National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Účinnost specifických aditiv ve výživě sportovních koní
Hanzlíková, Michaela
This thesis deals with the use of specific additives in the diet of sport horses. The theme is focused on the peppermint, and its antioxidant activity in horses. There is experiment conducted in 6 different horses to race, sex and age on antioxidant activity of superoxide dismutase SOD and GPx glutathione peroxidase. During the experiment was 4x took blood sample of horses to determine the activity of antioxidant enzymes in period of feeding without additives and feeding with activity use of additives in the diet. The results of experimental monitoring the activity of SOD, as well as in monitoring the activity of GPx enzyme revealed large individual differences between individual animals, which is typical for horses. In our attempt at SOD activity has not been demonstrated statistical relevance. Conversely, it was with the activity of glutathione, here, the results were statistically significant (P <0.05).
Changes of enzyme activities in fruits during long-term storage
Ferdová, Jitka ; Melounová,, Jitka (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
This study is focused on study of changes of enzyme and low-molecular weight antioxidants in different fruits during long-term storage. In theoretical part individual low-molecular weight antioxidants and enzymes are described. The main causes of fruit decay and some possibilities of fruit preservation and storage are summarized. As biological material some common fruits were chosen - green and red apples, peaches, plums and white grapes. The fruits were stored in laboratory, cellar, in refrigerator and in freezer. In freezing experiments some ways of fruit preparation and processing were tested and their influence on fruit antioxidant status was compared. Shortened storage experiment was applied on blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries too. In fruits some group parameters – total antioxidant status, dry mass content, ascorbate level, total flavonoids and total phenolics were analyzed spectrophotometrically. Individual flavonoids and phenolics were determined by RP-HPLC/UV-VIS and on-line LC/PDA/ESI-MS. Antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase SOD, catalase CAT, polyphenol oxidase PPO and lipoxygenase LOX) were measured by spectrophotometry. The surface microscopy and cultivation of moulds from fruit surface were performed too. Influence of storage conditions on biological activities is dependent on fruit sort. Freezing is the most suitable procedure for long-term storage without significant changes of active substance content. Long-term storage in controlled temperature conditions and/or atmosphere is usable for fruits with longer storage period. In these fruits stabile levels of antioxidant enzymes are stored for relatively long time. Some of enzymes act synergistically. Enzyme activities differed according to storage phase; at the beginning mainly high SOD and LOX activities were observed. CAT and PPO are probably activated as defence systems in rippened and/or damaged fruits. Levels of total as well as individual low molecular weight antioxidants varied during storage in all sorts, generally, increased course with longer storage period can be observed.
Influence of storage conditions on content of biologically active substances in apple fruits.
Ferdová, Jitka ; Čarnecká, Martina (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
This study deals with antioxidants in diet and their effects on human organism. Further, it summarizes the agents affect the quality of apples in the course of long-term storage and it outlines the possibility of defence against them. In the experimental part methods of determination of antioxidant enzymes superoxid dismutase (SOD), catalase and polyphenol oxidace (PPO) in apples were introduced. The enzymes were measured in apples tissues in liquid nitrogen after 158 days in normal or modified atmosphere. In Apple the quantitative and qualitative analysis of proteins was realized. Further, some low molecular antioxidants (total phenolics, total flavonoids and vitamin C) as well as total antioxidant status were measured in frozen raw juice. This values were compared with values from apples analyzed immediately after the harvesting. Artificial inoculation with fungi was made in the last part and the fruitfulness was observed.
Biochemistry of polyphenols effects in the treatment of vascular disease
Kondrashov, Alexey ; Štípek, Stanislav (advisor) ; Pecháňová, Olga (referee) ; Matouš-Malbohan, Ivan (referee)
This Ph.D. thesis deals with the deep analysis of polyphenols effects toward vascular disorders. This work provides a number of experimental results of studying both the effects of natural bioactive compounds in red wines and potatoes, and their application to the experiments which includes experimental animal models with spontaneous hypertension. Methods and equipment used in experimental studies allowed us to make several new statements regarding the universal nature of the relationships between the antioxidant capacity and the polyphenolic content in examined foodstuffs. Besides this it is also recognized that food is a source of minerals which also contribute to the total antioxidant capacity and therefore may have influence the endogenous antioxidant enzyme system by providing the essential cofactors. Experimentally we have found that the concentrations of magnesium known for its therapeutic action in wine and red wine extract are comparable to the mineral waters recommended for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Moreover, synergistic interactions between selected minerals have been found. The key issue of bioavailability of polyphenols for supporting the idea of the beneficial effects of diet rich in fruits and vegetables toward vascular disease prevention...
