National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Pastoral care, or persuasion? The influence of church leaders and their control of clergy and believers. Research of religiosity, communication strategies of priest and their image in letters in the late 19th and early 20th Century
Pavlíček, Tomáš ; Velek, Luboš (advisor) ; Fasora, Lukáš (referee) ; Hanuš, Jiří (referee)
Pastoral care, or persuasion? The influence of church leaders and their control of clergy and believers. Research of religiosity, communication strategies of priests and their image in letters in the late 19th and early 20th century. Tomáš W. Pavlíček SUMMARY The author of the Ph.D. thesis examines the religious culture in Bohemia in the late 19th century. Contrary to the concept of secularization and the prevalent opinion about an extraordinary decline of religiosity in the Czech society, he attempts to explain the interdependence of social and religious changes in the modern times. Within the sociological concept of secularization and disenchantment of the world, the author focuses on three phenomena: the vocation of a priest, religious practices and conversion, which he treats as religious concepts and at the same time applies them in historical research. The biggest part of the thesis is devoted to the first object of the research - the attitude of a priest towards his vocation, as the clergy is the agent of religious change. The thesis contributes to the current discussions about the relationship of the church and the state and the role of clergy in the society. The main questions are: What is the role of a priest in the religious changes? In what way or under what circumstances does a person get the...
Initiation sacraments in canonical and liturgical law
The Church sanctifies the world primarily by celebrating the liturgy and administering the sacraments. In the Catholic Church, we distinguish seven sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ. The thesis discusses the so-called initiation sacraments, baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist. Their acceptance is required in the case of repeated reception of the Eucharist for full initiation into the Christian life. The most sublime Eucharist is the source and at the same time the peak of all our actions. The thesis refers to both the biblical/historical roots and particularly to the current canonical and liturgical practice of administering initiation sacraments from the point of view of the canon law of the Latin Church (CIC/1983), the canon law of the churches of the Eastern Rite sui iuris (CCEO), official liturgical books (e.g., General Instruction of the Roman Missal) and other documents of the magisterium and relevant church authority concerning the liturgy.
Wives of Permanent Deacons in the Contemporary Context of the Czech Church: Their Position and Role in the Sphere of Ministering of their Husbands in the Dioecese of Hradec Králové
Poživilová, Anna ; Brož, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Dřímal, Ludvík (referee)
In its first part, the present thesis deals with the history and development of the deacon service in Church. It consists of distinguishing of terms such as marriage, priesthood, celibacy and diaconate. Furthermore, it deals with the role and the importance of clergymen celibacy and the development of the ecclesiastical attitude towards women. The second part focuses on the impact of the deacon service on the family life of the permanent deacons and it examines the way it is perceived by their wives. The findings are based on the results of questionnaires and they are subsequently arranged into individual sections. The sections consist of the parts called "I (deacon's wife)" - "Children" - "Parish" - "Clergy". The aim of the thesis was gained with the assessment and the classification of the research results based on questionnaires and their subsequent presentation. The presentation conducts a survey of the situation in such families from the perspective of the permanent deacons' wives, in other words, it charts the situation of the families whose father is a permanent deacon.
Pastoral care, or persuasion? The influence of church leaders and their control of clergy and believers. Research of religiosity, communication strategies of priest and their image in letters in the late 19th and early 20th Century
Pavlíček, Tomáš ; Velek, Luboš (advisor) ; Fasora, Lukáš (referee) ; Hanuš, Jiří (referee)
Pastoral care, or persuasion? The influence of church leaders and their control of clergy and believers. Research of religiosity, communication strategies of priests and their image in letters in the late 19th and early 20th century. Tomáš W. Pavlíček SUMMARY The author of the Ph.D. thesis examines the religious culture in Bohemia in the late 19th century. Contrary to the concept of secularization and the prevalent opinion about an extraordinary decline of religiosity in the Czech society, he attempts to explain the interdependence of social and religious changes in the modern times. Within the sociological concept of secularization and disenchantment of the world, the author focuses on three phenomena: the vocation of a priest, religious practices and conversion, which he treats as religious concepts and at the same time applies them in historical research. The biggest part of the thesis is devoted to the first object of the research - the attitude of a priest towards his vocation, as the clergy is the agent of religious change. The thesis contributes to the current discussions about the relationship of the church and the state and the role of clergy in the society. The main questions are: What is the role of a priest in the religious changes? In what way or under what circumstances does a person get the...
