National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Protection of the appellation of origin under Czech law and international treatis
Ambrož, Vladimír ; Růžička, Michal (advisor) ; Pítra, Vladimír (referee)
Protection of the appellation of origin under Czech law and international treaties This thesis deals with the topic of appellation of origin. Appellation of origin is governed by Czech law, European Union law and by international multilateral and bilateral treaties. Appellation of origin is an exceptional measure because it provides an indefinite number of users meeting prescribed conditions with protection. The paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with history and with theoretical introduction into the topic of appellations of origin. Following three chapters describe the protection in the Czech Republic, European Union and on the international level. There are examples of concrete appellations of origin at the end of each of these three chapters. The examples are used in order to better demonstrate different ways of possible use of the appellations of origin. The work uses legal enactments as well as administrative and court decisions. Specialized publications and opinions of some of the users are used as well. The core of legal regulations governing appellations of origin in many countries is formed by multilateral international treaties. This applies also in case of the Czech Republic and the European Union. Application for registration of an appellation of origin may be filled...
The Emergence of Cartels in the Czech Lands Hop Production, 1890-38
Pojar, Vojtěch ; Kubů, Eduard (advisor) ; Šouša, Jiří (referee)
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the Czech lands were among the largest hop-growing regions in the world. Hop products became, in the interwar period, one of the crucial agricultural export goods of the Czechoslovak economy. This study aims to draw attention to the process of emergence of cartels in this particular branch of agricultural production. It traces the attempts to organize the industry by means of cartels from their very beginning in the late 19th century until the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1938. As a point of departure, it takes the assumption shared by many theoreticians of industrial organization who argue that the given structure of the industry to some extent pre-determines the ways how the cartels emerge and the particular forms they assume. These institutions, however, might in turn reshape the structure of the industry. The analysis indicates that the cartels in the hop industry were essentially 'children of opportunity' and their emergence was rarely correlated with an economic crisis. Even though the industry gave rise also to international collusive structures, the cartels in the hop industry were essentially unstable and weak and in most cases, the attempts to create them failed. Present study challenges the belief, widely held in the scholarship on cartels in the Czech lands,...
Protection of the appellation of origin under Czech law and international treatis
Ambrož, Vladimír ; Růžička, Michal (advisor) ; Pítra, Vladimír (referee)
Protection of the appellation of origin under Czech law and international treaties This thesis deals with the topic of appellation of origin. Appellation of origin is governed by Czech law, European Union law and by international multilateral and bilateral treaties. Appellation of origin is an exceptional measure because it provides an indefinite number of users meeting prescribed conditions with protection. The paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with history and with theoretical introduction into the topic of appellations of origin. Following three chapters describe the protection in the Czech Republic, European Union and on the international level. There are examples of concrete appellations of origin at the end of each of these three chapters. The examples are used in order to better demonstrate different ways of possible use of the appellations of origin. The work uses legal enactments as well as administrative and court decisions. Specialized publications and opinions of some of the users are used as well. The core of legal regulations governing appellations of origin in many countries is formed by multilateral international treaties. This applies also in case of the Czech Republic and the European Union. Application for registration of an appellation of origin may be filled...
Italian system of controlled designation of origines for wines - existing labels, their importance for producers, market and consumers
KOLÁŘOVÁ, Jaroslava
The Bachelor thesis focus on the topic The Italian system of Controlled Designations of Origin for Wines - Existing Appellations, Their Importance for Producers, Market and Consumers. The thesis is divided in two parts. The first of them focuses on the history of the wine classification in the area of current Italy, the wine categories currently used for wines/the roots of the current indications for wines which originated in France and the process of improving the marking of the Italian wines during the last fifty years. The second part is devoted to the recent reform of the common organisation of the market in wine that introduced the use of two European Quality labels 'Protected Geographical Indication' and 'Protected Designation of Origin' for wines. This part also describes when and how European standarts were implemented as national standards. In the conclusion there is characterized the importance of the wine designation for producers, market and consumers. The Bachelor thesis contains the summary in Italian.
Foodstuff with protected title EU
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the current situation on the market and to suggest which foodstuff could have the protected designation on the basis of analysis and research. The paper is divided into two parts. The theoretical part focuses on the basic terms of the protected designations of the European Union. The practical part analyses consumers' awareness about the protected designations and it also examines the attitudes and benefits for beer producers who own products with the protected designations of the European Union.
Protected designation of origin and protected geographical indication labelled foodstuffs made in northern regions of France (Basse-Normandie, Haute-Normandie, Bretagne, Champagne-Ardenne, Alsace, Lorraine, Nord-Pas-de-Calais)and Wallonia.
This bachelor thesis deals with a topic of "Protected Designation of Origin or Protected Geographical Indication, from northern regions of France and Wallonia". The thesis is divided into two parts. Introductory part presents history and legislation of the european designations, including the requirements for its assignment. The second part includes characteristics of Northern France and Wallonia, and description of protected products. The thesis also involves an extended resume in French language.
Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication and Traditional Specialty Guaranteed labelled foodstuffs made in Italy (milk foodstuffs).
The Bachelor thesis focus on the topic Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication and Traditional Specialty Guaranteed labelled foodstuffs made in Italy (milk foodstuffs). The thesis is divided in two parts. The first of them focuses on the history and types of European marks and deals with reasons why these marks have been established. The second part defines the topic "milk foodstuffs made in Italy" in "cheeses made in regions of the northern Italy". Cheeses are divided into regions according to the location of their production. There is a brief introduction of each region and its location, administrative division, history and geography followed by the list of cheeses with the information about its type, method of production, history and the date of registration in the list of products with Protected Designation of Origin and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed. The Bachelor thesis contains the summary in Italian.
Foodstuffs and traditional specialities guaranteed produced in France
The theme of the thesis is: {\clqq}Foodstuffs and traditional specialties guaranteed produced in France``. It targets the problems of the guaranteed origin of the foodstuffs of the European provenance. This problem is actual in this time in connection with protection of the traditional products and aimed at better awareness of the consumers with a view to the quality of the foodstuffs. This work could be divided into two basic parts. The first one deals with the history of guaranteed origin of the foodstuffs, the legislative bases and the today{\crq}s types of labelling including process of their dispensation. The second one occupy by the products of the French provenance from south-east France and from Corsica too.

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