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The role of the patient in the present
Patient´s role hasn´t changed several decades. Patient is only taken as a thing, he often stands in a lower position as a powerless human been, whom other people decide for. He doesn´t have the possibility to decide by him and he has to remind to medical stuff, which act mainly authoritatively and it comes to inability of the relation: medic- patient. It´s generally known that each human been has the ability to decide about himself by the law and nobody has the right to deny it from the patient in 21st century. There is diverse situation in private medical institution. The patient is on a first place in planning care here. He is on higher position to medical stuff and he decides by himself in what ways he´s going to be treated and in what conditions. Patient is fully informed about his medical stage, what is often left out in state institution.
Problematics of premature delivery in midwifery
Premature delivery is known as a delivery before 37th week of a pregnancy. It´s still a very serious problem in a healthcare and also the reason of lots of perinatal complications. These pregnant women who are threatened by premature delivery are often hospitalized for a long time. The hospitalization brings itself a lot of dangerous. It´s about the place itself, each woman´s individuality, her accommodation to a strange surrounding, other clients, the service of a clinic but also the medical staff. The midwife takes care by a nursing process when she works with the client´s requirement. There is very important a holistic view of a woman. A midwife may not omit her physical and social conditions, emotional stability, self-respect and her job status and family position. My work goal consisted in finding the details about priority biopsychosocial problems at women who are hospitalized for a long time with the imminent premature delivery. There are two questions: What are the priority problems in biopsychosocial area at women with already mentioned problem? How do these women feel their requirement saturation during the hospitalization from their midwives? There was chosen qualitative investigation by unstandardized interviews to my research. Those interviews were anonymous. My research were took place eight women ? hospitalized at the risk pathological section of a Gynaecology and Obstetrics clinic of a University hospital in Pilsen. For both research questions were found answers. As the most often problem the interviewed women said about fear, worry about unborn child and the fear of the future. Good communication with a nursing staff, sufficient quantity of information and also midwife´s care helped to make their fear smaller. Just this care the clients rated as perfect and excellent. They said midwives are active, interested in their problems and feelings and they try to help them with solving their problems. My research also revealed that for hospitalized clients there was a big problem the whole day lieing and omitting their activities which coheres with that. In their department they spent their free time by reading, watching TV and surfing on the Internet. Freshly they´d welcome an opportunity pass the antenatal preparation because just hospitalization made them impossible to pass some of antenatal course. Of my research survey followed a need to make the antenatal course right for the clients of the Risk Pathological Section of a Gynaecology and Obstetrics clinic of a University hospital in Pilsen whom is recommended a quiescent regime during the hospitalization. This research value can be used as a feedback for midwives work in this section and in the whole clinic and also used for improve the care of pregnant clients.
The influence of one-week hospitalization on patients with surgical treatment of biliary paths diseases.
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate how are patients affected by process of hospitalization since they are hospitalized to their discharge. Teoretical part of the study describes anatomy and pathology of biliary paths which is elementary for making context of biliary paths diseases. Further, the process of hospitalization and dietary restrictions that supports the treatment are properly described. Last but not least, psychological aspects of hospitalization are studied. Empirical part of the study is focused on examining of how single parts of hospitalization affect patient's psyche. Forms were used as a researching method. They were filled in by patients at hospital in South Bohemian region.
Income to the hospital, needs of the patient and nursing care
The bachelor thesis Admittance to hospital, patient?s needs and nursing care is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part.The theoretical part analyses what needs are and their classification, nursing care and its methods, outpatient and inpatient admittance from the point of view of a patient and from the point of view of nurses. These facts are compared between a surgery and an internal medicine ward. These problems form the central topics of this thesis.The practical part involves qualitative methods, namely the techniques of non standardized interview and observation by means of a record sheet both in patients and nurses specialized in surgery and internal medicine.First we prepared 20 questions focused on our topic, which were applied to 10 respondents, 5 surgical and 5 internal. A half of the questions dealt with patients that were waiting for or had already passed primary admittance to the surgical or internal ward of the České Budějovice Hospital. The second half of the questions was focused on the problems of inpatient admittance, which the patients had passed. 2 of the questions were given to nurses that took care about the patient at both, the admission office and the ward.The aim of the thesis was to find out what information the patients have when they are admitted to hospital. The second aim was to map the time interval between admittance at the admission office and laying the patient on the bed. The third aim was to map what needs were not saturated after admittance of a patient to the ward. The fourth aim was to map what problems nurses met most often in acceptance of a patient to the ward in terms of the nursing care they provided.The research among the respondents has shown that most patients do not have any specific information on admittance. The time interval between admittance at the admission office and laying the patient on the bed seems to be acceptable, although it usually took an hour or more. As for the needs, all the patients except for two had their needs saturated. The problems nurses face at acceptance are mostly with aggressive patients, alcohol influence, poor communication with family, signing a negative discharge, poor communication with admission nurses and communication barriers.
