Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Artificial intelligence in internet communication
Merzliakov, Evgeniy ; Rujbrová, Šárka (oponent) ; Jašková, Jana (vedoucí práce)
With the development of such technologies as cloud computing, big data and deep learning, the artificial intelligence (or AI) is becoming a part of everyday life, and its capabilities are rapidly evolving. This bachelorl thesis defines the basic AI systems, which can be found and used today, such as self-driving vehicles, Smart Home systems, intelligent virtual assistants. Brief history, pros and cons as well as the impact of such systems on communication and Internet are also described there. Furthermore, basic principle of artificial neural networks is also explained in this paper. Three intelligent virtual assistants (Google Assistant, Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa) are compared there and results show that Google Assistant is better and more reliable than Siri and Alexa. However, difference between the best one and the worst one is 13 %.
Artificial intelligence in internet communication
Merzliakov, Evgeniy ; Rujbrová, Šárka (oponent) ; Jašková, Jana (vedoucí práce)
With the development of such technologies as cloud computing, big data and deep learning, the artificial intelligence (or AI) is becoming a part of everyday life, and its capabilities are rapidly evolving. This bachelorl thesis defines the basic AI systems, which can be found and used today, such as self-driving vehicles, Smart Home systems, intelligent virtual assistants. Brief history, pros and cons as well as the impact of such systems on communication and Internet are also described there. Furthermore, basic principle of artificial neural networks is also explained in this paper. Three intelligent virtual assistants (Google Assistant, Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa) are compared there and results show that Google Assistant is better and more reliable than Siri and Alexa. However, difference between the best one and the worst one is 13 %.

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