National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Merchandising and its influence on the shopping behaviour of customers in a selected company
Havlíčková, Alice ; Mráček, Pavel (referee) ; Kaňovská, Lucie (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on improving the merchandising of selected company. The first part deals with definition of the theoretical framework, based on which the current situation in the company is evaluated. Through quantitative methods and individual interviews with employees of the selected company, a new store layout is proposed in such a way as to achieve the identified customer requirements, bring new customers to company, strengthen the loyalty of existing customers and at the same time increase sales.
Merchandising and its influence on the shopping behaviour of customers in a selected company
Havlíčková, Alice ; Mráček, Pavel (referee) ; Kaňovská, Lucie (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on improving the merchandising of selected company. The first part deals with definition of the theoretical framework, based on which the current situation in the company is evaluated. Through quantitative methods and individual interviews with employees of the selected company, a new store layout is proposed in such a way as to achieve the identified customer requirements, bring new customers to company, strengthen the loyalty of existing customers and at the same time increase sales.
Optimalizace skladových zásob ve firmě ORPA Papír a.s.
Havlíčková, Alice
This bacheolor thesis is focused on an optimalization of stock in ORPA Papir a.s. company. At first, there is description of theory, which is related to managment of stock. After that, in the second part, there is a whole optimalization which was done with created model and data from the company. In conclusion, the results of optimalization are summarized and there are recommendations for ORPA a.s. company to better stock management. Supply management, supplies, stock optimization, emergency supply, reorder point, costs.

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