Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 47 záznamů.  1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
First-Principle Study of Electronic Properties of Ultrathin Layers
Nezval, David ; Vázquéz, Hector (oponent) ; Friák, Martin (oponent) ; Bartošík, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
This work characterizes the structural properties of adsorbed gallium atoms and water molecules on graphene. It also investigates the changes in the electronic properties of graphene caused by the adsorption of each adsorbent. The density functional theory (DFT) calculations are the perfect tool to investigate and explain the physical and chemical processes that occur during adsorption. The electronic properties are studied using band structure calculations and the Bader charge analysis. Recent experimental findings have revealed that in low concentration the Ga atoms negatively dope (n-doping) graphene. This doping effect is reduced at higher Ga concentrations when the clustering of Ga atoms occurs. This work presents the adsorption of individual Ga atoms and the Ga clusters. While single atoms n-dopes graphene with 0.64 electrons, atoms bound in clusters interact with each other and thus weaken the doping of graphene. Cluster formation is fundamentally affected by the diffusion of Ga atoms over graphene. Therefore, a section is devoted here to calculations of the diffusion barrier energy and how this barrier can be affected by the charging of graphene. The experimental observations indicate positive doping (p-doping) of graphene exposed to water molecules. However, these observations were not supported by DFT calculations. This thesis investigates the effect of multilayer water on the electronic properties of graphene. Attention has been paid to the influence of the water molecule orientation in the first layer toward graphene on its doping properties. The presented results show p-doping of graphene when 6 or more layers of water are oriented by oxygen to graphene.
Anion-exchange enabled tuning of caesium lead mixed-halide perovskites for high-energy radiation detection
Matula, Radovan ; Friák, Martin (oponent) ; Dvořák, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Lead halide perovskites (LHPs) with their unprecedented functional qualities which are only enhanced by the simple band gap tuning, have taken the world of semiconductors by storm. The process of anion exchange, possible even post-synthesis, allows for band gap tuning of LHPs, resulting in lead mixed-halide perovskites (LMHPs), thus expanding their potential for applications, notably in tuneable detectors. The widespread adoption of LMHPs is, however, hindered by their chemical instability, which leads to halide segregation in the material, seriously inhibiting reliable operation of any LMHP-based device. Understanding the kinetics of the halide segregation over extended periods remains a challenge, motivating the use of theoretical simulations like Monte Carlo (MC) methods. Yet, MC simulations rely on well-defined potential energy surfaces (PES), typically derived from computationally intensive density functional theory (DFT) calculations. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach for constructing well-defined PES from high-fidelity DFT data with fraction of the computational load. Utilizing activation-relaxation technique noveau (ARTn) motivated searches for transition points in the PES combined with state-of-the-art machine learning approaches, we aim to to significantly reduce computational costs. Additionally, employing classical theory, we assess the detection capabilities of selected LMHPs.
Predicting the electrochemical properties of flavins via the density functional theory method
Tomečková, Eva Jazmína ; Lukeš,, Vladimír (oponent) ; Truksa, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The use of flavins for energy storage is a currently researched topic that could result in non-toxic and sustainable batteries. With the help of computational chemistry, it is possible to accelerate the search for suitable flavin candidates. In this work, the functionals B3LYP and M062X along with six basis sets were tested for predicting the redox potentials of selected flavin molecules. Calculations using the DFT method were performed for each flavin molecule and its corresponding reduced forms in solution and gas phase. Based on the calculated energies, several redox potential prediction models were constructed, the accuracy of these models was verified by correlation with experimental data. In this work, two suitable models were found. The methodology of these models involves gas-phase DFT calculations with energy correction using ab initio MP2 calculations. These models combined the M062X functional and the Aug-CC-pVDZ and def2SVP basis sets.
Ab-initio výpočty elektronických a strukturních vlastností olovo-zirkonátu-titanátu (PZT)
Planer, Jakub ; Friák, Martin (oponent) ; Bartošík, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
Tato práce je zaměřena na výpočty difuzních bariér kyslíkových vakancí v olovo-zirkonátu-titanátu a jeho komponent pomocí teorie funkcionálu hustoty. Zjistili jsme, že velikost bariér je různá v olovo titanátu a olovo zirkonátu, což je způsobené rozdílnou lokalizací elektronů pocházejících ze vzniku kyslíkových vakancí. Difuzní bariéry byly nadále určeny pro směs s vysokým podílem titanu a porovnány s experimentálními výsledky. Přínos této práce spočívá v objasnění neobvykle nízkých difuzních koeficientů, které byly experimentálně měřeny na olovo-zirkonátu-titanátu. Zjistili jsme, že elektronové stavy vyvolané přítomností kyslíkových vakancí vytváří lokální vazby mezi atomy olova, což způsobuje, že kyslíkové vakance jsou nepohyblivé v důsledku zvýšení aktivační energie difuzního procesu.
