrigation water for the individual areas, such as rainwater and water from a drilled well.
Drip irrigation of a vineyard and orchard near Polešovice village
Pochylá, Nikola ; Szturc, Jan (referee) ; Hyánková, Eva (advisor)
This master thesis deals with irrigation systems with a focus on drip irrigation. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the reasons for the need for irrigation due to climate change, drought and its effects on crop yields and the impact of drip irrigation on improving crop quality. It then briefly discusses the types of irrigation and their water quality requirements. The theoretical part concludes with a discussion of drip irrigation, its advantages, disadvantages, practical applications and the different components of a drip irrigation system. In the second part, a drip irrigation system is proposed for a vineyard and an apricot orchard. The course of laboratory determination of soil type in the selected area, description of the information found about the former irrigation system and analysis of the selection of a suitable source of irrigation water are described. Furthermore, the calculation of the irrigation amount for each crop and the design of the storage tank are presented. The last section is devoted to the actual design of the drip irrigation system, its components and the irrigation schedule.
Complex design of watering mobile robot
Podolinský, Ondřej ; Marcián, Petr (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with a design of an irrigation mobile robot. It contains a review of modern irrigations systems and their characteristics. The thesis defines optimal fields of activity of robotics irrigation systems and presents a theoretical solution for one of them. The system draft of the irrigation mobile robot is designed on the foundation of the theoretical solution and it utilizes an available platform. The thesis contains details about the integration of partial sections of the project as well as testing.
Complex design of watering mobile robot
Podolinský, Ondřej ; Marcián, Petr (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with a design of an irrigation mobile robot. It contains a review of modern irrigations systems and their characteristics. The thesis defines optimal fields of activity of robotics irrigation systems and presents a theoretical solution for one of them. The system draft of the irrigation mobile robot is designed on the foundation of the theoretical solution and it utilizes an available platform. The thesis contains details about the integration of partial sections of the project as well as testing.
Principles for utilization of progressive systems in hop irrigation under the condition of hop regions in Czech Republic
Kopecký, Jiří ; Ježek, Josef ; Klíma, Bohumil ; Slavík, Ladislav
Metodika pro praxi, která řeší hlavní zásady pro využití progresivních systémů závlah chmele v podmínkách chmelařských oblastí ČR.
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