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Epigraphic fund of Jablonecko
Kočárková, Kateřina ; Roháček, Jiří (referee) ; Pátková, Hana (referee)
Dnes již bývalý okres Jablonec nad Nisou, který se rozkládá na ploše 402 km2 , netvořil historicky ani přírodně jednotný celek. Podle přírodních hranic by se dal rozdělit do dvou větších celků - Železnobrodska s Maloskalskem a Jablonecka. Právě z těchto důvodů je úvod této kapitoly rozčleněn také do dvou částí, po kterých následuje výčet dnešních obcí a měst v okrese se stručnými poznámkami a s odkazy na literaturu. Do, reformy veřejné správy v roce 2002 zahrnoval okres celkem 34 obcí. Zřízením vyšších územních celků připadl okres Jablonec nad Nisou pod správu Libereckého kraje. Nápisový fond Jablonecka je dochován torzovitě. Celkově dochované památky na Jablonecku souvisí s přírodními podmínkami okresu. Jedná se o hustě zalesněný pohraniční okres položený ve vyšších polohách a osídlený až v pozdním středověku a hlavně v novověku. Proto se zde nevyskytují žádné významné středověké architektury s výjimkou čtyř hradů - Frýdštejna, Vranova, Zbirohu a Navarova. Také většina církevních staveb pochází z novověku. Zpočátku se jednalo hlavně o dřevěné stavby, které se hlavně v 18. století přestavovaly na kamenné. Nejsou zde žádné honosné sakrální poutní stavby. Příčinou byla také velká chudoba zdejších farností. Největší památkové bohatství tkví v lidové architektuře. V celém bývalém okrese převažovaly až do...

The role of the paramedic in the treatment of pain in the prehospital emergency care
The Bachelor thesis deals with a very current and spread topic in the sphere of the pre-hospital urgent care, it concerns the issue of pain and the role of the paramedic at its treatment in the pre-hospital urgent care. Pain is one of the most frequent indications initiating the medical ambulance service intervention. It is an affiliated and really essential stressor. The task for the paramedic is to help the patient suffering from pain and to use all ways of treatment which are possible to be applied in the sphere of the pre-hospital care. Therefore it is very important for the paramedics to be well informed on the issue of analgesia and to have good theoretical knowledge and to be able to apply it in practice. The theoretical part deals with the complex issue which is related to pain and with the role of the paramedic. At the beginning of the work there are defined basic concepts concerning the wide issue of pain, i.e. its types and categories form the localization point of view. Further, there is described the basic examination and getting information from the patient which form the integral part of information and data for consequent diagnosing and its possible therapies in the pre-hospital care. Therefore there is also a detailed elaboration of evaluating scales including the children´s ones. In order to get a sight into the issue of pain treatment there is integrated the subchapter concerning the invasive and non-invasive methods in the work. Next, the attention of the work is mostly focused on defining concepts of the pre-hospital urgent care and on the competences of the paramedic which form an integral part of the knowledge of this profession. It is related to possibilities of non-pharmacology and pharmacology treatment in the pre-hospital urgent care, which the specialist can use. The practical part was focused on recording of knowledge and procedures of paramedics in the process of pain treatment in the pre-hospital urgent care. There was carried out the whole republic inquiry using the quantitative method of anonymous questionnaire form. It was designed for the medical care workers working as paramedics. All regions in the Czech Republic were contacted; however, only eleven joined the research. Upon agreement with the managers of non-medical workers the questionnaires were delivered to paramedics. There were sent out 210 questionnaires while their return was 71.43% (150). All questionnaires were included in the consequent resultant inquiry. Responding paramedics were informed on the character of the research and assured that the anonymity of their person and the provided information will be preserved. The questionnaire involved 17 questions in total and the first five questions were statistical ones. The questions were focused on knowledge of analgesia and on procedure used by paramedics in the fieldwork. Questions 2, 4, 4a, 4b, 5, 8, 8a, 10, 10a, 11 were selected in order to get information whether the responding paramedics have knowledge on the issue of analgesia an in order to get base for answering the research question. The obtained information was consequently evaluated. Each question was answered individually and then transferred into diagrams (sometimes only into charts), which show their absolute and (mostly) relative frequency of obtained answers. The stated research question was (on the basis of the above mentioned 10 questions) evaluated by means of chi quadrate test. The obtained level of significance refused the stated ideal statement and confirmed results of the research which says that the knowledge of the paramedics is insufficient. The goal of the work was to record possibilities of pain treatment in the pre-hospital urgent care by the paramedic and it was fulfilled. Statistically evaluated questionnaire inquiry and answer to the research question show that further education of paramedics as well as their accepting the complex view of the issue is absolutely necessary.