Optical characterization of inorganic lead halide perovskites using ab-initio methods
Matula, Radovan ; Špaček, Ondřej (oponent) ; Liška, Petr (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with lead halide perovskites (LHPs), a relatively new group of materials which have found much use in fields such as photovoltaics and optoelectronics. LHPs’ potential lies in their electronic structure and easily tunable band gap, which result in unique physical and functional properties. To study LHPs’ optical properties and electronic structure we employ density functional theory (DFT). The DFT method is an ab-initio method built upon minimization of electron density functional to find the ground state energy of a given system. The DFT method was employed along with the use of hybrid functionals to obtain the correct band structure and band gap of CsPbBr3 bulk. The theoretically obtained data were used in the effective mass model to compare with the photoluminescence emission peaks of individual CsPbBr3 nanocrystals to correctly assess the exciton energy levels based on the nanocrystals’ size, and shape.
Modelling of Chemical Processes
Al Mahmoud Alsheikh, Amer ; Bártlová,, Milada (oponent) ; Urban,, Ján (oponent) ; Žídek, Jan (vedoucí práce)
In this thesis the study of the fragmentation process of certain molecule is presented and it has been used to know the nature of fragmentation products. This work is concentrated to the calculation of fragmentation energy of the molecule using ab initio quantum chemistry methods and density functional theory (DFT) calculations and with a support by experiment. The influence of the computational method, basis set, and the geometry of molecule on simulation has been presented. It was compared the fragmentaion of methylphenylsilane (MPS), dimethylphenylsilane (DMPS) and trimethylphenylsilane (TMPS). The fragmentation was initiated by electron impact ionization (EII). The mass spectrometry technique was used to the analysis of the composition of fragmentation products from MPS and TMPS. The fragmentation products measured in this work were interpreted with respect to the ionization energy, appearance energies of fragments and bond dissociation energy of selected bonds. The results for MPS and TMPS were completed with DMPS previously published experimental data in order to have the series of similar compounds, which differ only by number of CH3 groups. Even the structurally similar molecules have significantly different fragmentation behavior. Comparison with the theoretical bond dissociation energies calculated using the DFT calculations has been presented. Using the combined experimental and theoretical approaches we have focused our recent studies to the common features as well as basic differences of the fragmentation schemes of all the three molecules. We proposed subtraction of two hydrogen atoms during plasma induced fragmentation process. The subtraction of H2 molecule, specific for MPS but rarely observed also in the other two compounds was also of high interest in our studies. It can run in two mechanisms: i. subtraction of two hydrogens one-by-one and ii. dissociation of H2 in one step. We can predict which mechanism is more probable according to the DFT calculated energy profile of reaction. The calculated predictions were in correlation with the composition of fragmentation products from experimental mass spectra.
Vliv nečistot na kohezi rozhraní v multivrstvách nitridů tranzitivních kovů
Češka, Jakub ; Zelený, Martin (oponent) ; Černý, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
Tato práce se zabývá studiem multivrstev nitridů tranzitivních kovů pomocí prvoprincipiálních výpočtů. Studovány jsou tři konkrétní systémy AlN / TiN, AlN / VN a TiN / VN. Tyto systémy jsou studovány ve struktuře B1. Rozhraní je orientováno podél krystalové roviny (001). Hlavním cílem je objasnění vlivu nečistoty na kohezi multivrstev. Studovanou nečistotou je substituční atom O, který v nitridu nahradí atom N. Pro zmíněné systémy jsou predikovány preferované pozice substituce pro tři rozdílné koncentrace substitučních atomů. Tyto predikce jsou provedeny na základě energetické bilance substituce v různých pozicích. Podle výsledků se preferované pozice substituce mohou lišit pro rozdílné koncentrace kyslíku. Ve většině případů se preferované pozice nacházejí na rozhraní mezi nitridy. Pro systémy s nečistotou v preferované pozici jsou vypočteny hodnoty lomové energie pro různé lomové roviny ve směru (001). Vliv nečistoty na lomovou energii závisí na její koncentraci. V případě multivrstvy AlN / TiN bylo při vhodné koncentraci pozorováno zvýšení lomové energie nejslabšího článku multivrstvy. V ostatních případech se lomová energie vlivem přítomnosti nečistoty výrazně neměnila nebo se zhoršila.
