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The importance of the American Revolution in John Quincy Adams's work
MACH, Tomáš
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse the importance of the American Revolution in John Quincy Adams's work. The following test focuses on his printed speeches used on the occasion of Independence Day and the anniversary of the ratification of the United States Constitution. The next primary source analysed would be an essay written by Friedrich Gentz (a German conservative), which was translated into English by Adams. Thus, the main goal of this thesis is to analyse, interpret and compare previously mentioned sources. Besides that the following work should also deal with the role of providencialism in the interpretation of historical events as witnessed by participants of the American Revolution. All that ought to be elaborated with a help of literary and other sources.
The Czech translators at the local government in Prague in 18th century
This M.A. thesis deals with the office of the Czech translator at the local government in Prague, which was established in 1749 as a part of the Repräsentation und Kammer. The first aim of our work is to describe and explain the agenda of this department, assess its activities within the contemporary context and justify its establishment. In doing so, we contribute to the historical research by describing the situation of the officials at the time of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, and furthermore we contribute also to the linguistical research by studying the role of Czech in the administration in 18th century. The introduction describes the situation of Czech language in the 18. century and analyzes the state of research. The further text is divided into three chapters. The first one shows the development of Bohemian local government in Prague where Czech translators were working. The most important part of the work is the second chapter, which expounds the history of the translator's office and provides biographies of individual translators. The third chapter presents the Apology of Czech written by the first known translator Matěj Rudolf Blažej which is interesting for us as an example of texts produced by the office in the 18th century and as a contribution to the Czech National Revival.
Cathedral chapter in České budějovice in times of bishop Jan Valerián Jirsík
This thesis deals with functioning and structure of cathedral chapter in years 1775-1883. The essential part of this thesis contains the historical context and process of the establishment of the cathedral chapter in České Budějovice by the cathedral temple of St. Nicholas, but also the establishment of diocese in České Budějovice. In the second part we found a summary of events and activities of people in the chapter and also the short introduction of first four bishops of diocese in České Budějovice.
HÁLOVÁ, Michaela
This work endeavours to introduce two treatises which deal with the topic of ideal nobleman at the turn of Baroque and Enlightenment in Czech lands. Both of them were written in French by scholars who had some relation with Czech lands. The first one is a manuscript called ?Le prince selon Dieu et les hommes prouvé par les propres paroles de l? écriture sainte et appuyé du témoignage des docteurs de l?église et des Meilleurs auteurs profanes?? ( The Prince according to God and the people, proved by the words of Holy Scripture and supported by the testimony of church scholars and of the best secular authors) which was written in 1725 by a teacher of French language named Philibert Joseph le Roux and its content shows the baroque point of view of virtues which are indispensable for every Christian prince. The second one is younger, it is a print called ?Connoissances que doit avoir un jeune seigneur ou l?idée d?un homme d?honneur? (The Knowledge which a young man has to have i.e. the ideal of the honest man) which was created at the end of 18th century. The aim of its analysis is to find out if the ideal of nobleman during 18th century has changed or not. The introduction of this thesis defines the topic and analyzes the state of research. In the next parts, the thinking of Baroque and Enlightenment is indicated as well as the change of position of the nobility during these two periods. The main part introduces a scholarly account of virtues and qualities which are, in a view of each author, necessary for every aristocrat.
The Enlightenment Reforms in Buquoy Dominion as Historical Roots of Social Pedagogy
The thesis considers the education system development and gradual forming of social care in Bohemia in the 2nd half of 18th century. It tracks the reform of these areas from its early beginnings till its introduction within the whole Austrian-Hungarian Empire. First part of the thesis focuses on detailed analysis of industrial education in South-Bohemian Kaplice, 2nd part covers the gradual establishment of complex social system in the dominion of Nové Hrady. The thesis looks at the social-pedagogical reform endeavours aimed at progress of the society and improvement of the general situation in Bohemia in the aftermath of the protracted wars in Central Europe. The closing chapter reflects the content of the thesis within the context of social pedagogy.