The Situation of Persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Context of Legislative Changes
The Diploma thesis entitled Situation of People with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Context of Legislative Changes deals with a topic which is not sufficiently resolved in the Czech society. Attention paid to the new Act no. 329/2011 Coll., on Provision of Subsidies to People with Disabilities and on Amendment to Related Acts, is not at a sufficient level either. The theoretical part of the Diploma thesis deals, at a general level, with rheumatoid arthritis. This is followed up by a focus on psychosocial aspects of the life of subjects with rheumatoid arthritis, on the social security system in the Czech Republic and on the Act no. 329/2011 Coll. Qualitative research was selected to achieve specified objectives of the practical part of the Diploma thesis. Interviews were used to obtain all necessary data. The technique for acquisition of necessary data was based on semi-controlled interviews. The interviews consisted in a list of questions which were discussed within the framework of the interview. The basic file for data collection was formed of people with rheumatoid arthritis. The selective file consisted of clients of the Rheumatology League of the Southern Bohemia Region. Altogether 20 interviews were made. The main aim of the Diploma thesis was to identify the impacts of changes implying from the Act no. 329/2011 Coll., on Provision of Subsidies to People with Disabilities, on the situation of people with rheumatoid arthritis. This objective was followed up by another three partial objectives, namely to find out how people with rheumatoid arthritis perceive the change in the subsidy payment site for handicapped people; to find out the impacts of the change in concepts of subsidy for mobility on people with rheumatoid arthritis; and to find out how people with rheumatoid arthritis perceive their obligation to provide data on incomes for justification of their entitlement for a special device. Survey questions were formulated on the basis of the Diploma thesis objectives as follows: 1. Did the frequency of transport decrease for people with rheumatoid arthritis in connection with the change in the amount of the subsidy for mobility? 2. Do people with rheumatoid arthritis perceive any benefits in unification of the subsidy payment place at the Labour Office? It implies from the results of the survey that the impacts of changes resulting from the Act no. 329/2011 Coll. did not have any impact on the situation of people with rheumatoid arthritis. During fulfilment of the objective of finding out how people with rheumatoid arthritis perceive the change in the subsidy payment place, two respondents pointed out that the issuing of the cards marking a vehicle transporting a person suffering from heavily impaired mobility pursuant to the Act no. 361/2000 Coll., on Road Traffic, which is closely interrelated with these issues, is performed at the Municipal Authority at the Department of Social Affairs. It has been furthermore found out on the basis of the survey that the change in the concepts of the subsidy for mobility has not had any impact on people with rheumatoid arthritis yet. And finally, the last conclusion of this Diploma thesis is the fact that people with rheumatoid arthritis do not mind the obligation to provide data on incomes while proving their entitlement for a special device. One of the aims of this Diploma thesis is to contribute to understanding of the entire situation of people with rheumatoid arthritis in the context of legislative changes. The results obtained from the survey could be useful for the general scientific public. An Annex to this Diploma thesis is a presentation which can facilitate orientation in the new Act. This presentation will be used as a material accompanying a lecture held in the Rheumatology League Association in České Budějovice.

