National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Ďoubal, Jakub ; Ševčík, Miroslav (advisor) ; Czesaný, Slavoj (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the impacts of business cycles on individual segments of the automotive industry in the last 23 years in the Czech Republic. The areas analysed are sales and production of cars. Attention is also paid to the downstream industry of parts producers. The theoretical part deals with the theoretical approaches of the business cycle, basic methods of measurement cycles and, furthermore, theories related to the automotive industry. The analysis in the practical part is developed on this theoretical basis. The analytical section is divided in three parts according to three full cycles that went through the analysed time period. What was most apparent was the difference of every cycle. It is from this difference that the different impact of cycle on analysed indicators in each period comes. However, it is evident that the automotive industry is behaving procyclically. Most of the indicators are weakly or moderately cyclical, based on the correlation coefficient.
The Law Enforcement of Capital Market Regulatory Agencies in the Czech Republic, France and United States of America: Going by the Theory and Action
Šovar, Jan ; prof. JUDr. Jan Dědič (advisor)
Dílo se zaměřuje na aplikaci pravomocí, jimiž příslušné autority v České republice, Francii a Spojených státech zajišťují plnění norem veřejného práva v oblasti finančního trhu (regulatory law enforcement). Práce rozebírá relevantní teoretické přístupy k právní regulaci a následně klíčové právní činitele, které mají na prosazování práva dozorčími orgány v praxi vliv. Pojem ?prosazování práva? (law enforcement) má v práci širší vymezení a neobsahuje jen sankční pravomoci orgánu dohledu, ale také úkony představující faktickou (neformální) správní činnost a správní úkony s nižší intenzitou právních účinků. Studie zdůrazňuje požadavek proaktivního charakteru správních úkonů; důraz je kladen na přístup k prosazování práva založený na hodnocení rizik (risk based approach) pro cíle dohledu.
Analysis of the state regulatory functions in czech energetics
Bretšnajdr, Jakub ; Zeman, Karel (advisor) ; Zemplinerová, Alena (referee)
The subject of regulatory functions in Czech energetics became very up to date in recent years because of a recent exposal of state financial costs of the solar and wind power stations support. The subject is very interesting also because it's tempting to analyze theories about regulation of any sector considering the fact, that opinions of experts from theoretical and practical fields are very different. In theoretical part of this work there will be explained all necessary terms (economical and technical) and various regulation theories. Also subjects of regulation will be analyzed, meaning who is under the influence of state regulation. Principles of regulation in various states will be analyzed as well, so an international comparisment with Czech Republic will be available. In practical part of this work an analysis of the state's regulatory functions in energetics between the years 1989 and 2010 will be made. The status of the state's regulatory functions in the year of 1989 will be analyzed, that is, how the regulatory environment looked like, and on what the other authorities with regulatory functions followed. There will also be analyzed a law aspect defining the regulatory authority in Czech Republic between the years 1989 and 2010. Institutions with regulatory powers will also be described in this period of time. The last subject of the practical part of this work will be an analysis of the regulatory achievements. That means what decisions were made and on whose authority during the monitored period. The goal of this work is an analysis of the state's regulatory functions in energetics during the monitored period. That is between the years 1989 and 2010 describing the institutions responsible for regulation, the law aspects of regulation and the regulatory achievements themselves. If possible, some defects in the area of examination will be mentioned.
Privatization in Great Britain under the Thatcher Government
Zrasták, Marián ; Tajovský, Ladislav (advisor) ; Krček, Matěj (referee)
The victory of the Conservatives in the 1979 General Election brought a government into office which is traditionally said to pursue a programme of economic liberalism. The new government was determined to end British economic decline and the crisis of state authority by making an ideological and political break with the policy of consensus. But it was only after September 1981, when "the dries" achieved dominance in Conservative Government and the new liberal policy finally prevailed. Their goals were to reduce the role of the government in economy, to start privatization of nationalised industries and to achieve reduction in the size and scope of welfare state. This objective became an important part of Thatcher's second- and third-term economic policy. This thesis describes how the particular factors influenced the privatization programmes. The main aim is to answer the question whether the delays in privatization programmes were given by objective obstruction by Thatcher's political opponents and interest groups or whether "the dries" themselves did not support denationalization of strategic industries. The privatization is examined and brought into context of fiscal and monetary policy to unveil the role of privatization in Thatcher's economic policy. The success of privatization is limited by regulations imposed on denationalized industries and the author of this thesis puts emphasis on the description of the extent to which the members of the conservative party supported free market. The author uses a description of various privatization programmes, including related political and economical discussions, to answer these questions. The thesis includes a description of popular capitalism and a connection between foreign policy and privatization as well as the author's evaluation of privatization program.
Deregulation of Civil Air Transportation in the Euro-Atlantic Area
Drdák, Jan ; Ševčík, Miroslav (advisor) ; Lipka, David (referee)
Předmětem práce je proces deregulace civilní letecké dopravy v euroatlantickém prostoru. Práce zachycuje regulaci a deregulaci z pohledu zájmových skupin. Analyzuje faktory, které přispěly k posunu od striktní regulace k uvolňování omezení letecké dopravy. Zachyceny jsou nejvýraznější změny, ke kterým došlo po zahájení deregulace. Část práce je věnována i nejnovějšímu legislativnímu vývoji v euroatlantickém prostoru a přetrvávajícím bariérám úplné liberalizace.
Komparace keynesiánských a neoklasických teorií regulace bank
Vítek, Miroslav ; Jílek, Josef (advisor) ; Rybáček, Václav (referee)
Hlavní funkcí bank v ekonomice je finanční zprostředkování. Banky přijímají vklady, ty přeměňují hlavně na úvěry a také provádí platební styk. Mají tak velmi důležitou funkci v ekonomice, umožňují její hladké fungování. Regulace je klasický státní zásah jehož cílem je napravení tržních nedokonalostí, v případě bankovního prostředí hlavně odstranění informační nedokonalostí a zaručení jisté minimální kvality bank. Odpůrci státních zásahů však oponují zastáncům regulace a požadují odstranění všech státních zásahů. Liberální ekonomové věří, že trh bez regulace a ostatních státních zásahů dokáže nejlépe zajistit bezpečnost klientů bank a že regulace bank nikdy nebude efektivní, právě naopak, regulace zvýší riziko bank. A to hlavně díky morálnímu hazardu a díky faktu, že při regulace se z klientů snímá zodpovědnost za jejich rozhodnutí. Cílem této diplomové práce postavit proti sobě argumenty těchto svou táborů.

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