National Repository of Grey Literature 21,178 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.03 seconds. 

Product and process innovation in the company Aveflor, a.s.
Váchová, Lenka ; Štůsek, Jaromír (advisor) ; Ladislav , Ladislav (referee)
The thesis deals with product and process innovation issues in the company Aveflor, a.s. Contemporarily, product and process innovation in a very important issue for a constant new development of services, technological processes and final products in order to keep the pace of the company with the very high competition in the present market. The thesis deals with the innovation process and its particular steps. All the processes are analytically applied on the company Aveflor, a.s. In the empirical part of the thesis the company Aveflor, a.s. is introduced by analysis of particular phases of innovation process such as: task, development, plan of new products, results of proposals, verification, the realization of a new product, barriers of innovation activities with particular innovations of presented products. The hypothesis is that the whole process of innovation can be improved together with the higher productivity in the company Aveflor, a.s. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate ongoing innovations of the development of new products in the company Aveflor, a.s. An inherent aim is to compare particular processes, identify drawbacks and make a proposal of their improvements.

Development factors of Říčansko region
Novotná, Pavlína ; Kment, Petr (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
The thesis titled theme "Factors regional development Říčansko" It is aimed at demographically growing community Sulice. This small village in the Central Region belongs to its location in the administrative district of Ricany. On the base of the higher territorial unit of the village is connected with the Prague metropolitan region, so we canin her talk as outer commuter zone. Work is in terms of content divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the first chapters of the thesis deals with the analysis of literature. Describes technical terms that relate to this topic. Explains such terms. Region, regional development, village, regionalization, demographics, urbanization, suburbanization, zoning and public administration. Subsequently, the practical part analyzes the municipality Sulice, focusing on the history, the present and the overall development of infrastructure, in order to identify the main development potentials. Attention is paid mainly to widespread suburbanization, which is associated with the growth of population in the village. For this reason, the author hinder handle the additional survey to better evaluate the possible social problems, and vice versa benefits of cohabitation residents and newcomers. A separate chapter assess basic development indicators, which most affect the economic and social development of the community Sulice. Finally, work is based on the findings SWOT analysis, which clearly illustrates the factors that could Sulice community should give more support, but also identifies areas that should be planned future development of the municipality mitigated.

Development of traffic offenses
Matoušek, Tomáš ; Hřebík, František (advisor) ; Šrédl, Karel (referee)
Driving offences are an actual topic, because there are more and more vehicles on the roads of all the time higher power and all the time more "perfect", while personality of the driver remains the same and the consequences of these driving offences are all the time more fatal. However it is strange that adhering to the traffic rules from the side of drivers is very limited and the whole society subconsciously sees resolution of these offences so that the driver obtains a fine on the spot or the offence is reported to the respective administrative body for further hearing. The reality though is much more complicated, as resolving of traffic offences is dealt with in the Act on offences, Traffic act as well as in the Administrative procedure code. Further facts have to be for instance deducted from the Criminal code. The legislators make every effort to adapt traffic regulations not only to the currently growing occurrence of road rage, but also to set more accented rules, which would be not only respected, but also adhered to, by drivers. Probably the greatest progress in the area of driving offences brought the introduction of so called point system, which has not only repressive but also informative and preventive effect. The essence of this system lies in the fact that the most serious offences and criminal offences are rated by points and when committing these the points add up in the register of the driver up to an exactly defined level, beyond which the driving licence is taken away from the driver. Further breakthrough represents the amendment of the Act No. 361/2000Sb., which, among others, incorporates into its content a part of administrative transgressions such as § 125c - offences, which means that the Misdemeanours act should contain only the general part on offences and a procedure provision regarding offence proceedings.

Influence of cultivar and hot water treatment on development of choosen pathogens of onion
Skoumalová, Tereza ; Koudela, Martin (advisor) ; Čeněk, Čeněk (referee)
The target of the work was verificated the varietal differences in varietal resistance onion Allium cepa L. to pathogens onion neck rot Botrytis aclada and pathogens mildew onion Peronospora destructor and verificated the effect of the seed treatment with hot water to reduce choosen pathogens of onion neck rot Botrytis aclada and mildew onion Peronospora destructor. Seed were sown to bowls with sand and destilled water. Bowls were place in growth chambers. For experiments with varietal resistance were used cultivar onion: Alice, Amfora F1, Avalon, Bolero F1, Grenada, Karmen, Tosca, Triumf F1 and Všetana. For experiments with hot watre treatment were used cultivar onion: Alice, Amfora F1, Unico F1 and Tandem. Growth chambre had ideal climate by method firm Moravoseed s. r. o. and seed germination was evaluented by method ISTA International Seed Testing Association. Experiments were evalueter by modified method by Pawelec et al. (2006). The results demonstrated the exists between coultivar differences the resistence onion to selected pathogens. The most resistence cultivar onion were Bolero F1, Karmen, Všetana and Triumf F1 againts the pathogens onion neck rot Botrytis aclada and cultivar onion Alice, Avalon, Bolero F1 and Tosca againts the pathogens mildew onion Peronospora destructor. The result demonstrated the effect of seed treatment with hot water to select pathogens hadn´t signification efect. Hot water treatment about 50 °C for 20 minuts for seeds onion can´t reduce infect onion neck rot Botrytis aclada and infect mildew onion Peronospora destructor. For cultivar onion Amfora F1 was observed treatment effect, but results were inconclusive. Growing varieties with better resistence to the phytopathogenic fungy, could be after verifying higher resistence in multi-experiment, important preventive tool for regulating presence of such diseases when growing onions.

