National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Self-education as a specific professional acitvity of a teacher
Hovorková, Karolína ; Zvírotský, Michal (advisor) ; Blažková, Veronika (referee)
The diploma thesis is focused on observation of a teaching staff of a small Czech rural primary school with regard to self-education of these teachers. The theoretical part focuses on the methods and principles of self-education and self-education of the primary school teachers. In the practical part, the quantitative method is used - all teachers of the surveyed staff completed a structured questionnaire as well as a qualitative method - these teachers were interviewed individually. The aim of this work is to map the methods and principles of self-education and aspects that make it difficult or impossible for teachers to self- educate, or circumstances in which the teachers would be willing to educate themselves. This work can be considered an action research that has been subjected to a small but maximum possible sample. The survey showed how these teachers educate themselves, what prevents them from self-education, and under what circumstances or in what areas they would like to be self-educated.
Typology of the Characters and Their Interpersonal Relationships in A. P. Chekhov's "Cherry Orchardˮ
Hovorková, Karolína ; Hlaváček, Antonín (advisor) ; Vasilyeva, Elena (referee)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the typology of characters and their interpersonal relationships in the last Anton Chekhov's drama "Cherry Orchard". The types of characters and their relationships are compared to characters and relationships in other Chekhov's dramas. Furthermore, the work takes into account Chekhov's contribution to the drama in general and it shows how the author perceived space and time which were also represented by the characters themselves. The analysis, compilation and comparison will be used in the processing, the knowledge will be demonstrated on practical examples, which become a part of the theoretical part of the thesis. The work will be based on foreign and Czech publications on typology of characters and their relationships in Chekhov's dramas. KEYWORDS: typology of the characters, interpersonal relationships, A. Chekhov, Cherry Orchard
The Evaluation of the Czech way during the economy transformation (general overview)
The Bachelor's thesis deals with the denationalization and the privatization process during the period of the economy transformation in the Czech republic in 1990's which was later termed as the Czech way. The thesis mainly focuses on the politician's and economist's opinions on the correctness and legality of its implementation. The thesis is divided into three parts except introduction and conclusion. The first part pursues political, economic and juridical bases, the Czech way's main targets and alternative ways. Next chapter is concerned with the Czech way itself, denationalization and privatization, mainly the voucher privatization. In this chapter we can find the best known affairs connected with the Czech way. In the third part we can find main mistakes involved in the Czech way. The Bachelor's thesis includes tables showing the economy transition by means of fundamental economic indicators or the number of emerging entrepreneurial subjects.

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3 HOVORKOVÁ, Karolína
3 HOVORKOVÁ, Kateřina
3 HOVORKOVÁ, Kristýna
6 Hovorková, Kamila
3 Hovorková, Kateřina
3 Hovorková, Kristýna
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