National Repository of Grey Literature 91 records found  beginprevious82 - 91  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Code Generation Using Design Patterns
Hanák, František ; Malinka, Kamil (referee) ; Jurnečka, Peter (advisor)
This thesis describes code generation using design patterns. It deals with questions of specification of design patterns and their usage in code generation. The main part of thesis follows describtions of design patterns, their categorization, usage purpose and main ways of design patterns definitions. It describes the most often used formal design patterns specifications, their possible usage in code generation and design of algorithm for searching similar structures of patterns in source code in detail.
Advanced Algorithms for 3D Medical Image Data Fusion in Specific Medical Problems
Malínský, Miloš ; Flusser,, Jan (referee) ; Kozubek,, Michal (referee) ; Jan, Jiří (advisor)
Fúze obrazu je dnes jednou z nejběžnějších avšak stále velmi diskutovanou oblastí v lékařském zobrazování a hraje důležitou roli ve všech oblastech lékařské péče jako je diagnóza, léčba a chirurgie. V této dizertační práci jsou představeny tři projekty, které jsou velmi úzce spojeny s oblastí fúze medicínských dat. První projekt pojednává o 3D CT subtrakční angiografii dolních končetin. V práci je využito kombinace kontrastních a nekontrastních dat pro získání kompletního cévního stromu. Druhý projekt se zabývá fúzí DTI a T1 váhovaných MRI dat mozku. Cílem tohoto projektu je zkombinovat stukturální a funkční informace, které umožňují zlepšit znalosti konektivity v mozkové tkáni. Třetí projekt se zabývá metastázemi v CT časových datech páteře. Tento projekt je zaměřen na studium vývoje metastáz uvnitř obratlů ve fúzované časové řadě snímků. Tato dizertační práce představuje novou metodologii pro klasifikaci těchto metastáz. Všechny projekty zmíněné v této dizertační práci byly řešeny v rámci pracovní skupiny zabývající se analýzou lékařských dat, kterou vedl pan Prof. Jiří Jan. Tato dizertační práce obsahuje registrační část prvního a klasifikační část třetího projektu. Druhý projekt je představen kompletně. Další část prvního a třetího projektu, obsahující specifické předzpracování dat, jsou obsaženy v disertační práci mého kolegy Ing. Romana Petera.
Stress-strain Analysis of Chosen Spinal Fixation Device
Prášilová, Eva ; Valášek, Jiří (referee) ; Marcián, Petr (advisor)
The degenerative and traumatic injuries of a spine are very frequent. In those cases it is necessary to stabilize the corresponding spine segment using a spine implant. The spinal implants are rigid or flexible, the latter known as dynamic ones in medical practice. In this thesis, the problems of the physiological spinal segment and the segment with implant were solved using the computational modelling (finite element method). Computational model consists of 4 lumbar vertebrae L2 – L5, intervertebral discs, joints and spinal implants. The spinal segment was loaded by the force 400N and 200N, than by force 200N together with bending moments 2,5Nm and 5Nm depending of the motion. The displacement of the whole system, contact pressure of cartilages, equivalent strain in cancellous bone and equivalent stress in the implant were analyzed. The deformation of the physiological model and the model with the implant are comparable, but the bone tissue of the model with the implant is dramatically more loaded in vicinity of the screws.
