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Forms of provision of pre-hospital emergency care applied to the foreign missions by the Army of the Czech Republic
The thesis deals with the forms of provision of pre-hospital emergency care (PEC) by paramedics of the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) and this means above all those forms of PEC which are provided by Combat Medic and Combat Lifesaver (a Combat Lifesaver trained soldier). With regard to the terminology and conception of the thesis comprising the areas of providing PEC, the thesis deals with the levels 1 3 outfeed chain, consequently with the care of the patient to the relevant Role 1 including. The aim of the thesis was to show the basic differences in providing PEC by the Army of the Czech Republic in comparison with the system of emergency medical services of the Czech Republic and then to find out what the specific qualifications for a paramedic´s profession are. I tried to demonstrate this knowledge both by the practical part of the thesis and by its theoretical part.The theoretical part deals with the problems of reaching the paramedic post of the ACR either the Combat Medic or Combat Lifesaver, by required education and necessary courses. Then the thesis deals with providing PEC in the battlefield, up to Role 1, when the wounded person is given the first aid by paramedics. The practical part meant the qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interview and research questions. There I managed to achieve particular aims of the thesis thanks to the interviews with the respondents of the medical personnel of the ACR and the respondents of emergency medical services. All the inverviewed medical personnel of the ACR had to participate in at least one foreign mission. Among the respondents were both the CLS trained soldiers, Combat Medics, and even one medical corps doctor. The thesis is a contribution to the paramedics of the ACR and paramedics in general who could learn more about the problems of providing PEC in extreme circumstances or possibly consolidate the knowledge they have. The research showed that the basic differences in providing PEC between the interviewed groups (it means the military paramedics and paramedics) are above all external factors, the terrain, and material or even the kind of wound or the hierarchy of the medical personnel of the foreign mission. The research also outlines the specifics necessary for exercising an ACR paramedic´s profession, and those are the courses they take before a foreign mission.
A study of the timing and correlation of deploying selected back up Czech Army forces during non-military crisis situations
The main task of the Integrated Rescue System is to ensure the safety of people and reduce the impact of extraordinary incidents on people, property and the environment of the Czech Republic. In the event that the incident exceeds its range of capabilities and the effectiveness of the main elements of the Integrated Rescue System, which is the Fire Brigade, Police of the Czech Republic and the Emergency Medical Service and is in accordance with current legislation and the central alarm plan, the Czech Army can also be involved. It is possible to say that in the instance where an extraordinary incident may arise, if necessary, the Army of the Czech Republic and its earmarked forces can provide the necessary support to the main elements of the Integrated Rescue System. Therefore it follows that by including the Army of the Czech Republic amongst all other elements, it ensures that the Army of Czech Republic participates in the operations of the Integrated Rescue System but only at the time when it is of a greater extent and only in the event, where the extent or period of duration of the extraordinary incident lead to a declaration of a third or emergency level of alarm. For example, in the strengthening of the Integrated Rescue System in rescue work during natural disasters of a greater magnitude. It participates in these cases, especially in saving human life, in the evacuation of people from affected areas and also on the initial liquidation of consequences in cases where it is necessary. The research group in statistical inquiries of this work is therefore made up of members from the active reserves of the Army of the Czech Republic. I gathered basic data from report spreadsheets to a senior level regarding fulfilment and staffing levels of table positions in the structure of active reserves, according to their individual locations. Another source was the electronic database of the Information System for planning the mobilization of the Army of the Czech Republic, within the framework of the functionality of its subtasks; it is possible from RESOURCES (filter setting data) to obtain data on the distribution of members of the active reserves according to individual military and individual functions. From the perspective of correlation regression, this division is important, given that within the statistical part of the work the research files are also divided according to functions, which, if realized by the members of the active reserves were for the Integrated Rescue System beneficial and applicable. The hypothesis of the statistical research of this study is: "The number of Czech citizens in the mandatory reserve Army of the Czech Republic available for deployment within ACR in a state of emergency is inadequate ". This hypothesis under investigation emerged from my professional curiosity and also from the many discussions and polemics discussed with my professional colleagues and friends from the general public and with members from the ranks of active reservists. The purpose of the above-defined hypothesis was to verify whether there is a sufficient number of citizens in the mandatory reserve Army of the Czech Republic, who would be available for deployment in the Army of the Czech Republic during the announcement of the state of a non-military crisis. Due to current legislation and in particular the postulate on which it is based, namely that active service in the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic in peacetime is purely voluntary, from whereby citizens of the so-called mandatory reserve are deployable and from which only those citizens who voluntarily undertook conscription, therefore, become members of Active backups. Research hypothesis, indicates that the number of selected - active reservists is insufficient, given that the overall capacity over the long term is moving on average around 50% of the total planned numbers and was provided by the simple knowledge of the issue.
