National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Fault relevance diagnostics of the PMSM under the inter-turn short circuit fault
Zezula, Lukáš ; Václavek, Pavel (referee) ; Blaha, Petr (advisor)
Tato práce popisuje matematické modelování mezizávitových zkratů fázového vinutí synchronního motoru s permanentními magnety, diskretizaci odvozeného modelu a diagnostiku závažnosti zkratu založenou na referenčním modelu. Popis zkratovaného stroje je vytvořen v proměnných statoru s uvažováním sérioparalelního zapojení vinutí a následně transformován do referenčního rámce rotoru pomocí rozšířené Clarkové a Parkovy transformační matice. Diskrétní ekvivalent navrženého modelu je vytvořen pomocí definované diskretizace lineárních časově variantních systémů, přičemž je uvažováno, že elektrická úhlová rychlost je časově variantní parametr s definovaným integrálem. Diskrétní model je transformován do referenčního rámce statoru, aby se maximalizovala perzistence vstupních signálů. Diagnostika závažnosti zkratu je poté realizována pomocí rekurzivního parametrického odhadu diskrétního modelu. Jedna z kapitol je věnována i popisu řídicího systému, neboť zkraty mohou ovlivnit stavové proměnné různým způsobem v závislosti na architektuře a volbě parametrů řídicího systému. Za každou kapitolou následuje experimentální ověření prezentovaných myšlenek.
Control of headlight assembly line
Sikora, Martin ; Hynčica, Ondřej (referee) ; Štohl, Radek (advisor)
This thesis deals with design of the reflector assembly line. The document contains the analysis of the customer requirements sheet. In short there is written how to put the parts of the reflector together. The Poka-Yoke method is properly described in this work too. This method is used to design of the actions, which are trying to decrease the risk level of wrong reflector composition as low as it is possible. FMEA and PFMEA methods are explained in theory. There is the plan how to make the analysis too. The instrumentation of one part of the line is designed according to this analysis and according to the customer requirements. The OEE pointer is used to test the right effect of the Poka-Yoke method. The next aim of this thesis is to compare chosen PLCs for control of the assembly line and to choose one of them. On the base of the analysis there is designed the control program in the flowcharts form. One part of this thesis is focused on design of the visualization for the chosen operational panel.
Failure analysis of oil transformers
Knebl, Jan ; Distribuce, Ivan Mikulášek, ČEZ (referee) ; Dohnal, Petr (advisor)
The present thesis deals with power transformers, oil and dry, their properties and structures, and subsequently faults that occur in oil transformers. First, the disorders discussed in general and then a comparison of individual samples transformer failures that have occurred in recent years in the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions. Finally, I analyze the failures and the most common encountered, I suggested solutions to reduce their incidence.
Electrotechnical production mapping and improvement
Kutnar, Pavel ; Starý, Jiří (referee) ; Špinka, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is an introduction into quality management of electrotechnical production. It consists of a theoretical treatise on FMEA analysis and process mapping. The FMEA analysis was applied to the manufacturing process in an electrotechnical company. Selected critical failures were analyzed and corrective measures were suggested.
Safety Microcontroller Applications
Nacev, Nikola ; Beran, Jan (referee) ; Klusáček, Stanislav (advisor)
The deals of thesis were described methods for designing safety applications, made analysis of possible microcontroller faults of long-run system, described software and hardware methods for fault detection in microcontroller and applied some March test to microcontroller. To application were chosen MATS+, PMOVI and March SS tests. These tests were modified to word-oriented memory. Further it was made analysis of modified tests to determination fault coverage, testing times and program memory requirement. To determination of fault coverage was created virtual memory with fault function models. March tests were compared with each other and with another pattern test (checkboard test).
Fault relevance diagnostics of the PMSM under the inter-turn short circuit fault
Zezula, Lukáš ; Václavek, Pavel (referee) ; Blaha, Petr (advisor)
Tato práce popisuje matematické modelování mezizávitových zkratů fázového vinutí synchronního motoru s permanentními magnety, diskretizaci odvozeného modelu a diagnostiku závažnosti zkratu založenou na referenčním modelu. Popis zkratovaného stroje je vytvořen v proměnných statoru s uvažováním sérioparalelního zapojení vinutí a následně transformován do referenčního rámce rotoru pomocí rozšířené Clarkové a Parkovy transformační matice. Diskrétní ekvivalent navrženého modelu je vytvořen pomocí definované diskretizace lineárních časově variantních systémů, přičemž je uvažováno, že elektrická úhlová rychlost je časově variantní parametr s definovaným integrálem. Diskrétní model je transformován do referenčního rámce statoru, aby se maximalizovala perzistence vstupních signálů. Diagnostika závažnosti zkratu je poté realizována pomocí rekurzivního parametrického odhadu diskrétního modelu. Jedna z kapitol je věnována i popisu řídicího systému, neboť zkraty mohou ovlivnit stavové proměnné různým způsobem v závislosti na architektuře a volbě parametrů řídicího systému. Za každou kapitolou následuje experimentální ověření prezentovaných myšlenek.
Control of headlight assembly line
Sikora, Martin ; Hynčica, Ondřej (referee) ; Štohl, Radek (advisor)
This thesis deals with design of the reflector assembly line. The document contains the analysis of the customer requirements sheet. In short there is written how to put the parts of the reflector together. The Poka-Yoke method is properly described in this work too. This method is used to design of the actions, which are trying to decrease the risk level of wrong reflector composition as low as it is possible. FMEA and PFMEA methods are explained in theory. There is the plan how to make the analysis too. The instrumentation of one part of the line is designed according to this analysis and according to the customer requirements. The OEE pointer is used to test the right effect of the Poka-Yoke method. The next aim of this thesis is to compare chosen PLCs for control of the assembly line and to choose one of them. On the base of the analysis there is designed the control program in the flowcharts form. One part of this thesis is focused on design of the visualization for the chosen operational panel.
Failure analysis of oil transformers
Knebl, Jan ; Distribuce, Ivan Mikulášek, ČEZ (referee) ; Dohnal, Petr (advisor)
The present thesis deals with power transformers, oil and dry, their properties and structures, and subsequently faults that occur in oil transformers. First, the disorders discussed in general and then a comparison of individual samples transformer failures that have occurred in recent years in the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions. Finally, I analyze the failures and the most common encountered, I suggested solutions to reduce their incidence.
Electrotechnical production mapping and improvement
Kutnar, Pavel ; Starý, Jiří (referee) ; Špinka, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is an introduction into quality management of electrotechnical production. It consists of a theoretical treatise on FMEA analysis and process mapping. The FMEA analysis was applied to the manufacturing process in an electrotechnical company. Selected critical failures were analyzed and corrective measures were suggested.
Safety Microcontroller Applications
Nacev, Nikola ; Beran, Jan (referee) ; Klusáček, Stanislav (advisor)
The deals of thesis were described methods for designing safety applications, made analysis of possible microcontroller faults of long-run system, described software and hardware methods for fault detection in microcontroller and applied some March test to microcontroller. To application were chosen MATS+, PMOVI and March SS tests. These tests were modified to word-oriented memory. Further it was made analysis of modified tests to determination fault coverage, testing times and program memory requirement. To determination of fault coverage was created virtual memory with fault function models. March tests were compared with each other and with another pattern test (checkboard test).

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