Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Cryptographic Escape Room Game
Nosek, Ondřej ; Jedlička, Petr (oponent) ; Ricci, Sara (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with the implementation of the escape room game in the form of a~web application. The topic of each room is cryptography in many forms. Concretely it is modular arithmetic, a system for data encryption, including its particular algorithms, as~Advanced Encryption Standard is, or network security basics. The main goals of the thesis are to get acquainted with the topic of escape games, web applications, and the realization of web applications. The escape game contains a total of~four rooms. The thesis describes the choice of technologies on which the application will be built and the implementation of individual rooms, including the possibility of~solving tasks. In the end, it summarizes the achieved results and goals.
Cryptographic Escape Room Game
Nosek, Ondřej ; Jedlička, Petr (oponent) ; Ricci, Sara (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with the implementation of the escape room game in the form of a~web application. The topic of each room is cryptography in many forms. Concretely it is modular arithmetic, a system for data encryption, including its particular algorithms, as~Advanced Encryption Standard is, or network security basics. The main goals of the thesis are to get acquainted with the topic of escape games, web applications, and the realization of web applications. The escape game contains a total of~four rooms. The thesis describes the choice of technologies on which the application will be built and the implementation of individual rooms, including the possibility of~solving tasks. In the end, it summarizes the achieved results and goals.

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