National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Ethical aspects of social work with youth at risk based on deontological and utilitarian ethics
The presented thesis focuses on the ethical aspects of social work with at-risk youth, from the perspective of utilitarian and deontological ethics. The reader gets acquainted with the connection of ethics in social work, with the risky behavior of young people and with the theoretical interpretation of ethical systems. Qualitative research is chosen in the work - a method of interview with several social workers who work with at-risk youth. Based on the results, the thesis analyses the applicability of ethical theories in practice with regard to the specifics of clients, their degree of usability, or what other ethical theories correspond in practice with the actions of a social worker.
The golden rule of morality in practice
The golden rule of morality is a universal pattern of human behavior that requires us not to do to others what we do not want others to do to us. This bachelor thesis deals with a view of morality, ethics, and their application in everyday life. At the same time, it maps some complex ethical and moral decisions, for example in the field of human conscience and honor. Furthermore, this work deals with man and his self-reflection and the issue of perception of good and evil. In this work, it is also possible to find related information about, norms and law and also a summary of current moral norms, morality in religion, and information about the categorical imperative, as the law of morality is called. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to map the arguments that informants most often use for their moral behavior and what role the golden rule of morality plays in their decision-making. These goals and conclusions are then summarized in the final part of this work. Qualitative research, the method of questioning, and the technique of semi-structured interview were chosen for the practical part. The results were processed using the method of creating tufts, which is used to connect certain statements into groups according to common features. From the results of the research, it is clear that informants follow the golden rule of morality in most cases, although they are not aware of it in theory. The motivation for their moral behavior is mostly their conscience or internal principles. This work can be beneficial in social work as a probe into people's thinking.
Interpersonal relationship and spiritual growth
Kučerová, Barbora ; Jirsa, Jakub (advisor) ; Jinek, Jakub (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to investigate the connection between de- veloping relationships with other people and individual effort on the highest knowledge. Its intention is to examine the form of this connection between social and epistemological (or theological) sphere. Through the analysis of M. Buber's work I and Thou and I. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, the thesis attempts to present and clarify what kind of relationships can we adopt towards the world, other people, and spiritual sphere. Within the scope of these relatioships, the thesis wish to emphasise the specificity of interpersonal relationship. Afterwards, on the grounds of this specifity, it should be shown whether there is any spe- cial mutual dependance between interpersonal relationship and the higher knowledge. However, it might be also shown that there is not such depen- dance or even that in striving for higher knowledge and spiritual growth, it is necessary to surrender all finite things including interpersonal relation- ships. Whatever the outcome of this reflection might be, we are still human beings dealing with everyday circumstances of ordinary life. Consequently, we cannot break loose of involvement in interpersonal relationships as we are repeatably forced to return...
The Implementation of the Golden Rule of Morality into Crisis Plans for the Protection of Population
In my diploma thesis entitled Implementing the Gold Rule of Morality in Crisis Planning for Population Protection, I will try to draw on the ideas and conclusions of my bachelor thesis, in which I investigated whether members of the Integrated System Can use the golden rule of morality in an emergency. I have come to the conclusion that the members of the individual components of the integrated rescue system are guided by the valid legislation and orders of the commander of the intervention. Nevertheless, they would welcome in certain situations the possibility of deciding according to the golden rule of morality, which briefly tells us: "I do not want to do the other to you." Translated into situations in the event of an extraordinary event may mean deciding in tedious situations so, as if you were the Rescued and not the savior. The aim of my thesis is to find out whether it is possible to implement this idea in the crisis plans themselves and, above all, whether the intervening members of the integrated rescue system themselves would use this rule in certain situations. The association of two seemingly incompatible worlds seems at first glance absurd, but research and interviews with individual members of the integrated system have convinced me that the philosophical questions and the name of Imanuel Kant can very closely mingle with the world of extraordinary events and the salvation of Human lives, health and property of the population. I would very much like to work with this bachelor thesis together with my previous bachelor thesis, tried to create a unified whole as an idea that can motivate us to think whether it is necessary to change the current state of legislation or whether the legislation itself is set as a form of golden rule of morality .
Interpersonal relationship and spiritual growth
Kučerová, Barbora ; Jirsa, Jakub (advisor) ; Jinek, Jakub (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to investigate the connection between de- veloping relationships with other people and individual effort on the highest knowledge. Its intention is to examine the form of this connection between social and epistemological (or theological) sphere. Through the analysis of M. Buber's work I and Thou and I. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, the thesis attempts to present and clarify what kind of relationships can we adopt towards the world, other people, and spiritual sphere. Within the scope of these relatioships, the thesis wish to emphasise the specificity of interpersonal relationship. Afterwards, on the grounds of this specifity, it should be shown whether there is any spe- cial mutual dependance between interpersonal relationship and the higher knowledge. However, it might be also shown that there is not such depen- dance or even that in striving for higher knowledge and spiritual growth, it is necessary to surrender all finite things including interpersonal relation- ships. Whatever the outcome of this reflection might be, we are still human beings dealing with everyday circumstances of ordinary life. Consequently, we cannot break loose of involvement in interpersonal relationships as we are repeatably forced to return...
Kant's Categorical Imperativ and its Critique by Nineteenth Century Philosophers
Vašků, Kateřina ; Blažková, Miloslava (advisor) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee)
Diploma thesis "Kant's Categorical Imperative and Its Critique by Nineteenth Century Philosophers" deals with a question of Kant's fundamental principle known as the Categorical Imperative or Moral Law. The aim of this work is at first to discuss two other moral principles because of their great impact on Kant seeking the moral principle. These are Hume's moral code called Moral sense and Rousseau' moral views relating to the freedom of individuals. Secondly, to find out how both moral theories did inspire Immanuel Kant. It is necessary to explain strengths of Kant's Formula of the Categorical Imperative especially to emphasise its objectivity and universality. Then the purpose is to show Kant's influence on moral thinking in the nineteenth century. It is necessary to mention philosophers such as Johan Gottlieb Fichte and Bernard Bolzano who focused on critique of the Categorical Imperative.

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