National Repository of Grey Literature 95 records found  beginprevious56 - 65nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Topic Identification from Spoken TED-Talks
Vašš, Adam ; Ondel, Lucas Antoine Francois (referee) ; Kesiraju, Santosh (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá problémom spracovania prirodzeného jazyka a následnej klasifikácie. Použité systémy boli modelované na TED-LIUM korpuse. Systém automatického spracovania jazyka bol modelovaný s použitím sady nástrojov Kaldi. Vo výsledku bol dosiahnutý WER s hodnotou 16.6\%. Problém klasifikácie textu bol adresovaný s pomocou metód na lineárnu klasifikáciu, konkrétne Multinomial Naive Bayes a Linear Support Vector Machines, kde druhá technika dosiahla vyššiu presnosť klasifikácie.
Weapon Detection in an Image
Debnár, Pavol ; Drahanský, Martin (referee) ; Dvořák, Michal (advisor)
This thesis is focused on the topic of firearms detection in images. In the theoretic section, the explanation of the term firearm is covered, along with the definition of the most prevalent firearm categories. Then the concept of image noise and the ways it can hinder image detection is covered, along  with ways of reducing it. Next, algorithms of image detection are introduced - first those which operate on the basis of neural nets - such as Convolutional Neural Nets and Single Shot Multibox Detection. The next section discusses classic algorithms of object detection such as HOG+SVM and SURF. After that, information on the used libraries and software is provided. The experimental part covers the designed algorithm and database. For detection, the HOG+SVM, SURF and SSD algorithms were used. All the algorithms are tested on the database and, if possible, on video. A final evaluation is provided, along with possible future development options.
Scala Programming Language and Its Use for Data Analysis
Kohout, Tomáš ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Zendulka, Jaroslav (advisor)
This thesis deals with comparing the Scala programming language with other commonly used languages for data analysis. These languages are evaluated on the basis of the following categories: data manipulation and visualization, machine learning and concurent processing capabilities. The evaluation then shows the strengths and weaknesses of Scala. The strengths will be demonstrated on application for email categorization.
Aggregation and Analysis of Social Network Contents
Horák, Matěj ; Kolář, Dušan (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá ziskem zvolené části obsahu sociálních sítí a jeho následnou analýzou. Cílem práce je platforma propojující jednotlivé sociální sítě, která dokáže agregovat obsah těchto sítí podle definovaných témat a zároveň je otevřená dalším rozšířením. Tento cíl byl vyřešen pomocí kontejnerové aplikace, štítkové klasifikace a metody podpůrných vektorů. Implementovaný systém řeší algoritmem nezobrazovaný obsah, filtrování a menší statistiky. Klíčové části systému jsou pokryté testy a systém je otevřený dalším analýzám a pokročilým statistikám. 
Tool for Classification of Lifestyle Traits Based on Metagenomic Data from the Large Intestine
Kubica, Jan ; Hon, Jiří (referee) ; Smatana, Stanislav (advisor)
This thesis deals with analysis of human microbiome using metagenomic data from large intestine. The main focus is placed on bacteria composition in a sample on different taxonomic levels regarding the lifestyle traits of an individual. For this purpose, a tool for classification of several attributes was created. It considers attributes like diet type and eating habits (vegetarian, vegan, omnivore), gluten and lactose intolerance, body mass index, age or sex. From range of machine learning perspectives considering K Nearest Neighbours (kNN), Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) were used. Datasets for training and final evaluation of the classifier were taken from American Gut project. The thesis also focuses on particular problems with metagenomic datasets like its multidimensionality, sparsity, compositional character and class imbalance.
Machine Learning as a Tool for the Prediction of the Effect of Mutations on Protein Stability
Dúbrava, Juraj Ondrej ; Martínek, Tomáš (referee) ; Musil, Miloš (advisor)
The main focus of this thesis is the prediction of the effect of amino acid substitutions on protein stability. My goal was to develop a predictive tool for the classification of the effect of mutations by combining several machine learning techniques. The implemented predictor, which utilizes SVM and Random forest methods, has achieved higher accuracy than any of the integrated methods. The novel predictive tool was compared with the existing ones using independent testing dataset. The predictor has yield 67 % accuracy and MCC 0,3.
Machine Learning Optimization of KPI Prediction
Haris, Daniel ; Burget, Radek (referee) ; Bartík, Vladimír (advisor)
This thesis aims to optimize the machine learning algorithms for predicting KPI metrics for an organization. The organization is predicting whether projects meet planned deadlines of the last phase of development process using machine learning. The work focuses on the analysis of prediction models and sets the goal of selecting new candidate models for the prediction system. We have implemented a system that automatically selects the best feature variables for learning. Trained models were evaluated by several performance metrics and the best candidates were chosen for the prediction. Candidate models achieved higher accuracy, which means, that the prediction system provides more reliable responses. We suggested other improvements that could increase the accuracy of the forecast.
ECG signal classification based on SVM
Smíšek, Radovan
Cardiovascular diseases nowadays represent the most common cause of death in Western countries. Long-term ECG recording is modern method, because it allows to detect sporadically occurring pathology. We designed an automatic classifier to detect five pathologies (AAMI standard) by SVM method. The classifier was tested on the entire MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database with an accuracy of 99.17 %. We also compared the quality of parameters entering the classifier.
Influence of parcellation atlas on quality of classification in patients with neurodegenerative dissease
Montilla, Michaela ; Lamoš, Martin (referee) ; Gajdoš, Martin (advisor)
The aim of the thesis is to define the dependency of the classification of patients affected by neurodegenerative diseases on the choice of the parcellation atlas. Part of this thesis is the application of the functional connectivity analysis and the calculation of graph metrics according to the method published by Olaf Sporns and Mikail Rubinov [1] on fMRI data measured at CEITEC MU. The application is preceded by the theoretical research of parcellation atlases for brain segmentation from fMRI frames and the research of mathematical methods for classification as well as classifiers of neurodegenerative diseases. The first chapters of the thesis brings a theoretical basis of knowledge from the field of magnetic and functional magnetic resonance imaging. The physical principles of the method, the conditions and the course of acquisition of image data are defined. The third chapter summarizes the graph metrics used in the diploma thesis for analyzing and classifying graphs. The paper presents a brief overview of the brain segmentation methods, with the focuse on the atlas-based segmentation. After a theoretical research of functional connectivity methods and mathematical classification methods, the findings were used for segmentation, calculation of graph metrics and for classification of fMRI images obtained from 96 subjects into the one of two classes using Binary classifications by support vector machines and linear discriminatory analysis. The data classified in this study was measured on patiens with Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a combination of PD and MCI and subjects belonging to the control group of healthy individuals. For pre-processing and analysis, the MATLAB environment, the SPM12 toolbox and The Brain Connectivity Toolbox were used.
Embedded display recognition
Novotný, Václav ; Janáková, Ilona (referee) ; Honec, Peter (advisor)
This master thesis deals with usage of machine learning methods in computer vision for classification of unknown images. The first part contains research of available machine learning methods, their limitations and also their suitability for this task. The second part describes the processes of creating training and testing gallery. In the practical part, the solution for the problem is proposed and later realised and implemented. Proper testing and evaluation of resulting system is conducted.

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