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The work of Government and non-Government organizations in refugee integration in the German labor market, Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016.
Grulaj, Shpresonë ; Klípa, Ondřej (vedoucí práce) ; Dimitrov, Michal (oponent)
The work of Government and non-Government organizations in refugee integration in the German labor market, Sep. 2015-Jan. 2016. Abstract The new refugee surges in Germany have emphasized the importance of refugee integration in the host country. Current research highlights the role of government and nongovernment organisations in helping refugees overcome integration related challenges. This thesis highlights the challenges that are typically faced by refugees and assesses the importance of government and nongovernment institutions and organisations in helping refugees overcome those challenges. Applying a qualitative method and a comparative approach, the thesis employs data available from a set of reports and websites from respective organisations that work on refugee related issues, or that evaluate the work in different countries. The findings suggest that there is a set of challenges that are faced by refugees, with highlight in: host country language abilities, previous qualification recognition, skills recognition, emotional challenges, cultural differences in the workplaces. Moreover, the findings analyze the main industries where refugees are typically employed. Finally, comparing the areas of focus by both types of organisations, it is identified the presence of a noticeable division, not...
Same, but different? A comparison of the integration experiences of refugees and guest worker migrants in Germany
Gundacker, Lidwina ; Najšlová, Lucia (vedoucí práce) ; Vykoukal, Jiří (oponent) ; Dimitrov, Michal (oponent)
Same, but different? A comparison of the integration experiences of refugees and guest worker migrants in Germany Abstract The increasing number of asylum seekers arriving in Germany over the past years have not only sparked an emotional public debate on immigration and societal membership, but have also proven to be a major challenge for policy-makers. Although the volume of refugee migration is indeed unprecedented in Germany, the country has had significant experience with receiving and integrating newcomers in its recent past: the post-war economic boom has led to the recruitment of millions of foreign workers, so- called Gastarbeiter. A non-negligible share ultimately settled permanently, but their integration process was not without its challenges. This paper argues that Germany's guest worker experience offers valuable insight into current integration processes in the German context. To make this existing knowledge accessible, this work uses a historical approach to identify the main elements that have shaped the integration experiences of guest workers in Germany, tied in with an econometric examination assessing the main factors in turn associated with the economic integration of the current refugee cohort. Comparison of the results suggest that a range of obstacles faced by guest workers and their...

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