The family life of professional soldiers
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to consult the family, partner and private life of the professional soldiers from different views. As the specific occupation, of which performance is linked with many risks, it´s process has dominant impact not only on the soldiers themselves, but immediately regards their families, partners and close neighbourhood as well. Considerably was this subject accented in 1990, when our soldiers started to participate on the foreign army missions. The thesis focuses on the realization, how the preparation, the course and the re-entry of the soldier from the abroad mission influences everything mentioned above. As the main method in the practical part will be used quantitativ reserach strategy and method of the interview with the abroad mission paricipants, there will come before the summary analysis of the discussion forum on the internet related to the set issues.
Buildings makeshift bridge kits in crisis situations
Currently it has become recognized that to successfully manage the crisis situation it is necessary to ensure the basic transport, particularly transport infrastructure impassable. One of the many problem areas while ensuring operation in transport is critical to ensure the functionality of artificial structures, and thus become very important just bridges that we in most cases considered by the throat on the roads. Bridges must be kept sufficiently passable,and failing this, just need to take action in the form of construction of a temporary replacement bridge. The general aim of my thesis was to analyze the usefulness of temporary bridge construction kits in crisis situations. The theoretical part describes issues related legislation with crisis management, basic concepts related to crisis management, bridge set MS, heavy bridge set TMS and the use of the Czech Army in crisis situations. Crisis management was essential after the floods in 1997 and 2002 given special attention. It was gradually ascertained that five years after the floods in Moravia in 1997, the Army increasingly lack a global perspective on the overall topic of crisis management. The focus is on bridge set MS. This is a releasable steel bridge construction, which was initially designed for the military sector to the possibility of fast implementation of temporary bypass obstacles. Another topic of interest is becoming difficult bridge kit. Heavy bridge system is normalized steel folding bridge for only one lane of the lower deck, which is designed to build bridges with one or more fields of bridges and overpasses for the construction of the railway. The use of the Czech Army is further defined as a task of the integrated rescue system in the area of internal security, where the individual components of the Integrated Rescue System and other bodies involved in internal security and civil protection must be able to respond professionally and in cooperation with other stakeholders to intervene effectively in an emergency or crisis caused by terrorist attacks, natural and environmental disasters, industrial accidents, and other dangers that threaten the lives, health, property, the environment, internal security and public order in the Czech Republic. The Czech army is used for temporary organized deployment of military units and military installations with the necessary military equipment and under the control of the appropriate commander. Military assistance becomes necessary when the designated administrative authorities, local authorities or a fire protection can no longer ensure the rescue work on their own. The use of the army for rescue operations can be done at the request of regional governors, mayors and mayors of municipalities or the Ministry of the Interior through the Operational and Information Centre Fire and Rescue through the permanent operations center of the Army of the Czech Republic. In the practical part I am focused on gathering the available general and internal information,reports and documentation on the use of temporary bridge kits in crisis situations and analysis of documents,regulations and methodologies relating to the construction of temporary bridge kits in crisis situations. Practical application of new trends and technologies, based on experience with engineer bridge company Czech Army. Processing and evaluation of the results was done in MS Word and MS Excel.
Assessment of devices used by the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic in case of radiation emergency.
