National Repository of Grey Literature 677 records found  beginprevious668 - 677  jump to record: Search took 0.07 seconds. 

Roof Framing and Roofing Materials

Proceedings from the conference dealed with traditional carpenter´s technology,historic roof timber frames and roofing materials

Vývoj eko-průmyslu v České republice
Tošovská, Eva ; Ritschelová, I.
The focus of the conference was on summarizing the theoretical and practical experience gained by participants in their environmental accounting and sustainable development indicators work at both - the macro and micro - levels.

Geografie v Evropě regionů

The proceedings of the 6th Moravian Geographical Conference CONGEO, Luhačovice, Czech Republic, 22.-26.8.2005.

Zone of the grey information
Pejšová, Petra
To, co se nezveřejní, ani Google o tom neví. Výzkumné zprávy, vysokoškolské práce, příspěvky z konferencí a další odborné materiály jsou sice vydávány, ale dostane se k nim pouze úzká skupina uživatelů. Toto se snažíme změnit. Hledejte na .
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Digitization Registry CZ
Lhoták, Martin ; Foltýn, T.
The Digitization registry of the Czech Republic is national project, which is developed under the cooperation of National Library of Czech Republic, Academy of Sciences Library with close cooperation with other partners from Czech libraries. The aim of the national registry of the digitized documents is to avoid unwanted duplicities during digitization process and to enable sharing the digitization results across the Czech Republic. The Digitization Registry could also provide to the system users tools for digitization workflow management to simplify the way of the monitoring digitization process. The solution could also serve to end users as the central access point to digitized documents. Very important is also the fact that it cooperates with library catalogue systems as well as with digital document repositories. At the end of 2010 there were 39 thousand records in the Registry. National Library will guarantee regular operation of the Registry.

Evidence of tin coating on archaeological ferrous artefacts by voltammetry of microparticules (VMP)
Ottenwelter, Estelle ; Costa, V.
Voltammetry of microparticules (VMP) using a paraffinimpregnated graphite electrode (PIGE) to transfer material directly from the artefacts to an electrochemical cell, was applied on two objects from Medieval Ages covered by a grey metallic coating in a variable state of conservation and appearance as a non invasive analytical method to characterise artefacts. Results have shown that the light grey metallic surface layers observed on both objects present different chemical composition, which could be determined in a selective way, following their stratigraphical location of the artefacts.

Repositories in Libraries, Museums and Archives: Yes or No?
Simandlová, Tereza ; Frantíková, Bohdana
Příspěvek shrne problematiku budování institucionálních repozitářů, jejich význam pro paměťové instituce a poukáže na možné problémy, které s budováním souvisí. Repozitáře slouží především jako místa dlouhodobé archivace a zpřístupnění digitálních dokumentů, tedy i digitálního kulturního dědictví, nikoliv pouze krátkodobých či rychle zastarávajících informací. Vzhledem k proměně povahy nově vznikajících dokumentů v současné době je tedy žádoucí, aby se vznikem takovýchto digitálních archivů paměťové instituce začaly zabývat.
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Open Repositories 2012
Simandlová, Tereza
Náplní služební cesty byla účast na mezinárodní konferenci Open Repositories 2012, která se ve dnech 9. – 13. července konala na University of Edinburgh ve Skotsku. Konference byla rozdělena do 3 částí – první zahrnovala workshopy, druhá se skládala z několika paralelních bloků přednášek a závěr konference byl věnován přednáškám děleným dle softwaru užívaného pro budování repozitářů (DSpace, Fedora, EPrints). Podnázvem letošního ročníku bylo Open Services for Open Repositories, díky čemuž byla většina přednášek věnována ukázkám služeb podporujících myšlenky otevřeného přístupu, a to nejen k publikacím, ale také vědeckým datům a ukázkám služeb zaměřených na obohacování či rozšiřování uloženého obsahu. Konference byla zároveň spojena s Repository Fringe, festivalem, který každý rok Edinburghská univerzita pořádá pro správce repozitářů.
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Master Data Integration hub - solution for company-wide consolidation of referrential data
Bartoš, Jan ; Slánský, David (advisor) ; Pour, Jan (referee)
In current information systems the requirement to integrate disparate applications into cohesive package is greatly accented. While well-established technologies facilitating functional and comunicational integration (ESB, message brokes, web services) already exist, tools and methodologies for continuous integration of disparate data sources on enterprise-wide level are still in development. Master Data Management (MDM) is a major approach in the area of data integration and referrential data management in particular. It encompasses the referrential data integration, data quality management and referrential data consolidation, metadata management, master data ownership, principle of accountability for master data and processes related to referrential data management. Thesis is focused on technological aspects of MDM implementation realized via introduction of centrallized repository for master data -- Master Data Integration Hub (MDI Hub). MDI Hub is an application which enables the integration and consolidation of referrential data stored in disparate systems and applications based on predefined workflows. It also handles the master data propagation back to source systems and provides services like dictionaries management and data quality monitoring. Thesis objective is to cover design and implementation aspects of MDI Hub, which forms the application part of MDM. In introduction the motivation for referrential data consolidation is discussed and list of techniques used in MDI Hub solution development is presented. The main part of thesis proposes the design of MDI Hub referrential architecture and suggests the activities performed in process of MDI Hub implementation. Thesis is based on information gained from specialized publications, on knowledge gathererd by delivering projects with companies Adastra and Ataccama and on co-workers know-how and experience. Most important contribution of thesis is comprehensive view on MDI Hub design and MDI Hub referrential architecture proposal. MDI Hub referrential architecture can serve as basis for particular MDI Hub implementation.