Skiascopic and skiagraphic examination of the spine with a focus on scoliosis
DOSTÁL, Martin
The spine is the body's support system and a supporting pole to the whole skeleton, therefore it is important to take good care of it to prevent its deformities, such as scoliosis. Scoliosis is a serious illness which can appear at a really young age. Nowadays, it's timely detection and early treatment is achieved through not only expert orthopaedic check-up, but mainly through radiological examination, mostly skiagraphy. In my bachelor thesis named "Skiascopic and skiagraphic examination of the spine with a focus on scoliosis" I deal with skiagraphic and fluoroscopic options of examining the spine, the issues of scoliosis in general and with specific statistical analysis of incidents of scoliotic changes recorded at the Radiological clinic of the University hospital Brno, at the department of adult medicine. In the introduction, I explain the basic anatomy of the spine including the movement possibilities of individual spinal parts, such as tilting or rotation. The differences between cervical, thoracic and lumbar part of the spine, and their individual vertebrae, are described. In the next part, I focus on the basic principles of skiagraphy and fluoroscopy. It's important to realise what these examination techniques involve, how they work and why are they indispensable parts of examination process of scoliosis. The origin of x-rays and its types are explicated. I also devote a little subchapter to digitalisation, because in modern medicine, it's gradually replacing original technology of recording on film screens, and its use requires minor adjustements of the skiagraphy procedure. The third part of the bachelor thesis focuses on individual skiascopic and skiagraphic examinations of the spine. I describe procedures of skiagraphy of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar part of the spine including the projection of the sacrum. I mention special skiagraphic methods performed in the process of intentional detection or observation of scoliotic changes, including telemetric pictures composed into the long format. From the skiscopic examinations, I marginally chose myelography and discography, application of which is currently almost none thanks to modern examination methods such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In the next chapter, I'm finnaly dealing with the topic of scoliosis itself. The basic classification according to aetiology is shown, I also explain the difference between idiopathic, congenial and neuromuscular scoliosis. Also, I clarify by what reference is the scoliosis' curvature measured and what terms are used to describe scoliosis. The chapter concludes by brief explanation of therapy used for scoliosis. The second part of the thesis includes my research. I present the goals of the work and anticipated hypothesis. I explain where and in what conditions the data collection took place, including description of the process of telemetrical screening at the forementioned workplace in Brno. I also present outcome achieved by statistical processing of data, including my commentary based on hypothesis and acquired experience. In the discussion, I compared incidents of scoliosis today according to my research with professional literature focused on scoliosis. Furthermore, I mentioned options of spinal issues prevention, including related illnesses. I also enclose suggestion of utilization of my work in practice, which, as I hope, will be a usefull addition to clinical research for University hospital Brno. In the last part of my dissertation, I summarize all my findings from the thesis and enclose, along with the list of used literature and internet links, attachments in the form of expertly described radiographs of scoliotical spines, which I obtained, with the consent of the staff, also ati the University hospital Brno.
Nursing care of Pacients after spine surgery
The title of my thesis is Nursing care after spinal surgery. The number of patients with problems of different parts of the spine is growing as well as indications to operational solutions. This is due to society trends and a greater load on the body. Therefore operational procedures requiring specific nursing procedures for treatment in the early post-operative period increase. The thesis highlights the issue of specific nursing care for patients with various diseases and parts of spine. It points out that there is no universal measurement of nursing care for different types of operations on the same section of the spine and it is necessary to choose the right procedure in specific nursing care along with subsequent rehabilitation care. The number of people with diseases of the spine indicated for surgery continues to increase. Research mentions modern days numbers compared with the time 20 years ago and I dare say the numbers are disastrous. There is nothing to wonder about. Disproportionate load does not decrease, a sedentary way of life either at work or at home also adds to the risk of developing these diseases. These have resulted in discomfort mainly in personal life of a human, but also threaten their working and social role and disrupt the economic security, which we cannot do without nowadays. In our thesis we deal with already incurred pathological manifestations indicated for a surgery. In other words, what happens to the patient, if they are recommended by our outpatient physician - neurosurgeon for a surgery. The lack of nursing literature on this specific issue was the reason for us to choose this theme. In the theoretical part we will discuss the general structure - spine anatomy and physiology, basic terms related to the basic movements, and curvature of the spine. Since our thesis is focused on nursing care after a surgical treatment of diseases of various sections of the spine at the department of Neurosurgery, Traumatology and the Infectious department in České Budějovice, the theoretical part includes basic theoretical outlines of the most important surgical procedures performed at these departments in the hospital of České Budějovice a.s.. Furthermore, we will get to the specifics of nursing care after these surgeries related to early rehabilitation care and close cooperation with physiotherapists. It should be emphasized that teamwork is the cornerstone in the care of patients after spinal surgery, whose subsequent rehabilitation and education in self-care after being discharged from the hospital care is one of the basic prerequisites for a successful recovery and return to their working and social role. The research part focuses on the following objectives: Aim 1: To determine whether nurses know the correct procedures for early rehabilitation of patients after spinal surgery Aim 2: Find out what is the level of collaboration between nurses and physiotherapists in the specifics of patients after spinal surgery Aim 3: To determine whether the nurse´s education and length of practice has an impact on the provision of specific nursing care for patients after spinal surgery Furthermore, using the research questions related to this issue: Research 1: How do nurses and physiotherapists cooperate in a patient´s care after spinal surgery? Research 2: Is a nurse´s length of practise connected with higher expertise in providing specific nursing care to the patient after a spinal surgery? Research 3: Does the education of nurses affect the knowledge of the specifics of the nursing care to the pacients after a spinal surgery? Research 4: How do nurses extend their knowledge in specifics nursing care for pacients after spinal surgery?
