National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Performance Analysis of Web Applications
Valent, Tomáš ; Rogalewicz, Adam (referee) ; Pavela, Jiří (advisor)
Cieľ tejto práce je rozšíriť verejne dostupný verzovací systém – Perun implementáciou modulu, ktorý je schopný profilovať webové stránky naprogramované pomocou TypeScriptu prípadne JavaScriptu. Profiler je schopný zbierať metriky, ako napríklad dobu načítania webu, odozvu pri interakciách s webom čí spotrebu pamäti. Zároveň je modul schopný vizualizovať namerané výsledku pomocou heatmapy, pairplotu alebo grafom volaní.
Project Proposal to Install Continuous Monitoring in the Area of Internal Audit
Popovská, Anna ; Doskočil, Radek (referee) ; Smolíková, Lenka (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the project proposal to install continuous monitoring on company’s travel and expense, which will be performed by internal audit department. It contains an analysis of the current state of the company, based on which the project is designed using project management methods.
Project Proposal to Install Continuous Monitoring in the Area of Internal Audit
Popovská, Anna ; Doskočil, Radek (referee) ; Smolíková, Lenka (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the project proposal to install continuous monitoring on company’s travel and expense, which will be performed by internal audit department. It contains an analysis of the current state of the company, based on which the project is designed using project management methods.

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