Meeting needs a higher level in patients with injury at acute care beds
Human need is a manifestation of a certain deficiency the removal of which is desirable. An injury disrupts the usual way of a person´s life, changing daily routines and reducing regular activities. A nurse working in the department where patients with injuries are hospitalized should have sufficient knowledge on the subject, must show patients her understanding and a personal interest in them as individuals. The first objective of study was to determine whether patients with injuries in acute care beds are met higher needs. The second objective was to compare the satisfaction of higher level needs in hospitalized patients with injuries in acute care beds by age and sex. The third objective was to determine the knowledge of nurses of higher human needs, and whether nurses are concerned about meeting needs in patients hospitalized with injuries. The survey was carried out quantitatively using the questionnaire method of data collection. Questionnaires were distributed to 55 nurses working in surgical departments of České Budějovice Hospital, plc, and Tábor Hospital, plc, and to 60 patients hospitalized with injuries in surgical departments of the same hospitals. The results of the quantitative research were evaluated using graphs. In accordance with the study objectives, the following hypotheses were stated: Hypothesis 1 Patients hospitalized with injuries in acute care beds show a need for meeting higher level needs. This hypothesis has been confirmed. Hypothesis 2 Nurses are concerned about meeting higher level needs of patients hospitalized with injuries in acute care beds. The hypothesis has been confirmed. Hypothesis 3 Women hospitalized with injuries in acute care beds have a greater need for meeting higher level needs than men. This hypothesis has been confirmed. Hypothesis 4 Elderly patients have a greater need for meeting higher level needs than younger patients. This hypothesis has been refuted. The findings obtained by the research could be used as information for the middle management of the hospitals departments where the research took place and the creation of educational material for nurses working there because it is important to learn more about the needs of patients in order to facilitate and improve meeting their needs.
The awareness of a patient and a co-decision during hospitalization at an internal department
This diploma thesis dealt with the issue of awareness of a patient and his or her opportunity to co-decide during hospitalization at an internal department. There were set three targets. The first one was to find out the level of the awareness of the patient during hospitalization about a care plan. From the result of a research is evident that patients feel lack of clear information about the care plan. The second target was to find out whether the patient has a chance to co-decide about a provided care during hospitalization. Comparing results from particular investigations there was a contrary between opinions of patients and medics. Patients think that the opportunity to co-decide is given to them. However, medics think that the opportunity of the patient to co-decide is limited. The third target was to find out, which questions in connection with a process of hospitalization patients ask nurses. Results of the investigation show that the most frequent questions are about the length of hospitalization. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts-theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part describes issues of the process of hospitalization of the patient since his/her income until his/her discharge from hospital. The investigative part was implemented by combination of a quantitative and a qualitative research. For the quantitative part of the investigation there was chosen the method questionnaire with a technique of half-structured interview offering open questions. Into the research file was involved 15 patients hospitalized at the internal department involved. There were set three investigatory questions. 1. What obstacles do exist in order to provide clear information during hospitalization of the patient? The research found out that the most frequent obstacle of intelligibility is a large amount of given information and frequent usage of terminology. 2. What obstacles do exist in order to make the patient an active participant when giving information? The investigation surprisingly resulted that that is not a misunderstanding or lack of empathy from the medic?s position or lack of interest from patient?s position. The main problem to make the patient the active participant during giving information is lack of medic?s time on patients. 3. Does the level of awareness of the patient saturate his or her need of certainty and security? The investigation showed that by the level of awareness is saturated the need of certainty and security. To gain data for the chosen issue of the quantitative research we used the method of questioning by a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 17 questions, 14 closed questions, 2 half-opened questions and 1 open question which offered to show a personal opinion. Respondents that were asked were students of paramedic assistant, nursing and paramedic resque worker, furthermore working nurses from both ambulant and bed sector, nurses from management and teacher of praxis. For the quantitative research we had two hypotheses: 1. Frequency of asking questions about the length of hospitalization equals to asking about the health condition. From the research was found out, that frequency of asking about the length of hospitalization is much higher than questions about the health condition. The first hypothesis was not verified. 2. During giving information nurses take for granted to include needs of the patient. The investigation showed that nurses during the hospitalization take for granted to include also patient?s opinions expressing his or her needs. The second hypothesis was verified. Results of our investigation gained in this diploma thesis will be used as sources for a distribution of informative materials for patients. We also think that it would be useful to inform nurses working at internal departments about the results. The results could also be interesting for students of high schools or universities preparing themselves for jobs of medical workers.
