Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 8 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
System for People Detection and Localization Using Thermal Imaging Cameras
Charvát, Michal ; Kempter, Guido (oponent) ; Drahanský, Martin (vedoucí práce)
In today's world, there is an increasing need for automatic reliable mechanisms for detecting and localizing people -- from performing people flow analysis in museums, controlling smart homes to guarding hazardous areas like railway platforms. We propose a method for detecting and locating people using low-cost FLIR Lepton 3.5 thermal cameras and a~Raspberry Pi 3B+ computers. This thesis describes the continuation of the "Detection of People in Room Using Low-Cost Thermal Imaging Camera" project, which now supports modelling of complex scenes with polygonal boundaries and multiple thermal cameras observing them. In this paper, we introduce an improved control and capture library for the Lepton 3.5, a new person detection technique that uses the state-of-the-art YOLO (You Only Look Once) real-time object detector based on deep neural networks, furthermore, a new thermal unit with automated configuration using Ansible encapsulated in a custom 3D printed enclosure for safe manipulation, and last but not least, a step by step instruction manual on how to deploy the detection system in a new environment including other supporting tools and improvements. The results of the new system are demonstrated on a~simple people flow analysis performed in the Czech National Museum in Prague.
Metody mapování textur na mračna bodů
Květný, Michal ; Štarha, Pavel (oponent) ; Procházková, Jana (vedoucí práce)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá mapováním textur získaných z běžných fotografií na trojrozměrná mračna bodů pořízená 3D skenerem. Práce navrhuje mapovací metodu skládající se z rekonstrukce řídkého mračna ze vstupních fotografií a následné registrace tohoto mračna se vstupním hustým mračnem užitím FPFH (Fast Point Feature Histogram) deskriptorů. Součástí práce je implementace navržené metody v programovacím jazyce C++, která je otestovaná na reálných datech.
Rekonstrukce 3D objektů z více pohledů
Mrkvička, Daniel ; Štarha, Pavel (oponent) ; Procházková, Jana (vedoucí práce)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá rekonstrukcí scény užitím dvou nebo více obraz. Popisuje celý proces rekonstrukce skládající se z detekce bod v obrazech, nalezení příslušnégeometrie mezi obrazy a výsledné promítnutí těchto bodů do prostoru scény. Práce dale zahrnuje i popis vlastní aplikace, která demonstruje popsané metody.
Detection of People in Room Using Low-Cost Thermal Imaging Camera
Charvát, Michal ; Kempter, Guido (oponent) ; Drahanský, Martin (vedoucí práce)
As we are approaching times of Industry 4.0 and smart homes, there is a need for automatic reliable mechanisms for detecting living beings. There are many use cases---from aiding elderly or disabled people with their everyday life to increasing safety in dangerous workplaces by guarding hazardous areas. We propose a method for counting, detecting and locating people using a single low-cost thermal camera module FLIR Lepton 3 and Orange Pi computer. This paper describes the process of necessary hardware configuration of the whole system and a software solution to the problem of detecting and locating people. The method, we utilize in order to detect and locate people, is based on applying human temperature filter, image processing with object detection using OpenCV library, and 3D scene reconstruction with known environment parameters. This approach, even in its simplest form, provides accuracy around 90 % on our data set with various possibilities for improvement.
Metody mapování textur na mračna bodů
Květný, Michal ; Štarha, Pavel (oponent) ; Procházková, Jana (vedoucí práce)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá mapováním textur získaných z běžných fotografií na trojrozměrná mračna bodů pořízená 3D skenerem. Práce navrhuje mapovací metodu skládající se z rekonstrukce řídkého mračna ze vstupních fotografií a následné registrace tohoto mračna se vstupním hustým mračnem užitím FPFH (Fast Point Feature Histogram) deskriptorů. Součástí práce je implementace navržené metody v programovacím jazyce C++, která je otestovaná na reálných datech.
System for People Detection and Localization Using Thermal Imaging Cameras
Charvát, Michal ; Kempter, Guido (oponent) ; Drahanský, Martin (vedoucí práce)
In today's world, there is an increasing need for automatic reliable mechanisms for detecting and localizing people -- from performing people flow analysis in museums, controlling smart homes to guarding hazardous areas like railway platforms. We propose a method for detecting and locating people using low-cost FLIR Lepton 3.5 thermal cameras and a~Raspberry Pi 3B+ computers. This thesis describes the continuation of the "Detection of People in Room Using Low-Cost Thermal Imaging Camera" project, which now supports modelling of complex scenes with polygonal boundaries and multiple thermal cameras observing them. In this paper, we introduce an improved control and capture library for the Lepton 3.5, a new person detection technique that uses the state-of-the-art YOLO (You Only Look Once) real-time object detector based on deep neural networks, furthermore, a new thermal unit with automated configuration using Ansible encapsulated in a custom 3D printed enclosure for safe manipulation, and last but not least, a step by step instruction manual on how to deploy the detection system in a new environment including other supporting tools and improvements. The results of the new system are demonstrated on a~simple people flow analysis performed in the Czech National Museum in Prague.
Rekonstrukce 3D objektů z více pohledů
Mrkvička, Daniel ; Štarha, Pavel (oponent) ; Procházková, Jana (vedoucí práce)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá rekonstrukcí scény užitím dvou nebo více obraz. Popisuje celý proces rekonstrukce skládající se z detekce bod v obrazech, nalezení příslušnégeometrie mezi obrazy a výsledné promítnutí těchto bodů do prostoru scény. Práce dale zahrnuje i popis vlastní aplikace, která demonstruje popsané metody.
Detection of People in Room Using Low-Cost Thermal Imaging Camera
Charvát, Michal ; Kempter, Guido (oponent) ; Drahanský, Martin (vedoucí práce)
As we are approaching times of Industry 4.0 and smart homes, there is a need for automatic reliable mechanisms for detecting living beings. There are many use cases---from aiding elderly or disabled people with their everyday life to increasing safety in dangerous workplaces by guarding hazardous areas. We propose a method for counting, detecting and locating people using a single low-cost thermal camera module FLIR Lepton 3 and Orange Pi computer. This paper describes the process of necessary hardware configuration of the whole system and a software solution to the problem of detecting and locating people. The method, we utilize in order to detect and locate people, is based on applying human temperature filter, image processing with object detection using OpenCV library, and 3D scene reconstruction with known environment parameters. This approach, even in its simplest form, provides accuracy around 90 % on our data set with various possibilities for improvement.

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