National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Road to Democracy in Communist Countries: Exploring the Influences in Transformation including nationalism
Xu, Jingjing ; Svoboda, Karel (advisor) ; Hanley, Seán (referee) ; Horák, Slavomír (referee)
This research delves into the transformative political journeys of Eastern Bloc countries following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, emphasizing the distinct paths they embarked upon-ranging from democracies to autocracies. Central to this exploration is the potent role of nationalism, particularly the dynamics of inclusive and exclusive nationalism, in steering these transitions. Through comparative analyses, the study unravels the complex interplay of factors that influenced the trajectories of these nations. The findings not only map the road to democracy in communist countries but also illuminate the profound influence of nationalism on such metamorphoses. By shedding light on these intricate dynamics, the research offers a robust framework for understanding and guiding democratic transitions in other regions, emphasizing the nuances of nationalism that can either bolster or hinder the pursuit of democratic ideals. Key Words: Eastern Bloc, Political Transformation, Democracy, Authoritarian Regimes, Nationalism, Post-communist
Legitimization Strategies of the Authoritarian Regime in Belarus
Osterrothová, Sára ; Šír, Jan (advisor) ; Kolenovská, Daniela (referee)
This bachelor's thesis analyses the legitimization strategies of the authoritarian regime in Belarus during the period 1994-2020. The typology of legitimization strategies by Christian von Soest and Julia Grauvogel serves as the theoretical framework of the thesis. This thesis not only identifies which strategies were used by the Lukashenko regime but above all analyses how they manifested themselves. This allows the topic to be examined comprehensively and the evolution of these strategies to be taken into account. Attention is first of all paid to the persona of Alexander Lukashenko and his role as "batka" (i.e. father in Belarusian), the protector of the collective memory of veterans, the guarantor of the country's "economic stability", and the defender of Belarusian sovereignty. The importance of the formal existence of elections in Lukashenko's rhetoric is also addressed. The thesis examines the formation of Belarusian state ideology, which is based on the official understanding of "Belarusianness", and the ideologization of the so-called Great Patriotic War. Last but not least, the thesis examines Lukashenko's social contract as well as how the regime refers to its role on the international stage and how it uses the rhetoric of external threats. The main finding of the thesis is that the...
Comparison of Milošević's Serbia and Tudjman's Croatia in the Perspective of the Theory of Authoritarian Regimes
Mikovčík, Michal ; Kocián, Jiří (advisor) ; Žíla, Ondřej (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the comparison of the political regimes of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia and Franjo Tudjman in Croatia in the years 1991 - 1997 from the point of view of the theory of authoritarian regimes. The subject of the research was to determine the similarities and differences that the regimes showed in a given period. In the beginning of the work, the author approaches the theoretical core of the concepts of authoritarian regimes by Juan J. Linz and the competitive authoritarianism of Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way. The analytical part of the work consists of a synchronous dual-case study of Serbia and Croatia focused on the main aspects of authoritarian regimes and their subsequent comparison. The output of the thesis consists in a critical analysis of the features of both examined regimes at the level of limited political pluralism, the relationship between mentality and ideology and depoliticization versus mobilization and application of theories of authoritarian regimes to Serbia and Croatia in a given period. An important finding was that although the countries showed many similar features, the main differences were in the character of Slobodan Milosevic and Franjo Tudjman. The work concludes that Serbia and Croatia can be included in hybrid semi-competitive...
The development of relations between USA and authoritarian regimes in Libya and in Egypt in 2001-2011.
Vránová, Viktorie ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Nesnídalová, Andrea (referee)
The Arab revolutions which emerged at the turn of 2010/2011 are considered the most important democratic movement in Arab countries. The uprisings in Egypt and Libya ended the reign of Hosni Mubarak and Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi, who ruled the countries for decades. The United States which aim to protect their economic and security interests in the Middle East and North Africa, found themselves in complicated foreign policy situation. In the past the U.S. attempted to stabilize relations with Egypt and Libya and this process resulted in the mutual cooperation on safety issues, on economic level as well as counter- terrorism and other areas. The administration of President Barack Obama had to respond to situation in Egypt and Libya and decide whether to support U.S. former allies and their regimes, which guaranteed stability, or stand on the side of protesters who demanded political rights and democratic reforms, which include free elections and overthrowing of the current authoritarian rulers. The first chapter describes the most important events and factors of U.S.- Egyptian and U.S.-Libyan relations until 2011. The second chapter describes the events of the Arab Spring in Egypt and Libya and analyzes the response of the international community. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of...
Political use and consequences of sport events
Rybka, Pauline Johanna ; Němec, Jan (advisor) ; Kuta, Martin (referee)
In the theory part of this thesis will examine the connection between politics and sport, including the politicization of major sport events and the particular role of non-democratic states as host nations. In the empirical part, three case studies (Summer Olympics Beijing 2008, Winter Olympics Sochi 2014, and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2018) will be analyzed in the light of how they have influenced (or have the potential to influence) reforms, the adoption of democratic structures, and the human rights situation.

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