Biochemical characterization of tomato plants infected with fungal pathogens
Oušková, Marie ; Hýsková, Veronika (advisor) ; Kubíčková, Božena (referee)
Fungal pathogens including Verticillium longisporum which causes verticillium wilt are among the serious diseases of crops that easily spread worldwide. One of the ways to prevent fungal infection is to use fungal biocontrol agents applied as a seed coating. This control agent, the non-pathogenic oomycete Pythium oligandrum, enters the soil together with the seed and acts symbiotically in the plant's root system. On the one hand, it stimulates the plant's defence mechanism by secreting elicitors, and on the other hand, by providing tryptamine, it stimulates growth and increases the plant's fitness with auxin. In this work we studied the effect of seed treatment of Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom with three different isolates of the genus Pythium (including the commercially used isolate M1 and two yet unused isolates X42 and X48) on the activities of antioxidant and NADP(H)-dependent enzymes in the leaves of plants infected with fungal pathogen V. longisporum. Two weeks after pathogen inoculation, no significant difference was found in the studied enzymes except for increased glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase and NADP-malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate decarboxylation) activity in plants treated with X42 isolate and increased shikimate dehydrogenase activity and antioxidant capacity in plants...
Biochemistry of polyphenols effects in the treatment of vascular disease
Kondrashov, Alexey ; Štípek, Stanislav (advisor) ; Pecháňová, Olga (referee) ; Matouš-Malbohan, Ivan (referee)
This Ph.D. thesis deals with the deep analysis of polyphenols effects toward vascular disorders. This work provides a number of experimental results of studying both the effects of natural bioactive compounds in red wines and potatoes, and their application to the experiments which includes experimental animal models with spontaneous hypertension. Methods and equipment used in experimental studies allowed us to make several new statements regarding the universal nature of the relationships between the antioxidant capacity and the polyphenolic content in examined foodstuffs. Besides this it is also recognized that food is a source of minerals which also contribute to the total antioxidant capacity and therefore may have influence the endogenous antioxidant enzyme system by providing the essential cofactors. Experimentally we have found that the concentrations of magnesium known for its therapeutic action in wine and red wine extract are comparable to the mineral waters recommended for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Moreover, synergistic interactions between selected minerals have been found. The key issue of bioavailability of polyphenols for supporting the idea of the beneficial effects of diet rich in fruits and vegetables toward vascular disease prevention...
Changes of enzyme activities in fruits during long-term storage
Ferdová, Jitka ; Melounová,, Jitka (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
This study is focused on study of changes of enzyme and low-molecular weight antioxidants in different fruits during long-term storage. In theoretical part individual low-molecular weight antioxidants and enzymes are described. The main causes of fruit decay and some possibilities of fruit preservation and storage are summarized. As biological material some common fruits were chosen - green and red apples, peaches, plums and white grapes. The fruits were stored in laboratory, cellar, in refrigerator and in freezer. In freezing experiments some ways of fruit preparation and processing were tested and their influence on fruit antioxidant status was compared. Shortened storage experiment was applied on blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries too. In fruits some group parameters – total antioxidant status, dry mass content, ascorbate level, total flavonoids and total phenolics were analyzed spectrophotometrically. Individual flavonoids and phenolics were determined by RP-HPLC/UV-VIS and on-line LC/PDA/ESI-MS. Antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase SOD, catalase CAT, polyphenol oxidase PPO and lipoxygenase LOX) were measured by spectrophotometry. The surface microscopy and cultivation of moulds from fruit surface were performed too. Influence of storage conditions on biological activities is dependent on fruit sort. Freezing is the most suitable procedure for long-term storage without significant changes of active substance content. Long-term storage in controlled temperature conditions and/or atmosphere is usable for fruits with longer storage period. In these fruits stabile levels of antioxidant enzymes are stored for relatively long time. Some of enzymes act synergistically. Enzyme activities differed according to storage phase; at the beginning mainly high SOD and LOX activities were observed. CAT and PPO are probably activated as defence systems in rippened and/or damaged fruits. Levels of total as well as individual low molecular weight antioxidants varied during storage in all sorts, generally, increased course with longer storage period can be observed.
Influence of storage conditions on content of biologically active substances in apple fruits.
Ferdová, Jitka ; Čarnecká, Martina (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
This study deals with antioxidants in diet and their effects on human organism. Further, it summarizes the agents affect the quality of apples in the course of long-term storage and it outlines the possibility of defence against them. In the experimental part methods of determination of antioxidant enzymes superoxid dismutase (SOD), catalase and polyphenol oxidace (PPO) in apples were introduced. The enzymes were measured in apples tissues in liquid nitrogen after 158 days in normal or modified atmosphere. In Apple the quantitative and qualitative analysis of proteins was realized. Further, some low molecular antioxidants (total phenolics, total flavonoids and vitamin C) as well as total antioxidant status were measured in frozen raw juice. This values were compared with values from apples analyzed immediately after the harvesting. Artificial inoculation with fungi was made in the last part and the fruitfulness was observed.

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