Orangutans breeding and factors affecting their reproduction in captivity and in the wild
Kalkušová, Olga ; Kubík, Štěpán (advisor) ; Burešová, Eva (referee)
Information concerning orangutans living in the wild and the issue of their breeding has been summarized within the framework of this thesis. Orangutans in their natural habitats in tropical rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo are not subjected to the same influences as those bred in captivity. Their reproduction thus differs in certain aspects. Reproduction of orangutans in the wild is strongly influenced by their solitary way of life. Females are accompanied only by their young or eventually by other females and according to the studies they seek contact with males only in their period of rut. The contact is then limited to a period of time needed for copulation. One exception to this behaviour may be couples with juvenile males. After birth, the female looks after the young male for up to 8 years, having no rut during this period. The cycle of females living in the wild also shows dependency on the availability of food supply. Negative energy balance during which the cycle stops has been observed during periods of food scarcity. In the following period with abundance of food, the cycle is renewed again. The cycle renewal also occurs in cases when the female loses her young. As a consequence of these reproductive limitations females may give birth to 4 young at maximum in their life. Guidelines have been drawn up for breeding in zoos which regulate the conditions and suitability of the exhibits so that they meet the orangutans needs. Their natural mental and physical activity is related to their health and natural behaviour. However, despite all efforts the zoos cannot provide the same conditions to the orangutans as those they would have in the wild. The forced increased socialization and contact with other individuals held in captivity may bring stress, stereotype behaviour and associated health problems which are rather frequent with orangutans bred in captivity. According to the records in the pedigree books, the age of first reproduction and the interval between births were shorter in case of females kept in captivity. Even the keeping of males and females in one exhibit increases the probability of copulation and becoming pregnant. These changes also entail certain risks according to the studies. Breeding in captivity embodies higher mortality rate of young and adult animals. This is probably caused by young age of females at the birth and short intervals between births which are often shorter than 4 years. Females born in captivity also lack experience which they gain in the wild by learning and observing and are not able to take care of their young or refuse it later. Even females that got pregnant between the age of 11 and 14 have been described. However, such pregnancy poses a great risk for females and they die soon after birth or live much shorter. Young orangutans born in captivity were often taken away from their mothers. It is not very suitable on the one side, but on the other side, after having their young taken away from them, the females started a new, full-fledged cycle in a few weeks and could become pregnant again. However, as direct care of the young by humans has a negative effect, the young are often given back to their mothers which is successful in many cases. Orangutans have been studied for more than 40 years and a lot of things concerning their breeding in captivity have changed during this time. Zoological gardens are trying to provide the orangutans as natural conditions as possible. It is necessary for the exhibits and the enrichment to provide enough physical and mental activities to the orangutans. Despite these efforts, the limited space and the related contacts between individuals may bring stressful situations. These are then manifested in the behaviour and health of the orangutans.

Comparison of the performance of selected varieties of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus)
Krouželová, Jana ; Bečka, David (advisor) ; Roman, Roman (referee)
Winter oilseed rape is the most important oilseed plant grown in the Czech Republic. During recent years, rapeseed sown areas rapidly increased due to its complex usage in industry. Similarly, the rapeseed oil gains importance which is used in food industry. The successful cultivation of rapeseed includes the right cultivation technology as well as the choice of suitable variety which will be the adapted to climatic conditions of location. There are over 600 varieties to choose from based on Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species from which is about 80 varieties commonly used in practice in climatic conditions of the Czech Republic. Suitability of these varieties and their yield are tested based on variety testing conducted by ÚKZUZ. The varieties which proved to be suitable based on previous testing are recommended for cultivation and placed in Recommended List of Varieties which helps farmers to orientate in new varieties in the Czech Republic.The aim of this diploma thesis is a comparison of the performance of selected varieties of rapeseed which were cultivated in semi-operational conditions in Humburky, Kralovehradecky region. In this theses yield, oil content, 1000 seed weight were compared. Two hypotheses were set: 1) Hybrid varieties reach higher height and yield 2) Oil content of liner and hybrids cultivars is equivalent Further these features were observed: plant height, pod number on the terminal raceme, stalk number on the terminal raceme, number of primary and secondary branches, height and length of yield floor and their correlation with yield. Cultivar Faktor KWS (hybrid) reached the best yield from selected varieties, yielding 5,02 t/ ha (119,2 % average yield). The average yields of liner and hybrids cultivars were almost equivalent (4,16 t/ha hybrids and 4,10 t/ha liner). The greatest difference between liner and hybrid varieties was observed in plant height. The hybrids reached 10 cm higher on the average than liner varieties. The second hypothesis about the similar oil content of hybrid and liner varietes was confirmed. Observed varieties reached both 43,3 % of oil content .