The issue of mentoring patients with degenerative diseases of the spine for autotherapy for long-term kinezioterapeutical plan
This bachelor thesis focuses on instructing the patients with a degenerative disease of the spine for autotherapy from the kinesiotherapeutic long-term plan point of view. The right instruction for autotherapy is one of the most fundamental elements not only due to its correct understanding, but most importantly for the right home exercising. Unless the exercises are done correctly, a patient's conditions may worsen, which we need to avoid. In the theoretical part individual anatomic structures of the axial system are described, including vertebrae and their interconnection and of course the spinal muscular components, greatly contributing to both the static and dynamic stability necessary for all forms of motion. Then, there are the most frequently occurring degenerative diseases of the spine and their diagnosis possibilities mentioned here. In the next part different ways of treatment are described. The main treatment for the degenerative diseases of the spine is a conservative treatment involving variety of methods and concepts in terms of physiotherapy. In case this treatment is not successful, a surgical treatment comes into effect, which does not yet guarantee a 100% positive result beforehand. In that case we are talking about the so-called failed back surgery syndrom caused by a number of factors, and thus the treatment is not clearly defined. Apart from its therapy the main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of the variety of ways of instructing patients because there are many approaches through which it is possible to instruct patients on dong exercises at home. For my thesis I chose three options, which are a verbal instruction, an instruction according to pictures and a video instruction. To achieve the aim, the qualitative method of data collection was used. The sample group consists of three patients with a generative disease of the spine. In the practical part based on the initial kinesiology examination I, besides the therapy, deal with the patients instructions on autotherapy and I assess their efficiency. During the therapy each patient was informed about a few possibilities of the instructions which they should subsequently follow when exercising at home. During the first visit an initial kinesiology analysis was conducted. The second visit included the therapy and an oral instruction on how to do the exercises. These instructions and exercises were the same at the third visit. The fourth as well as the fifth session was finished with the instructions for autotherapy through pictures. The sixth and the seventh session involved video instructions. At the end of each session every patient demonstrated the assigned exercises which were being corrected at the same time. During the final therapy session the output kinesiology analysis was performed and the success of the therapy was assessed. Simultaneously an uninstructed interview was conducted with each patient in which the patients expressed their subjective opinion on the executed therapy and the ways of the instructions. All the patients state the most appropriate instruction was the audio instruction because of its simplicity and clarity.
Physiotherapy at treatment of chronic pain
The title of my bachelor thesis is "Physiotherapy at Chronic Pain Treatment". In my thesis I have focused on chronic back pain. Ambulatory practice indicates the above by general diagnosis as vertebral algic syndrome (VAS). First part of my work consists of processing of theoretical basis related to the problem. Main sections focus on pain, function of the spine, vertebral algic syndrome, spine examination methods, physiotherapeutic procedures and prevention of VAS origination. The research part of my work includes two case reports with diagnosis of chronic vertebral algic syndrome. The objective of the theoretical part of the work was to focus from the physiotherapist's view on most common causes of chronic pain, namely vertebral etiology. This part is also aimed at analyzing basic causes of VAS, processing of current information for diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive procedures related to VAS. The objective of practical part of the work was to find out, based on the case reports, whether the physiotherapy relieves the patient from pain. In the practical part of the thesis I applied the method of qualitative research, case study. The research was carried out in Malvazinky Rehabilitation Center and in Medicentrum Chodov. The tested set consisted of two probands diganosed with chronic vertebral algic syndrome. The diagnoses were given by the doctor treating the probands. Results have been prepared in the form of case reports. Both monitored patients showed a relief from pain and rehabilitation objectives set in advance have been met. Providing that the patients shall practise self-therapy and pay attention to measures preventing origination of problems. The thesis may serve as a theoretical document for medical science students. For physiotherapists it may serve as an inspiration when preparing rehabilitation plans for chronic back pain treatment.

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