This Thesis deals with the option of employing the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic (ACR) when a radiation emergency is imminent. Primarily, it focuses on evaluation of selected devices designed for radiation reconnaissance; summarising of radiation protection related legislation; and study of approved procedures. At its beginning, this Thesis tracks the origin of early detection systems at the territory of the then Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and their gradual evolution into the the existing form. From the radiation emergency point of view, this nationwide system represents a priceless help for monitoring of radioactive contamination dispersion and for warning. The following part sums up basic information on what is an ionizing radiation, how it comes into being and which basic quantities describe it. This part also contains basic type distinction, description of consequences for human organism and the most significant interactions of sources of ionizing radiation that could be misused with the most probability. This specific topic is introduced here because of the subsequent part of this Thesis being named Radiological Dispersion Device, or the dirty bomb. The significant part of this Thesis is the summary and classification of related legislation. The first documents referred to are two international standards. Publication 103 the 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection is dealing, inter alia, with dosing limits determining dose levels in planned exposure situations and reference levels used for emergency exposure situations and existing exposure situations. Publication 96 Protecting People against Radiation Exposure in the Event of a Radiological Attack is more substantial for this Thesis since it partly copes with the protection of front-line units including Integrated Rescue System (IRS) components and it specifies maximum exposure time for intervening personnel. Based on the IRS Catalogue of Typical Activities (STC 01/IZS), Materialised and Verified Use of a Radiological Weapon, the ACR would be one of the intervening components in such an attack. This Thesis analyses in detail individual ACR procedures starting with activities before employment, through threat prevention, event reaction to post-event activities like decontamination followed by monitoring of personnel contamination and their health condition. The practical part deals mainly with one of the Thesis´s goals which was evaluation of selected dosimetric devices used by the military for radiation reconnaissance. For this purpose, the quantitative research processing their main parameters was applied. The analysis within a selected sample was used for comparing and the sumary index IVi then showed the status of device applicability for contemporary use in radiation emergency. The pre-defined goals of this Thesis have been met implementing the above methods. The comparison of individual devices and their evaluation in respect to their applicability in joint radiation emergency operation with other IRS components has been carried out via discussion. It has been found out that some of the devices are obsolete and do not comply with the requirements for this job. This fact reflects the reality that these devices were designed in the period of a potential nuclear war. This corresponds with their robust structure and high level of sensitivity which is not desirable for a radiation emergency. The most severe problem, however, seems to be the fact that some devices measure quantities in old, no more used, units which could cause misinterpretation. On the other hand, other devices are modern, sensitive at low levels of dose input and offer real-time information on a well organised LCD display. To answer the question of ACR´s readiness to intervene in a radiation emergency one has to say that the ACR is ready to meet its rescue and consequence management tasks at a satisfactory level.
Proffesional Soldier in his Free Time - Preferences, Needs, Risks and Advantages of Being Deployed to a Foreign Mission
FORRÓ, Peter
The thesis is focused on how free time activities withing the Czech Armed Forces are planned organized and its influence on fulfilling tasks under specific situations of military contingent of the Czech Armed Forces in abroad. Theoretical part of the thesis describes ways of planning and organizing of free time for military personnel of Czech Armed Forces during regular peaceful period. It also depicts differences in conditions and organizing of the free time when in peaceful time on one hand and when at foreign missions on the other hand. Differences in attitude of the Czech Armed Forces personnel and military personnel of the other countries to free time are specified in the theoretical part. Experimental part contains an assessment of the survey that is focused on how military personel of the Czech Armed Forces spend their free time when deployed to a foreign mission. The issue of the free time is solved in many ways like preffered activities, organizing and planning of the free time, comparison in attitude of the Czech Armed Forces personnel and military personnel of the other countries to their free time.
Vyzbrojování Armády České republiky
Čermáková, Kamila ; Faltejsek, Filip ; Hlouchová, Iveta ; Hornát, Jan ; Kulda, Tomáš ; Soural, Aleš
Jak nejefektivněji vyzbrojit armádu České republiky (AČR)? Text zkoumá, zdali je zájmem České republiky více investovat do rozvoje obranného průmyslu a vývoje nových technologií či pořizovat více armádní techniky a výstroje v zahraničí. Finanční situace Ministerstva obrany jej značně omezuje při provádění reforem AČR, které jsou vytyčeny ve strategických dokumentech, například Bezpečnostní strategii ČR z roku 2003.1 V roce 2013 obranný rozpočet klesl až na 42 miliardy Kč.2 Rozpočtová kapitola určená na akvizici nové výstroje a techniky tvořila v roce 2011 pouze 13% z celého rozpočtu ministerstva. 3 AČR je přitom nutné přezbrojit, aby byla schopna se zapojit do zahraničních misí Evropské unie (EU) či Severoatlantické aliance (NATO). Ministerstvo obrany musí zvážit oba tyto aspekty před uskutečněním dalších reformních kroků. Nabízejí se dvě možná řešení. První z nich počítá s investicemi do rozvoje českého obranného průmyslu. Druhé preferuje akvizice armádní techniky a výstroje od zahraničních výrobců. Česká republika má za sebou dlouhou a úspěšnou tradici českého zbrojního průmyslu, která sahá až do dob Rakouska – Uherska. Výroba se rozvíjela i v období obou světových válek a největšího významu dosáhla v období socialismu. Česká republika byla v té době významným exportérem v rámci východního bloku. V roce 1987 dosáhla produkce zbrojního průmyslu 29 miliard Kčs, kdy přibližně 70 % našeho exportu putovalo do Sovětského svazu.4 Po rozpadu Sovětského svazu produkce prudce klesla na 4,6 miliard Kč a v současné době jsou pro rozšíření výroby nutné značné investice. Rozvoj českého průmysl by mohl významně pomoci české ekonomice a především snížit nezaměstnanost. Získat novou techniku a výstroj může AČR i od zahraničních firem, mezi něž patří například Lockhead Martin, Boeing či BAE, jejichž technika byla prověřena i ve válkách v Iráku a Afghánistánu. Nákupy v zahraničí může AČR uskutečňovat skrze veřejné tendry nebo za pomoci agentur pro společné nákupy spadajících pod NATO či EU. Výhodou takových nákupů může být nižší cena a pořízení velmi kvalitních produktů. V minulosti však byly tyto nákupy často provázeny korupčními skandály.
