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Natural bodybuilding as the adequate physical activity
The main topic of this thesis is natural bodybuilding as an adequate physical puff-vita, make a survey of the possibilities and pros natural bodybuilding. The research group was composed of twenty-one propanedinitrile, for which I have applied the appropriate physical activating sadness. Their output of the measurement will be used for options to choose natural bodybuilding as another alternative to a healthy lifestyle. Everything is subject to appropriate physical activity and proper diet and thus also other ways to maintain physical and mental health.
Deposition of the thin films for applications of advanced oxidation processes using metal dopants
The aim of this diploma thesis is deposition of TiO2 thin films onto different types and sizes of substrates, and some of these layers dope by iron or silver. During the work was range of TiO2 layers created using a method of physical vapor deposition namely magnetron sputtering. For these processes was chosen the Dreva ARC 400 Hard Material Coating Plant device. The main aim of these depositions was to attempt to create TiO2 thin films on a substrates of larger surface than its in average laboratory processes usual. For this purpose were TiO2 layers deposited onto square glass plates of side length 10 cm. For comparsion and analysis were also as a substrates used microscope slides and fragments of silicon wafers. These substrates were used for testing of photocatalytic activity and on surface morphology (SEM). The theoretical part of this thesis aims to a methods of deposition TiO2 layers and their characteristics. In the experimental part is the used coating equipment and parameters of each deposition process described. Further the characteristics and results of individual experiments are described.
Modification of TiO2 electronic properties by means of chemical treatment (doping)
Zukalová, Markéta ; Lásková, Barbora ; Procházka, Jan ; Bastl, Zdeněk ; Havlíček, D. ; Kavan, Ladislav
The product of the reaction of nanofibrous anatase with ammonia in gas phase is nanofibrous cubic titanium oxynitride, c-TiO2N3. In contrary to the preparation of cubic titaniurn oxynitride from microcrystalline TiO2, requiring temperatures above 800°C, the conversion of nanofibrous TiO2 to TiO2N3 is completed at about 500°C due to its enhanced chemical reactivity. This conversion is fully reversible; the product of the back reaction is again nanofibrous Ti02. By the thermal treatment of nanofibrous anatase in H2 flow at 800°C for 2 hours the mixture of black disordered anatase, rutile and titanium suboxides was prepared. Evidently, particular phases can be synthesized simply by tuning the temperature of the treatment, which is a subject of the further research.
Organization and financing of the Czechoslovak sport in the seventies of the 20th century
Kratochvíl, Martin ; Szobi, Pavel (advisor) ; Johnson, Zdenka (referee)
This Bachelor thesis is focused on a period of releasing of social circumstances and liberalization in a sports sphere in Czechoslovakia at the turn of the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century and following normalization as well as on a development of Czechoslovak Association of Physical Education and subordinate association -- Czechoslovak Football Association. The thesis describes a conception of physical education in a socialist ideology and answers several key questions in comparison with capitalist perception of sport. In a following part, there is elucidated a using of auxiliary prohibited substances in Czechoslovakia during the reported period and politicians' attitudes to this issue. Last but not least, the thesis clarifies the origins of Amateur Football Association during normalization.
Drugs and sport
This graduation theses occupy by the doping problem specify how the students of a sports grammar school, i.e. future professional sportsmen, are familiarized with the issue of doping, and what attitudes to doping they assume, what their experience with doping is, etc. I contect of this four hypotheses were set in. Hypothesis 1, the students of the chosen sports grammar school believe that if professional sportsmen use drugs recreationally, they use most frequently alcohol, nicotine and marijuana, in this sequence, was confirmed. Hypothesis 2, the students of the chosen sports grammar school believe that doping is most frequently present in the sports disciplines like cycling, athletics and body building, in this sequence, was not confirmed. Hypothesis 3, at least 50% of the questioned students of the chosen sports grammar school use some drug recreationally, most frequently nicotine and alcohol, was confirmed. Hypotheses 4, more than 50% of the questioned students of the chosen sports grammar school, have never used any drug as sports doping, was confirmed. So it can be concluded that the information of potential top sportsmen is at a good level.
Burden on members of fire brigades
This bachelor thesis focuses on types of stressful situations and their influence on members of fire brigades and possible ways of their prevention. In general, it summarizes the issues of stess, stressful reactions and their effect on individuals. Furthermore, use of appropriate methods examines and defines stress situation in the work of members of HZS in terms of their subjective perception.
Economics of Doping: The Social Influence on the Level of Dosing Athletes.
Bartas, Jan ; Bolcha, Peter (advisor) ; Chytil, Zdeněk (referee)
In this thesis we examined the influence of the institutional changes and the implication of the financial evaluation of athletes (level and structure) on the level of dosing athletes. The most important moments in the history of the anti-doping fight were founding of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and the acceptance of the law against doping. Hypothesis 1 examined, if the founding of WADA (standardization of the anti-doping fight among countries) have had an influence on the decrease of the level of dosing athletes in these countries. According to the regression analysis we can say that the foundation of WADA had have the influence on the level of dosing athletes, but not in the direction we supposed. Some countries adopted the anti-doping law, which led us to formulate the Hypothesis 2: the level of doping athletes has been decreasing since the acceptance of this law. Due to econometric analysis we cannot support this hypothesis. We stated two more hypotheses in the chapter dedicated to the financial evaluation of athletes. Hypothesis 3, that the sport with a lot of supporters (in consequence lot of sponsors) is less prone to doping, we can support. Last hypothesis of this thesis is Hypothesis 4 and states that the level of the doping is influenced by the structure of the athlete evaluation. We cannot accept this hypothesis after the consideration of the available data set.
The use of performance-enhancing drugs in cycling
This thesis deals with addictive drugs and their use in order to increase cycling performance. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on summary of basic information in this field, namely on specification of particular substances and their performance-enhancing affects, psychosocial aspects of sports and potential motives for use of an addictive drug and legislation applicable to use of addictive drugs in sports. The aim of my thesis is to map out the situation in use of addictive drugs in cycling in the Czech Republic that are used to enhance performance, as well as the grounds for use of them. Further, the thesis is aimed to discover resources of both prevention of use of performance-enhancing substances and cyclists´ awareness of these problems.
Anabolic steroids
ŠTINDL, Přemysl
Anabolic steroids, also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids or AAS, are a class of steroid hormones related to the hormone testosterone. They increase protein synthesis within cells, which results in the buildup of cellular tissue (anabolism), especially in muscles. Anabolic steroids also have androgenic and virilizing properties, including the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics such as the growth of the vocal cords and body hair. Non medical uses for anabolic steroids are controversial, because of their adverse effects and their use to gain potential advantage in competitive sports. The use of anabolic steroids is banned by all major sporting bodies. In countries where the drugs are controlled, there is often a black market in which smuggled or counterfeit drugs are sold to users. The quality of such illegal drugs may be low, and contaminants may cause additional health risks.

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