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Models of vehicle´s kinetic energy recovery
Fic, Miloslav ; Vaverka, Michal (referee) ; Nevrlý, Josef (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with analysis of existing knowledge in the area of vehicle kinetic energy recuperation models. This analysis is mainly focused on hydrostatic regenerative braking system models. This paper introduces stances of some authors, mathematic relationships and program tools useful for simulation of these models. Afterwards is estimation of shown studies and at least is presented future development of hydrostatic regenerative braking systems. This paper gives a sight of hydraulic recuperation system problems and it could be used as the theoretical element for next research in recuperation models area.
Use of models of vehicle´s kinetic energy recovery
Galda, Michal ; Vaverka, Michal (referee) ; Nevrlý, Josef (advisor)
Analysis of concrete model application of vehicle's kinetic energy regeneration.
Present state of combustion engine transfer to alternative powertrains
Maršálek, Ondřej ; Píštěk, Václav (referee) ; Novotný, Pavel (advisor)
The current state of change from conventional combustion engines to its alternatives is mapped in this bachelor’s diploma thesis. The basic principles and configurations of conventional combustion engines and its existing alternatives are mentioned. The thesis is also dealing with various kinds of alternative fuels; their summary and evaluation are mentioned as well. In the conclusion of the thesis it is foreshadowed in what way the car industry could proceed in the subsequent years.
Alternative Drive of Automobile
Dubský, Jiří ; Kloss, Ondřej (referee) ; Kaplan, Zdeněk (advisor)
This bachelor work deal with problems alternative drive for automobile with narrower intent on hybrid drive. Features run - down and description possible options for drive cars. Further is focused on cars with hybrid drive and on problems hereof unconventional drive with presentation characteristic feature, advantages and disadvantage.
Basic aspects of conservation maize by silage process
The aim of the bachelor thesis was evaluation of the maize silage production as the most often representive part of cow feed. The introductory part of the thesis were focused on basic information about maize, it´s origin, importance and general description. The following part of the thesis was focused on silage process focusing mikroorganisms and fermenation process. Therre is also describtion of these organisms as positive as negative acting on silage process with posibility to aply some various aditives. An interesting part of the thesis is appretiation of growned hybrids and their benefits and cons with focusing on qualitative and quantitative values. One of the most important part of the thesis is technological describtion of silage production. In this part of the thesis were mentioned individual section of the technological processing of materiál, variety of methods used in silage processing and some recommendation, whith should be followed by farmers. The information used thorough the thesis was obtained from publication of Czech as well as foreign authors and the carefully were described problems of the established theme.
Bring Your Own Cloud - Problems and their solutions
Suda, Radovan ; Gála, Libor (advisor) ; Karkošková, Soňa (referee)
Nowadays there has appeared a new trend in Information technology called BYOC - Bring Your Own Cloud. The introductory part of this work describes the current status around BYOC and the trend itself. Then there has been performed a research about frequently discussed topics around BYOC. The research shows that like with every change and its benefits, there is the other side with problems, challenges and risks. That is what this thesis is about. The goal is to identify the problems, challenges and risks of BYOC and then find adequate solutions. To achieve this goal there has been set a methodical process, whose main part consists of a simple process of two steps. The first step identifies the problems, challenges and risks. The second one tries to find solutions for the identified problems in two views - theoretical and production. The output of this are solutions of the identified problems, challenges and risks which fulfils the stated goal. The conclusion describes what has been achieved. This work can be used as an information source for organisations, who want to use the benefits that BYOC gives and also want to be able to face the difficulties that this trend has. It is useful for organisations that have already implemented some BYOC policies to get some more information but also for organisations that are thinking about it. Thanks to this work they will be able to prepare for possible problems, challenges and risks plus they will be able to face them.
Analysi breeding condition in broiler chickens taking into account the microclimatic condition in controlled mode.
This thesis is focused on the assessment of production of broiler chickens te. hybrids ROSS and COBB 308 500, in connection with the microclimate conditions in the period from 2011 to 2014. The survey provides calculation of average lengths of broiler fattening, live weight of broiler chickens at the end of the batch, consumption of complete feed mixture for 1 kg of live weight gain, the effectiveness index of fattening, mortality to reproductive breeding age on. The juxtaposition of these zootechnical parameters will be obtained from the company Tagrea s.r.o. with operations in Čekanice near Tabor.
Porovnání výnosových a kvalitativních parametrů vybraných hybridů silážní kukuřice
Seryn, Jaroslav
This thesis presents a comparison of quality and yield parameters of corn silage hybrids. The basis for the work was a pilot experiment, which was set in 2013 on the land of the agriculture company ÚSOVSKO. During the growing period differences among hybrids were recorded at different growth stages. At harvest, yield of biomass was assessed and then the samples were taken for laboratory analyses. The following characteristics of particular hybrids were evaluated: dry matter content, starch content, the content of N-substances, content of ADF and NDF, cellulose content, ash and fat content. Based on obtained data the methane production and milk production from one ton of silage and per one hectare of crop was calculated as well as estimation of digestibility.
Alternativní pohony automobilů
Doležal, Ondřej
The bachelor thesis deals with alternative propulsion vehicles. Introductory section focuses on the comparison of conventional and alternative drive. Another part deals with the various alternative drives that are now available. The former, are powered hybrids, followed by electric, hydrogen power, and the conclusion of dedicated vehicles on gaseous fuels. In each chapter describes the functioning of the drive components required and refueling. At the end of each chapter are listed the positives and negatives of the drive. Finally, the study introduces selected types of vehicles with alternative drive. Cars are augmented by technical parameters. Following is an analysis of the functional properties of the vehicle.
The impact of interspecific hybridization on fitness of Sturgeons
Sturgeons (order Acipenseriformes) are supposed to be one of the oldest groups of vertebrates still living on our planet. Moreover, their polyploid ancestry makes them very susceptible for interspecifc hybridization. These interspecific and intergeneric hybrids have been already described in nature as well as in captivity. Nevertheless, the fitness of sturgeon hybrids in comparison with pure species has not been studied yet even though it can have significant impact on sturgeon aquaculture production. The main goal of this study was to investigate and compare reproductive features (fertilization rate and hatching rate), survival rate and growth rate of artificially produced hybrids of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) and Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii) with their pure parental species. The experiment was performed till 262 day after hatching. It was supposed that these observed features could have significant impact on fitness of analyzed individual/groups. The highest reproductive features had hybrid between Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) females and Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii) males while purebred group of Russian sturgeon displayed the lowest values of fertilization and hatching rate. At the beginning of the experiment, the highest survival rate was shown by purebred groups of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) and Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii), but this trend were slightly changed after 37th day post hatching. At the end of the experiment, the lowest value of survival rate was shown by purebred group of Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii). Similarly, the lowest growth rate was also owned by purebred group of Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii). In contrast, the best total growth rate was observed for hybrids between Russian sturgeon and Siberian sturgeon (A. geuldenstaedtii × A. baerii ) even though they grew slower until 101st day after hatching. Therefore, given the evidence discussed, this kind of hybrid could be suggested for intensive aquaculture and might be also suitable for polycultures stock. Finally, breeding of sturgeon hybrids might be seen as an effective alternative to pure species in sturgeon aquaculture, but suitable kind of hybrid must be selected.

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