View of men at the risk pregnancy and hospitalization his partner
The pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful time in the life of every woman. But the process of pregnancy is not always without complications. Even if a high-risk pregnancy appeared also in the past ages, nowadays due to the system of prenatal care and the centralization of high-risk pregnancy cases in the perinatological centres, the number of life-born children who have better chances for higher quality of life is increasing. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with both a high-risk pregnancy including factors which cause it, or have any effect on it and with the impact of the hospitalization on the psyche of individual couples and how this situation influences their family life. The qualitative research was conducted by the method of in-depth interviews and questioning. The researched group consisted of seven men whose wives were hospitalized in the Division for High-Risk Pregnancies at České Budějovice Hospital plc. A total of five goals were set and fulfilled. The first goal of the research was to find out if the men, whose wives were hospitalized in the Division for High-Risk Pregnancies, understood reasons of the hospitalization. The second goal was to find out if the above mentioned men understood the expression ?a high-risk pregnancy?. The task of the third goal was to find out what were the greatest concerns of the men whose partners were hospitalized in the Division for High-Risk Pregnancies. The fourth goal of the thesis was to find out the influence of the hospitalization of the partner on the family life. The fifth goal was to find out if those men emphasized the selection of the health centre where the eventual hospitalization takes place. In summary, it was found out that the men are aware of reasons of the hospitalization and they understand the expression ?a high-risk pregnancy?. They have the greatest concerns about health of the partner and the future of a child. Further, it was found out that the hospitalization plays a negative role in the family life and the fact that the men mostly emphasize the selection of the health centre where the hospitalization takes place. This thesis can serve as study material for both future and current midwives. Further, it can be used as a source of information for future mothers and their partners it means for the couples to which the topic relates directly, or they just would like to know different dangers in the pregnancy.
Nurse's part in free time activities and games for children that are hospitalized at small hospitals.
The social development of last decades brings about rapid changes, affecting also medicine and nursing. It also contributed to a positive shift, so a hospitalization of a child does not necessarily mean breaking bonds with its parents, siblings, and the broader family. Yet, a nurse remains an irreplaceable link in the process of child's treatment. It is a nurse who spends most of the time with the child during a hospitalization. A nurse has therefore a great potential of influencing child's adaptation to the hospitalization either in a positive or a negative way. Regardless of health or illness, a child retains a need of play activities. A play is an important healing component, it improves emotional condition, facilitates an adaptation to a changed health situation and enables saturation for activities the disease makes difficult or impossible. This diploma thesis aimed to analyze how spare time and play activities are ensured in small hospitals, regarding personnel, time and material. The author also set the task of finding out what importance the nurses give to their own role in the educational process. The research was conducted in two ways. The qualitative part contains interviews with children of primary school age who answered questions about what they wanted and what children hospitalized in small hospitals generally miss. Hypotheses were subsequently formed according to results of this part. These hypotheses were then tested by a quantitative research. The research group for the quantitative research were nurses working in pediatric departments of hospitals in the regions of Plzen, Karlovy Vary and Central Bohemia. The research shows that many pediatric departments of small and medium-sized hospitals have to deal with nurses' time troubles and with an insufficient staffing in order to fill meaningfully and effectively the child patients' spare time. The results of this research will be used as a platform for improvement of hospitalized children's conditions in one particular department.

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