Sonnenfels´ weekly magazine analysis in a wider interpretative criterion. Theresie und Eleonore
MEZEROVÁ, Veronika
After the bachelor thesis The Sonnenfels´ weekly moral women´s magazine Theresie und Eleonore, the diploma thesis Woman and women culture in moral magazine Theresie und Eleonore represents another result of the Sonnenfels?s weekly magazine analysis in a wider interpretative criterion. Theresie und Eleonore. The object of this thesis is not only the classification of this magazine into the European context, but mainly the construction of a model of Sonnenfels?s vision of a woman and her culture. In the first part, the development of European moral magazines together with the classification of Theresie und Eleonore among moral magazines for women are briefly described. Another part analyses particular editions and the features that determine the affiliation of Theresie und Eleonore with its genre. The central part focuses on Sonnenfels?s modeling of woman, therefore on the different types of women and moral models, which he created in his own weekly magazine. An important element of the central part is Sonnenfels?s creation of an artificial women culture.
The Influence of the Enlightenment on the Czech School in the Turn of 18th and 19th Centuries
In my bachelor´s thesis The Influence of the Enlightenment on the Czech School in the Turn of 18th and 19th Centuries I deal with enlightened reformative efforts of J. I. Felbiger, F. Kindermann a J. J. Ryba. Primarily, I focus on five parts of Felbiger´s so called right ?zaháňská?teaching method. Next part is concerned by Kaplice school where F. Kindermann taught and studies the industrial teaching from his point of view. I also deal with pedagogical activity of the teacher and musician J. J. Ryba. I compare their didactic approaches and analyse their effectiveness. Suggestions of the didactic application of enlightened teaching methods at present secondary schools, and examples of the own translation work are the parts of the thesis.
Significant personality of enlightenment age - J.J.Rousseau
The thesis deals with the age of enlightment and especially the personality of Jean Jacques Rousseau. The thesis describes the characteristic of the enlightment age, main directions and their representatives, then the entire life of Jean Jacques Rousseau, his philosophical, religion and political thoughts. The main goal was the description of his pedagogical thougts and at the same time the division of upbringing according to the age of a child which goes from his book Emile: or Education. The thesis doesn´t miss the intrusion of Jean Jacques Rousseau not only to Czech lands but also to other lands of Europe such as France or England and then also the intrusion to the United States of America. The last part of this thesis is dedicated to opinions of other important personalities who evaluated Jean Jacquese Rousseau and were inspired by him.
Moral weeklies of the prague enlightenment. Confrontation and literary analysis of "Die Sichtbare" and "Die Unsichtbare"
This diploma paper deals with the two very first purely moral weekly magazines that used to appear in Prague in the beginning of the 70's of the 18th century, Die Unsichtbare and Die Sichtbare. The goal of the diploma paper is to describe the contentual and also the formal aspect of the text in order to enable depicture of the genre's function and its influence on public. There are questions established concerning the source basis and the used methodics in the first chapter. The second chapter tries to get into the history and the structure of the moral magazines using the period hand-books and all available literature. There are the Prague enlightenment and the task of the moral magazines in it brought closer in the third chapter. The fundamental part of my work is the fourth chapter that contains the analysis of the surveyed magazines from the view of the subject-matter, content and marginally language. The last chapter outlines the end of both of the magazines and the fading of this genre in czech lands. The supplement is made of photocopies of the front pages of both of the magazines and examples of the text.
MacIntyre´s concept of the development of ethics in modern times
JEŽEK, Václav
Diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the book by Alasdair MacIntyre ?After virtue. A Study in Moral Theory ? in which the author discusses the crisis of moral values at the time of Modern Period. The main part of the thesis is devoted to this book and also the views of scholars from Classical times up to the early 20th century. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the thoughts of Alasdair MacIntyre, the second chapter discusses emotivism, the third chapter contains an essay on the topic of virtues and examines how values changed and develioped in society throught the ages. The fourth chapter questiones the Modern period and the crisis of values in this time. The fifth chapter is an essay about Friedrich Nietzsche.

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