National Repository of Grey Literature 67 records found  beginprevious48 - 57next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Comparison of knee joint proprioception in patients with osteoarthritis and total knee arthroplasty
Valerová, Eliška ; Lepšíková, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Čech, Zdeněk (referee)
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of joints, which can be solved with implantation of total joints prosthesis. A high-quality proprioception of knee joint protects the joint against possible bending injury, it is also participating in stabilizing the knee in static position and it is important in the process of coordination of the motion system and precise flexibility of the knee joint. In this thesis are summed up the knowledge of osteoarthritis, total joints prosthesis and proprioception, all is taken in context of connection. The research includes comparison of proprioception of knee joint with arthrosis and total joints prosthesis. Also, the research compared mentioned knee joints with the healthy verification group. All monitored individuals absolved a medical examination of the quality of proprioception in the form of move sensitivity in position of 30ř, 50ř and 80ř. Amongst the knees with arthrosis and knees with total joints prosthesis there were not found a differences with static importance in each of the angle test. In the total comparison there was significantly better proprioception of the knees with the total joints prosthesis. The knee joints of the verification group unlike the joints with arthrosis and total prosthesis showed significantly better flexibility in position of...
Consequences of forced hypokinesia on human movement apparatus
Kadlecová, Jana ; Jelen, Karel (advisor) ; Otáhal, Jakub (referee)
Title: Consequences of forced hypokinesia on human movement aparatus. Objectives: The aim of this study was to find out the influence of forced hypokinesia after total hip replacement on the excitability of α motoneurons. I deal with the changes of H-reflex and M-wave latencies and the changes of the recruitment curves. The results of the operated and non-operated (kontrol) lower limb were compared. Methods: Five volunteers 3 - 4 weeks after total hip replacement participated in this study. The age was 62,4 (± 3,01). The H-reflex was elicited by stimulation of tibial nerve in a poplitel fossa. The H-reflex and M-wave latencies and its recruitment curves were obtained. After that the values of the operated lower limb were compared with the non-operated one (control). The results were evaluated as case studies. The EMG device Grass Telefactor was used to detect the electrical potential of soleus muscle. The rectangular pulses of 0,5 ms duration were used for stimulation tibial nerve by Grass 88 Stimulator. Then the data were transduced by CED Power 1401 device. Results: We found out that the H-reflexes of both lower limbs were not elicited in the case study no. 2 and the H-reflex of a control lower limb was not elicited in case study no. 1. The stimulus intensities for eliciting H-reflex and M-wave...
Case report of physiotherapeutic care of patient with bilateral gonarthrosis and hemarthrosis of the right knee joint
Svoboda, Jan ; Malá, Jitka (advisor) ; Bednářová, Šárka (referee)
Název bakalářské práce: Kazuistika fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta s hemartros pravého kolenního kloubu a gonartrózou bilaterálně. Shrnutí: Práce je zaměřena na zpracování kazuistiky pacienta s hemartros pravého kolenního kloubu a gonartrózou bilaterálně. Je tvořena dvěma oddíly - částí obecnou a částí speciální. V obecné části práce jsou shrnuty teoretické vědomosti a poznatky o kolenním kloubu, klinika onemocnění gonartróza a hemartros a možnosti jejich léčby. Speciální část tvoří hlavní oddíl bakalářské práce. Je zde zaznamenán průběh fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta s oboustrannou gonartrózou a hemartros pravého kolenního kloubu. Klíčová slova: kolenní kloub, osteoartróza, gonartróza, hemartros, rehabilitační plán, fyzioterapie, kazuistika
Case Study of the physiotherapy treatment of a patient with the diagnosis the state after the implantation of total knee replacement on the right side
Hillayová, Daniela ; Hnátová, Iva (advisor) ; Hankovcová, Eva (referee)
Title: Case study of the physiotherapy treatment of a patient with the diagnosis the state after the implantation of total knee replacement on the right side Summary: This work focuses on the case study of the patient with total knee replacement. It consists of two parts, a general part and a specialized part. General part comprises basic knowledge about the knee joint, total replacement, gonarthrosis and describes physiotherapeutic processes during the post-operative period. Specialized part, the main part of this bachelor thesis, constitutes the process of patient therapy after a total knee replacement on the right side and an evaluation of the therapy's effect. Key words: total replacement, knee joint, osteoarthrosis, gonarthrosis, case study, physiotherapy
Knee osteoarthritis: a biological response to medication class SYSADOA
Kurková, Eva ; Jelen, Karel (advisor) ; Tlapáková, Eva (referee)
Author: Bc. Eva Kurková Title: Knee osteoarthritis: a biological response to medication class SYSADOA Problem definition: Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which belongs to the most common musculoskeletal diseases. The disease is associated with pain of the knee joints, which causes patients' limitations in activities of daily living. Therefore, the objective of the treatment of osteoarthritis is to reduce the pain and a progression of the disease. To achieve these aims, conservative or surgical methods are used. The conservative methods include, among others, the pharmacological treatment. Since the medicaments from the class SYSADOA are easily available we can use them during treatment. Aim of the thesis: The aim of the thesis is to determine the effect of SYSADOA medication on the 2nd and 3rd degree of the knee osteoarthritis. The effect is determined by patients' subjective evaluations and by the changes of the rheological properties of the knee joint. Method: The survey contains an anamnesis questionnaire and the clinical examination of the knee joint. The rheological properties of the knee joint are evaluated by a special device - knee rheometer that non-invasively and painlessly measures the dependence of the passive resistance of the knee joint on its bending angle. To...
Validiation of walking tests in patients with coxarthrosis
Suljakovićová, Sabina ; Špaňhelová, Šárka (advisor) ; Smolíková, Libuše (referee)
Práce posuzuje možnosti využití chůzových testů u pacientů s koxartrózou. Na skupině třiceti pacientů se třetím stupněm koxartrózy kyčelního kloubu bylo provedeno měření pěti různých testů: dotazník Harris Hip Score, Timed Up And Go Test (TUG), Ten Meter Walk Test - desetimetrový test chůze (10MWT), Two Minute Walk Test - dvouminutový test chůze (2MWT) a Six Minute Walk Test - šestiminutový test chůze (6MWT). Následně byly porovnány výsledky jednotlivých testů a zjištěny jejich specifické výpovědní vlastnosti. Cílem studie bylo zjistit jejich vzájemné souvislosti, limity v použití, případně navrhnout jejich úpravu a doporučit cílové skupiny pacientů pro jednotlivé druhy testů. Během měření a při zpracování studie byly zjištěny statisticky významné skutečnosti, pomocí kterých by bylo možné zpřesnit hodnocení kvality terapie a zvýšit efektivitu vyšetřování pacientů s koxartrózou. Byla prokázána shodná výpovědní hodnota testu 2MWT ve srovnání s delšími testy (6MWT) a také výhody provedení testu TUG, jako zdroje doplňujících informací k vyšetření pomocí dotazníku Harris a běžných chůzových testů.
Analysis of Kinematic and Dynamic of Knee Joint
Halama, Jakub ; Dočkal, Kryštof (referee) ; Urban, Filip (advisor)
The bachelor thesis summarizes present knowledge of the knee joint in terms of its mechanics, it compares joint kinematics and dynamics during various locomotor activities of daily living such as: gait, standing up from the chair, ascending and descending stairs, running. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the changes in the motion and loading of the joint in the cases of osteoarthritis and knee replacement in comparison with healthy individuals. Lastly, it also describes the loading asymmetries between healthy and affected knee.

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