Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Chytré zrcadlo
Peňas, Dalibor ; Rozman, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Kočí, Radek (vedoucí práce)
Chytré zrcadlo je zařízení chytré domácnosti, rozšiřující funkci klasického zrcadla o informační prvky. Práce vysvětuje pojem chytré zrcadlo, specifikuje jedno z možných využití a popisuje jeho realizaci. Tvorba zrcadla se skládá z navržení rámu v programu FreeCAD a jeho výrobě pomocí technologie 3D tisku. Jako hlavní softwarová část je využita platforma MagicMirror nabízející kvalitní řešení předávání informací uživateli, která je dále rozvíjena modulem přidávající jistou formu zabezpečení uživatelských profilů a dat pomocí čtečky otisků prstů. Součástí je také senzor pohybu, který pomáhá šetřit využití displeje a poskytuje data pro statistické zpracování. Vzniklé statistiky mohou dát uživateli vhled do jeho rutin a možnost na ně navázat další funkce chytré domácnosti.
Electromagnetic analysis and modeling of a solid rotor induction machine
Bílek, Vladimír ; Vítek, Ondřej (oponent) ; Bárta, Jan (vedoucí práce)
This Master's thesis deals with the electromagnetic analysis and modeling of a solid rotor induction machine. The work includes a state-of-review on the topic of high-speed electrical machines, with the description of their advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional electrical machines with gearboxes, division of high-speed electrical machines with solid rotors, and comparison of their advantages and disadvantages, where the emphasis is placed mainly on high-speed induction machines with solid rotors and their use and applications in industry. Furthermore, the work deals with methods of calculation of electrical induction machines with solid rotors. Thus, methods for analytical calculation and finite element calculation of induction machines with solid rotors are described here. Above all, the emphasis is placed on the finite element method in a 2D space using correction end-effect factors, which are divided and described in detail here. Based on the obtained literature, an electric machine with a solid rotor is calculated using electromagnetic FEM analysis. The calculation of the machine is automatized with Python script. As another main objective of this work is to describe the so called surrogate models, their advantages and disadvantages, their use in industry and especially the application of surrogate models to a electrical machines with a solid rotor. Using surrogate models, the case study machine with a solid rotor is then optimized using SymSpace and Optimizer. For the optimizations, 3 machine designs were considered and eventually compared with each other from an electromagnetic performance point of view.
Využití open-source programů pro tvorbu výrobků na 3D tiskárně a hobby CNC zařízení
MALÝ, Tomáš
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na využití open-source programů při tvorbě na hobby CNC a 3D tiskárně. Práce obsahuje popis jednotlivých programů. Jsou zmíněny možnosti programů, podrobný postup tvorby a následná ukázka.
Electromagnetic analysis and modeling of a solid rotor induction machine
Bílek, Vladimír ; Vítek, Ondřej (oponent) ; Bárta, Jan (vedoucí práce)
This Master's thesis deals with the electromagnetic analysis and modeling of a solid rotor induction machine. The work includes a state-of-review on the topic of high-speed electrical machines, with the description of their advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional electrical machines with gearboxes, division of high-speed electrical machines with solid rotors, and comparison of their advantages and disadvantages, where the emphasis is placed mainly on high-speed induction machines with solid rotors and their use and applications in industry. Furthermore, the work deals with methods of calculation of electrical induction machines with solid rotors. Thus, methods for analytical calculation and finite element calculation of induction machines with solid rotors are described here. Above all, the emphasis is placed on the finite element method in a 2D space using correction end-effect factors, which are divided and described in detail here. Based on the obtained literature, an electric machine with a solid rotor is calculated using electromagnetic FEM analysis. The calculation of the machine is automatized with Python script. As another main objective of this work is to describe the so called surrogate models, their advantages and disadvantages, their use in industry and especially the application of surrogate models to a electrical machines with a solid rotor. Using surrogate models, the case study machine with a solid rotor is then optimized using SymSpace and Optimizer. For the optimizations, 3 machine designs were considered and eventually compared with each other from an electromagnetic performance point of view.

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