Organizing of open-air opera performances and festivals
Fialová, Daniela ; SRSTKA, Jiří (advisor) ; PITTERMANN, Jiří (referee)
This thesis deals with the organizing of open-air opera festivals and performances. Attention will be given to such projects taking place in the amphitheaters or in the castle courtyards. The aim of the thesis is to pay attention to the specifics that go along with the organization of open-air opera projects. After a brief summary of the historical evolution the specifics of the theatre operation follows as well as an overview of the most important open-air opera events in the Czech Republic. The core of the work lies in the analysis of two events: The particular performances arranged by the agency Croce in Jindřichův Hradec and especially the festival Loketské kulturní léto (Loket Cultural Summer) in the region of Karlovy Vary. An attention is also paid to the history of the spaces. The work concludes with the evaluation of the position of Loket Cultural Summer between other similar projects as well as its position within the region. In conclusion, there is a proposed opera dramaturgy connected to both analyzed areas. The work also includes plenty of pictures.

The preparation of campaign to promote an equipement of antonomous detection and signals in the framework of the preventive educational activities in the field of the fire protection
The preparation of campaign promoting autonomous detection and signaling devices within activities of preventive education in section of fire protection We can come across fires of buildings designed for living every day, therefore is very important to try to prevent them. The most accessible way is the installation of autonomous detection and signaling devices, which is currently obligatory to all newly designed and built houses. These devices detect emerging fire, subsequently inform about possible threat and at the same time they allow enough time for the population rescue. To achieve the main aims of thesis, it was needed to study specialized literature and write theoretical part which explains basic concepts connected to the topic, defines the dangers in the place of fire, followed by classification of toxic substances which are released during the fire and finally describes autonomous detection and signaling devices. The integral part contains the graphic layouts focused on the comparison of statistical data from 2001 till 2011, mostly tracking fires and number of killed and injured people during the household fires, which is compared to the number of killed and injured people and fires in general. There was made questionnaire for 50 public respondents from the city Zábřeh after completing the theoretical part. These respondents were chosen on purpose in cooperation with the fire station Zábřeh, which is part of Fire Rescue Service of Olomouc district. We defined hypothesis: The knowledge of Zábřeh population about own life and property protection against the fire are insufficient. The hypothesis was defined using descriptive and mathematical statistics. However, our hypothesis wasn´t confirmed so we can consider awareness of Zábřeh population to be sufficient but not excellent. Therefore, there is still need to increase their legal responsibility. The practical part further includes the analysis of questionnaire answers, which is aimed to evaluate the accuracy of answered questions. Last but not least, the thesis presents the set of promotional campaigns which are ordered by the ability to properly effect on the population via web pages, daily press, TV broadcast or printed materials. The most wanted way would be TV campaign, which is unfortunately expensive and time-consuming; therefore, it seems to be the best option to create web pages or printed material aimed for general public. The both promotional campaigns should be provided by Ministry of the Interior - general directorate of Fire Rescue Service of Czech Republic.

