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The use of deep neural networks for the evaluation of metallographic cross-sections
Semančík, Adam ; Mendřický, Radomír (oponent) ; Hurník, Jakub (vedoucí práce)
This thesis explores the application of deep neural networks to improve the evaluation of metallographic cross-sections in materials produced through powder bed fusion. It focuses on two advanced image processing techniques: semantic segmentation and image super-resolution. A U-Net architecture was used for semantic segmentation to classify defects such as lack of fusion porosity and gas porosity. Additionally, an SRGAN (Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network) model was utilized to upscale image resolution, potentially enhancing segmentation accuracy. The research assesses whether a model trained on AlSi10Mg can generalize to Cu99 and Ti6Al4V and evaluates the influence of super-resolution on segmentation performance. Results showed that while the segmentation model performed well on AlSi10Mg, generalization to other materials required more diverse training data. Due to computational limitations, the combined effect of super-resolution and segmentation remains inconclusive, suggesting further research with enhanced computational resources.

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