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Education in the Czech Armed Forces with emphasis on motivation
Rusinová, Zuzana ; Němec, Otakar (advisor) ; Krejčířová, Olga (referee)
Building on in-depth study of specialist literature, the present diploma thesis seeks to define the Czech Armed Forces' education system and determine whether the system is motivating enough for the Czech Armed Forces service personnel. The practical goal was to identify opportunities to improve academic training of employees in military organisations, for which a questionnaire survey was used to establish opinions of Czech Armed Forces service personnel on the provision of their education and academic training, their attitude on the need to study foreign languages, usability of languages in their service assignments as well as ascertaining importance of education as a motivating factor for people to join the Czech Armed Forces. The following methods were used to achieve the objectives: induction and deduction, study and analysis of texts and documents, comparison, focus groups, participant observation and interviewing. The goal set for the thesis was achieved, as has been proven by the means of established hypothesises and their verification. The methods employed ascertained that the Czech Armed Forces has a well set system of service personnel training that facilitates an effective education system management.
Planning of 15. th. Engineer brigade troops preparation on extraordinary events during performance of integrated rescue systeém tasks.
At the time when natural and industrial disasters are becoming more frequent than before, there is a growing need for the Czech Armed Forces to assist the Integrated Emergency System. Earlier, such emergency operations were in the competence of Rescue Battalions, which have since been disbanded. The 15th Engineer Rescue Brigade was transformed into the 15th Engineer Brigade, which now consists of Engineer Battalions as well as separate Rescue Companies. These units form the bases for forming detachments to provide assistance to the Integrated Rescue System. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the beginnings of the Civil Defence and to the beginning of rescue units in the Czech Armed Forces, including preparation of planning of Engineer and Rescue units. The technology used for providing assistance to units within the Integrated Rescue System, i.e. the technology used throughout the spectrum of kind of troops as well as special engineer?s technology, is also elaborated on. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to elaborating on the implications of deploying the units of the 15th Engineer Brigade to perform tasks during natural or industrial disasters. The numbers of so far performed tasks of specific units of the 15th Engineer Brigade are also published in this part. Formation of rescue battalion, which would substitute the necessity of forming rescue detachments, represents an important part of this thesis. Despite the fact that the rescue battalion is only fictional, it is based on the real structure of the 15th Engineer Brigade, including specific positions and their formal requirements. Special courses, which are advertised in relation with the formal requirements, are based on an internal document of the Army of the Czech Republic, which is the 20-2012 Bulletin of the Ministry of Defence Education Activity, 2013. By analysing the internal documents of the 15th Engineer Brigade as well as analysing the ways of putting such documents into practice, it has been concluded that the units of the 15th Engineer Brigade are ready to deal with incidents which may occur during performing tasks within the Integrated Rescue System.
Development of physical fitness of soldiers in a period trhee years of service.
FILIPČÍK, Miroslav
The thesis is focused on finding the real state of fitness levels of professional soldiers in the units selected as one of the main pillars of military professional, a time period of ten years of service. The work is based on on the use of interrogation methods, which are based on information obtained from physical education staff and instructors of physical training Army units. Information has been collected in person, through a structured interview. The obtained information that was recorded on the recording device are fully used in this thesis. Research has found that physical fitness among military personnel serving in selected units for a period of ten years from the point of view of requirements imposed on them at a very good level and is rising.

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