Employment forms of comprehensive rehabilition in senior´s house.
This bachelor?s thesis deals with application of forms of comprehensive rehabilitation in care for elderly. The main task of this study is to determine the level of awareness of application of forms of comprehensive rehabilitation in care for elderly, namely of employees of the Home for the elderly Kaplice, which is located in the South Bohemian Region. The first section of the theoretical part is dedicated to characteristics of comprehensive rehabilitation, primarily to characteristics of forms of comprehensive rehabilitation.The therapeutic part of comprehensive rehabilitation includes diagnostic and therapeutic measures, which improve the functionality of the organism. Another essential section of the comprehensive rehabilitation is the social rehabilitation. The aim of this form is the process of integration of the individual. Subsequently, this form provides to people with disabilities legal protection, as well as financial support. Another section is the educational rehabilitation. The effectiveness of this form of comprehensive rehabilitation is seen primarily in childhood and adolescence. The last section is occupational rehabilitation. The goal of the occupational rehabilitation is to encourage people with disabilities, and to improve their employability in the labor market The second section of the theoretical part describes in detail the issue of aging and old age in relation to the changes occurring in these stages of life. With aging, there is a destructive mental processes. Old age is also accompanied by a series of changes that take place in the social situation of a person. Above all it is retirement which brings a number of changes that considerably influence the economic situation of a person. The last section of the theoretical part discusses the institutional care for the elderly, namely homes for the elderly. The practical part of this study describes the views of respondents on the application of forms of comprehensive rehabilitation care for elderly. To acquire the information, the qualitative research method was used, more precisely the method of questioning. In addition, technique of semistructured interview was used. The interview was done with five respondents who are employees of the Home for the elderly Kaplice. The obtained data were subsequently analyzed using the cluster method. Data were divided into groups according to similarity of the statements related to the particular sections of the interview. There was established the main research question: What is the awareness of the application of forms of comprehensive rehabilitation in care for elderly? In addition, there were defined four sub-research questions of the research. The research showed that the care of seniors is chiefly realized through medical and social rehabilitation, which meets their needs. It is primarily the health care and motivational activities what significantly affects the quality of life of seniors. Educational and social form is not represented much in the care, mainly because of lack of interest from the clients, caused by their poor health. Respondents perceived the comprehensive rehabilitation as comprehensive care that helps individuals to improve their health. However, they recommended the medical environment. They did not mention the possibilities of occupational or educational rehabilitation. This bachelor?s thesis may serve as an information resource for the management of the Home for elderly Kaplice. The gained knowledge may also serve as a source for an expert workshop for employees of Home for elderly Kaplice.

Serological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma Gondii is one of the most widespread parasitic infection in the world, occurring in organism of both warm-blooded animals and humans. The majority of healthy individuals have no symptoms, in some cases there are slight clinical signs. However, serious heath complications or even death may be caused either by infection or reactivation of the latent form of infection among people with immunodeficiencies. Toxoplasmosis can inflict a severe fetal damage when a female is infected for the very first time in the first trimester of pregnancy. This can be prevented by the risk group screening and an early detection of the protozoan. Laboratory diagnostics use two basic methods in order to prove toxoplasmosis, a direct one and an indirect one. The direct methods such as a microscopic evidence of the protozoan or the isolation of Toxoplasma Gondii on laboratory animals are not usually used in practice. In recent years methods of molecular biology focused on the proof of the protozoan?s nuclear acid in the biological material come to the fore. The methods of indirect evidence are based on the detection of specific traces left by the infectious agent in human organism. Among them, serological methods are the most commonly used ones in the routine operation in the majority of laboratories in the Czech Republic. A basic principle is reaction between antigen and antibody. It is possible to determine whether the infection is in acute or chronic phase and what type of infection it is. This test was utilized for serological evidence of toxoplasmosis for the first time. Then other tests were made. That includes intradermal and imunofluorecent tests, complement fixation test, indirect hemaglutination, microprecipitation or imunoenzymatic methods. The mere evidence of the presence of antibodies is not usually sufficient for diagnosis. Determination of the phase of infection is essential, therefore it is needed to prove if the value of each class of immunoglobulins (or titers of all antibodies) increases, decreases or if they have a stable value. In some cases the avidity IgG may be crucial. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to detect antibodies against Toxoplasma Gondii and to evaluate their prevalence by using serological methods. And finally, these methods will be compared. The patient samples originate from the department of parasitology and serology of Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň, therefore there is an evaluation of the incidence of infection in Pilsen region. The complement fixation test is the most commonly used in routine operation for determination of the total level of antibodies or this test is supplemented by determination of levels of individual immunoglobulin classes by using the Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. If there is the evidence of infection of toxoplasma by using KFR and the antibody titer is 1:8, it is necessary to supplement the determination by ELSA method to ascertain the level of immunoglobulin classes. This diagnosis has gradually developed from demanding and complex procedures towards fast and fully automated diagnosis. In total, 68 samples of patients with suspicion of toxoplasmosis were determined. The monitored group includes men, women and children. After consideration of the factors which may influence the reaction and on the basis of KFR, the infection of 26 persons was eliminated (negative results). The remaining 43 patients had a positive reaction for the presence of antibodies. After comparing the positive results and low titers with the clinical state of the patient or with the values measured in the past, the determination by the method of ELISA was indicated among 41 persons. The final result for August 2012 was the detection of acute toxoplasma infection of 4 people.

