Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Optimizing experimental parameters for LIBS analysis of hard tissues
Fazlić, Aida ; Kuchynka,, Michaela (oponent) ; Pořízka, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This diploma thesis focused on the detection and analysis of heavy metals, particularly lead (Pb), in hard tissues using hydroxyapatite standards and laser-induced breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrumentation. The study utilized various laser wavelengths of 1064 nm, 532 nm, and 266 nm, as well as different laser configurations, including single-pulse (SP) LIBS and double-pulse (DP) LIBS in both orthogonal and collinear arrangements. The optimization of laser parameters such as wavelength, defocus, gate delay, interpulse delay, and energy was performed, with the signal-to-background ratio (SBR), limit of detection (LOD), and resolution corresponding to the diameter of the ablation crater serving as the basic parameters for determining the optimal combination of parameters. The findings of this study provide important insights into the optimal LIBS parameters for the detection and analysis of heavy metals in hard tissues, which can potentially have significant implications for medical research.
Optimizing experimental parameters for LIBS analysis of hard tissues
Fazlić, Aida ; Kuchynka,, Michaela (oponent) ; Pořízka, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This diploma thesis focused on the detection and analysis of heavy metals, particularly lead (Pb), in hard tissues using hydroxyapatite standards and laser-induced breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrumentation. The study utilized various laser wavelengths of 1064 nm, 532 nm, and 266 nm, as well as different laser configurations, including single-pulse (SP) LIBS and double-pulse (DP) LIBS in both orthogonal and collinear arrangements. The optimization of laser parameters such as wavelength, defocus, gate delay, interpulse delay, and energy was performed, with the signal-to-background ratio (SBR), limit of detection (LOD), and resolution corresponding to the diameter of the ablation crater serving as the basic parameters for determining the optimal combination of parameters. The findings of this study provide important insights into the optimal LIBS parameters for the detection and analysis of heavy metals in hard tissues, which can potentially have significant implications for medical research.
Vliv pracovních podmínek v rastrovacím elektronovém mikroskopu Vega 3 XMU na signál detekovaný BSE detektorem
Tkáčová, Tereza ; Chladil, Ladislav (oponent) ; Čudek, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
Táto práca je zameraná na zisťovanie vplyvu rôznych pracovných podmienok v rastrovacom elektrónovom mikroskope na signál detekovaný detektorom spätne odrazených elektrónov. V teoretickej časti je všeobecný popis rastrovacieho elektrónového mikroskopu, problematiky spätne odrazených elektrónov a taktiež popis metód vyhodnocovania pomeru signál - šum. Praktická časť je zameraná na priame pozorovanie vhodných vzorkov v rastrovacom elektrónovom mikroskope.
Vliv pracovních podmínek v rastrovacím elektronovém mikroskopu Vega 3 XMU na signál detekovaný BSE detektorem
Tkáčová, Tereza ; Chladil, Ladislav (oponent) ; Čudek, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
Táto práca je zameraná na zisťovanie vplyvu rôznych pracovných podmienok v rastrovacom elektrónovom mikroskope na signál detekovaný detektorom spätne odrazených elektrónov. V teoretickej časti je všeobecný popis rastrovacieho elektrónového mikroskopu, problematiky spätne odrazených elektrónov a taktiež popis metód vyhodnocovania pomeru signál - šum. Praktická časť je zameraná na priame pozorovanie vhodných vzorkov v rastrovacom elektrónovom mikroskope.

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