Ab initio studium elektronové struktury 2D materiálů
Pekár, Zdenko ; Nezval, David (oponent) ; Černý, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
V tejto bakalárskej práci sú najprv zhrnuté základné pojmy a princípy súvisiace s dichalkogenidmi tranzitívnych kovov a teóriou funkcionálu hustoty. Ďalej je v teoretickej časti uvedených niekoľko príkladov konfigurácií atómov mriežky takýchto materiálov a aproximácií výmenno-korelačného funkcionálu. Praktická časť je zameraná na výpočtovú simuláciu a optimalizáciu buniek rôznych fáz dichalkogenidov tranzitívnych kovov a porovnávanie ich vlastností s údajmi v odbornej literatúre, takisto ako získanie nových, doposiaľ neoverených údajov o týchto materiáloch.
Studying the properties of molecular photoactive materials via the methods of computational chemistry
Truksa, Jan ; Rapta, Peter (oponent) ; Toman, Petr (oponent) ; Salyk, Ota (vedoucí práce)
In this work, the principles of theoretical density functional theory are briefly discussed first, together with the method of searching for lowest-energy structures of molecules and predicting the spectroscopic and electronic properties. Afterwards, the results of the theoretical analysis of the geometry and electronic structure of two types of molecules is presented, combined with experimental results. First, the alloxazine and lumazine, considered together as flavins, and their derivatives represent molecular materials, while adamantyl substituted polythiophenes represent polymer materials. With respect to the flavins, different basis sets, together with the B3LYP functional, were used to find the best possible fit to experimental absorption spectra. Here, the B3LYP/6-31+G** and B3LYP/aug-cc-PVDZ methods proved to have the best correlation, with correlation coefficients 0.95 and 0.96, respectively, while the def2SVP set reached 0.94. In this context, the B3LYP/6-31+G** method seems to be the most cost-efficient. By measuring the absorption spectra of selected flavins in a mixture of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and water, the spectra of flavin isomers – the alloxazine and isoalloxazine form were gained. The response of these molecules to changes in the concentration of DMSO and water will be the object of further study. For the polythiophenes, the electronic and optical properties were theoretically investigated using model octamers, while the conformations of the adamantylated side chains were considered using trimer molecules, due to a high computational complexity. Here, the methyladamantyl thiophene was found to have a more rigid structure compared to the ethyladamantyl substituted chain, which was later confirmed via crystallographic analysis and atomic force microscopy scans. Crystal structures were confirmed to be present, with lattice parameters comparable to poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). Inspired by this research, different polymer backbones based on polythiophene were considered for future synthesis. The main recommendation here is to lower the amount of side substituents, so that only one in two or one in three thiophenes bear an adamantylated side chain. Overall, the molecules presented here are interesting candidates for future use in optoelectronics, and the theoretical predictions generally agree with experimental results, although the comparison with experiment is not always trivial, e.g., in the case of the polythiophene side chains.
Mechanistic Insights into Reactive Zeolite-Water Interactions
Benešová, Tereza ; Heard, Christopher James (vedoucí práce) ; Maldonado Dominguez, Carlos Mauricio (oponent)
Název práce: Teoretické studium reaktivních interakcí vody se zeolity Autor: Tereza Benešová Katedra: Katedra fyzikální a makromolekulární chemie Školitel: Christopher Heard, PhD. Abstrakt: Byla provedena in silico studie interakcí vody se zeolity kombinující statický i dynamický přístup výpočtů teorie funkcionálu hustoty. Byly použity dva periodické modely zeolitu chabazitu, čistě křemičitý a hlinitokřemičitý, což umožnilo vysvětlit rozdíl mezi chováním vody v blízkosti Si-O-Si a Al-O-Si můstku. V modelu byly zahrnuty jedna nebo dvě molekuly vody v jednotkové supercele, což odpovídá experimentálním podmínkách za vysokých teplot. Za těchto podmínek může voda reagovat se zeolity prostřednictvím adsorpce, ale rovněž prostřednictvím reaktivních interakcí jako je hydrolýza a výměna kyslíku mezi vodou a mřížkou zeolitu. Hlavním cílem práce bylo objasnění této výměny kyslíku na atomární úrovni. Byly nalezeny proveditelné mechanismy výměny kyslíku. Tyto mechanismy jsou rozdílné pro Si-O-Si a Al-O-Si můstek, nicméně pro oba můstky je výměna kyslíku iniciována částečnou hydrolýzou mřížky. Po této hydrolýze mechanismus výměny kyslíku uzdravuje mřížku a zanechává v ní kyslík, který byl původně v molekule vody. Oba nalezené mechanismy jsou konkurenceschopné s uzdravením mřížky bez výměny kyslíku i s další hydrolýzou...

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 47 záznamů.   1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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