Guest-house Repechy
Janík, Tobiáš ; Hubáček,, Petr (referee) ; Myslín, Jiří (advisor) ; Novotný, Miloslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is based on an earlier project made in third year of bachelor study. It is a reconstruction of former rustic building, which was built probably in early 20 century. Area is located in Repechy village, which is part of Village Bousínov in Olomouc region, Prostějov district. Current building was built in several stages. The oldest part of the building is northwest wing, semi cellared, with non-habitable attic. After that cowsheds were built, so the buiding gain character of enclosed building. As final modification, the atrium was roofed with metal roof. Whole building was used to breed cattle, which is one of the main reasons, why is the building in such a horrid state. Main goal of bachelor thesis was to rebuild this building into pension with wide freetime activities such as hiking, cycling, horse riding, hyppotherapy, fishing and even ice-skating in winter. Due to the emergency state of the object the reconstruction is more or less forced. Only three bearing walls from the oldest part of the building and one facade were preserved. Whole architectional solution is trying to put old and new into contrast. It is most visible in west corner, where historical facade switch to the glass facade and on the roof, which is placed on classical wooden roof frame, but is shielded with glass plates in alluminium frames. The main entrance is situated in preserved facade. In the ground level, there is reception, restaurant, technical facilities and six rooms for guests. Second floor is fully reserved for accomodating guests. East wing has one floor and the flat of owner is situated in here.

The Management of Patients in the Vegetative State
Nettlová, Marie ; Bartůněk, Petr (advisor) ; Drábková, Jarmila (referee)
The goal of this thesis is in picturing the problems of care about the patients in the Vegetative State in intensive care units at Prague and Region of Central Bohemia. The thesis shall reveal fundamental informations about the number of patients in the Vegetative State, to take of basal stimulation in nursing care, cooperating with the family and assess the consciousness of these patients. The theoretical part is devoted to description of the Vegetative State, basal stimulation, reaction of family, needs of family members, basic examination of consciousness. The research part is heading towards the goal of this thesis a survey based verification of the lied out hypothesis. Research was realized from December 2008 till February 2009. The list of questions was intended for sister wards at intensive care units. The outcomes are summarized in the discussion and the final part of the thesis. The average rate of occurrence these patients is higher then in published foreign studies. The result of this thesis is not acceptable for representative and applicable exoteric health care institutions.

Architecture and space: In work Ing. arch. Petra Fabiána
Janů, Mojmír ; Hanuš, Jiří (advisor) ; Šindelová, Jana (referee)
TITLE: Architecture and space in work Ing.arch. Petra Fabiána AUTHOR: Mojmír Janů DEPARTMENT: Institute for professional development, faculty of seducation SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Jiří Hanuš ABSTRACT: The thesis is devoted to the development of architecture from its early beginnings until its importance of an artistic style and its interpretation in the work of ing.arch. Petr Fabián, one of the most significant architects dealing with revitalizations and reconstructions of historical buildings in the Czech Republic, mainly in the Olomouc region, notably in the towns of Olomouc, Šumperk and Zábřeh. Judgement of most of the population on the architecture of buildings is mostly based on the fact whether they like it or no. For those who understand this branch more, the works of Petr Fabián provide the unique example of high architectural quality. His works reflect his persistence, refined style and theoretical knowledge gained during his studies at the Faculty of Architecture of VUT in Brno, under the supervision of prof. Helena Zemánková. One of the aims of the thesis is to present the architecture as the artistic and philosophical phenomenon of the past, present and future. Parts of the thesis deal with transformations of some of the works Ing. arch. Petr Fabián was working on and his goals to follow the needs of...