The picture of common people in selected writings of Finnish canon
Palát, Tomáš ; Dlask, Jan (advisor) ; Velkoborsky, Jan Petr (referee)
Author's name: Tomáš Palát School: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts Institute of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies Nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1 Program: Finnish language Title: The picture of common people in selected writings of Finnish canon Consultant: Mgr. Jan Dlask, Ph.D. Number of pages: 79 + attachments Number of attachments: 1 Year: 2012 Key words: Runeberg, Kianto, common people, rural people, Finnish literary canon, cottager, The tales of ensign Stål, Red line, death, dying, nature, bravery, heroism, patriotism, nationalism, clergy, religion This thesis aims to analyze a picture of common people in two separate well-known Finnish writings. First of them is The tales of ensign Stål from Johan Ludvig Runeberg and second is Red line from Ilmari Kianto. Both works were created in a different time periods. The Finnish society in 19th and in the beginning of 20th century was mostly comprised from relatively poor rural people who typically worked in agriculture and describing life of those people was in the same time period very common topic in Finnish literature. In this thesis the picture of common people is being studied through five main topics. How the common people see dying and death; their relationship towards nature; if they are depicted as brave and heroic or...
The baroque heraldic gallery of coats of arms. Heraldic representation of nobility, clergy and burghers, its interpretation and application possibilities
Oulík, Jan ; Ebelová, Ivana (advisor) ; Županič, Jan (referee)
This article focuses on Baroque heraldry, specifically the phenomenon of galleries of coats of arms in the Bohemian lands during the post-White Mountain period. Using auxiliary historical sciences methods, three sets of coats of arms from 1660-1690 are analysed: 1. Heraldic coats of arms and insignia of benefactors on sixteen paintings of the Saint Wenceslas series in the Basilica of St. Wenceslaus in the pilgrimage area of Stará Boleslav near Prague; 2. A set of three painted coats of arms in stucco cartouches on the triumphal arch of the Chapel of the Virgin Mary and St. Charles Borromeo in the former Vlašský Hospital in Prague's Lesser Town; 3. Heraldic coats of arms and insignia on ten wooden plinths of statues of Bohemian patrons in the archdeanery church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Tachov. The article yields a series of named sets of coats of arms, and the identification of most persons to whom they belonged to, including a comparison with coats of arms presented in other sources (seals, designs on deeds for coats of arms, old prints). With the placement into a wider historical context and an analysis of the donor structure, the article also points to the composition of the elite at that time, stemming from a range of higher and lower nobility, clergy and burghers, and to the need to make...
The utraquist clergyman and his opinion of the urban community. Jiřík Tesák Mošovský and Český Brod
KOREŠ, František
This study deals with the life of utraquist clergyman Jiřík Tesák Mošovský in urban community of Bohemian countries in the 16th and 17th century. The main topic was especially his world of ideas and his opinion of local community. In the four following chapters will be present step by step the relations between clerical and secular patrons, administration of the city Český Brod as well the routine life of Jiřík Tesák Mošovský. There were used old prints writing by Jiřík Tesák Mošovský to understand his personality. Extending knowledges about activities in the utraquist parishes before the battle of White Mountain was the main purpose of this study. New discoveries should extend knowledge about importance of the utraquist Church in history of Bohemian countries.
Occurrence of the name Procopius among the clergy of Bohemia at the turn of 14th and 15th centuries
Doležalová, Eva
St. Procopius was one of Bohemia’s patron saints. His reverence in the Czech Lands especially flourished under the rule of Charles IV. Popularity of his name is traceable in the Prague diocese ordination lists from 1395-1416.
Image of clergy in the Archdiocese of Prague on the eve of the Hussite revolution, acording to Liber Ordinationum Cleri (1395-1416)
Doležalová, Eva
The article gives an account of systematic research into the preserved ordination lists of clergy which cover the period between 1395 and 1416. The research consisted in creation and subsequent exploitation of a computer database of ordination records, complemented by information from othesources related to the archdiocese of Prague. The main subject of research is the Bohemian clergy, formed and ordained before the Hussite revolution, which later played an importannt role in the revolution itself.

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