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Assessing awareness of library services: an ethnographic examination of bachelor students at two Czech technology universities
Chodounská, Alena ; Krueger, Stephanie
In this paper, the authors present interim research results from an ongoing ethnographic examination of eight engineering undergraduate students from two technology universities in Prague, Czech Republic. A multi-layered data gathering strategy was employed, including semi-structured in-person interviews as well as in situ and virtual observations of participants interacting with learning environments. This data enabled the authors to examine whether or not students are aware of library services. “Library services” are here broadly defined to include not only traditional support services but also new, emerging areas of activity which can be categorized under the broader concept of undergraduate student support. Findings indicate very poor awareness of library offerings although participants were aware of the library as a study space. The authors additionally touch briefly upon the concept of “backward design” for service development, in which research data is gathered and considered prior to service design and launch.
Plný text: ECIL2016preprint_Krueger_Chodounska.1 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Prezentace: ecil_prezentace - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Before and Beyond Embedding: A Reference Fable from the National Library of Technology in Prague
Skenderija, Sasha ; Stehlík, Martin ; Houdek, Tomáš
Rewind the tape telling the story of reference services at the National Library of Technology (NTK) in Prague to 2009: a closed stacks specialized library with a long, complicated institutional history re-opens its arms to the public with a new “open stacks spirit” in an innovative building—an architectural jewel. Students (80% of all visitors) and the public embrace an inspiring space in the heart of a STEM campus and it rapidly fills with activities ranging from conferences to art exhibitions to concerts. But lost in this mélange are modern academic reference and information services. Despite being governed and financed directly by the Czech Ministry of Education, the narrative of value to academic stakeholders is shyly whispered. “We’re the flagship of Czech librarianship,” we gloat. Nothing, and almost no one, shouts: “We can help you succeed in your academic journey.” Fast-forward to 2017. In our paper, we will relate how we are weaving together the first fabrics of academic value narratives. Our story has not been linear; threads related to internal strategic planning, creation of intranets and reusable staff educational modules entwine with other threads (user-based online development, social media statements, “backward designed” instructional efforts) which we discuss using notable examples. Common to all narratives are themes of academic success, rigor, and individual engagement; internally in relation to ongoing staff development and externally, with intimate involvement (even bowling!) with colleagues and students. While our campus may not yet be fully ready for such approaches, we are now strongly declaring our value as essential players in the successful education of students.
Plný text: idr-1106_1 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Prezentace: 122-Skenderija-presentation - Stáhnout plný textPDF

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