An influence of farming system on soil water distribution
Voda, Filip ; Jakšík, Ondřej (advisor) ; Nikodem, Antonín (referee)
Farming the soil can significantly influence quality of surface and ground water because it is carried out both on the soil and in the whole landscape, where the water within its hydrological cycle comes from. Water distribution in the soil can be significantly influenced by character of the land. This work describes soil properties which affects water retention and distribution, for example porosity, texture, soil structure and bulk density. All these factors determine soil cultivation that depends on its actual humidity. There are farming practices described, too. These practices can significantly influence water contents in the soil, soil humidity and the influence of surface water on soil erosion. Factors which influence water distribution within soils are sorted into individual chapters. They are soil, cultivation and its depresion, water erosion, edaphone water regime of soil and the influence of vegetation to water regime of soil. In the end of this work, we conclude that reduced and soil-protective technologies have positive influence on water regime, macroedaphone biomass content (higher number of earthworms), surface runoff reduction and therefore minimize a risk of soil water erosion and unfavorable soil compaction in comparison to conventional technologies.

The Impact of Measures and Support Programs for Biodiversity Management in the Krkonoše Mountains.
Hniličková, Dana ; Pecharová, Emilie (advisor) ; Karel, Karel (referee)
Meadows are a significant part of the Giant Mountains´ nature. For the support of the meadows in the Krkonoše Mountains, which are very often degraded (because of long time absence of management), there are available various financial sources. This theses compares different ways of meadows management, programs and arragements which farmers can use. Through interviews with farmers, I tried to get answers to questions regarding the management on specific areas farmers work on. I was interested in theirs perception of biodiversity, influence of the management, satisfaction with subsidies or compensations, and possible suggestions for the future. Landlords percieve farming on their own or rented area as a kind of representation and has no problem to keep the limits to get the subsidy. As a problem most of them percieve administration related to subsidy utilization. Effort of Administration of KRNAP to improve conditions for farming they percieve in positive way. Because farming is necessary for the preservation of mountain meadows as a significant element of the Giant Mountains landscaping and the secondary functions is higher than the production function, it is necessary to widely support an agricultural activities in the region.

Trichurids in ruminants from Czech Republic.
Antošová, Tereza ; Langrová, Iva (advisor) ; Ivana, Ivana (referee)
The goal of this paper was to determine rate of presence of whipworms of genus Trichuris in bodies of selected ruminants (sheep, roe deer) in certain areas and to morphologically state different species of whipworms using molecular revision and professional literature on samples found during helmitological dissections of selected ruminants. Two hypotheses were stated: H1: species that are found in highest volume in case of roe deer and sheep are whipworms Trichuris discolor and Trichuris ovis H2: these whipworms can not be positively distinguished when using morphometrical methods. Material needed for the study, i.e. the intestines of examined ruminants, was recovered in different areas of Czech Republic. Later were the intestines dissected in a laboratory using standardized procedure and hereby collected samples were analysed. Based on selected methods it was determined that in roe deer the rate of occurence of Trichuris discolor is much higher compared to that of Trichuris ovis. With sheep the difference between rates of presence is smaller. These results confirm the first hypothesis by showing high rate of presence of whipworms in these hosts. Collected females of genus Trichurids were morphometrically differentiated by their sex and in 4 morphotypes. Following this differentiation, the most present were the females of morphotype M2, those with a vulval opening without an everted vagina. The second hypothesis was also confirmed. Multihosting species Trichuris discolor and Trichuris ovis are prevalent in the bodies of roe deer and sheep. Thus we can say the roe deer are a potential source of whipworm contamination to sheep breeding. It can not be excluded that sheep are infected by roe deer and vice versa. Molecular determination is a necessary tool for correct assessment of whipworm species, considering the fact that morphological methods may lead to incorrect results.

Traditional Methods of Fish Preservation in Southeast Asia
Holmanová, Kateřina ; Banout, Jan (advisor) ; Leuner, Olga (referee)
Traditional methods of fish preservation are still often used in developing countries, which produce significant amount of fresh fish. The most frequently used methods of processing fish in Cambodia are drying, salting, fermentation, smoking and marinating. Sun drying as one of the most common methods of fish processing in Cambodia has some disadvantages, which increase spoilage of final product. Salting contributes to increase efficiency of drying process. Salt creates highly salty environment, which the most bacteria, fungi and other potentially pathogenic organism cannot survive in. The aim of this Bachelors thesis was to carry out research focused on drying method in combination with salting. For five selected spices of freshwater fish: Claris batrachus, Channa micropeltes, Oreochromis niloticus, Pangasius hypophthalmus and Monopterus albus were determined dry matter content, fat content and salting effect on the amount of salt. Samples, before drying in direct solar dryer with natural convection and electric oven, were salted for 2, 4 and 12 hours. Results of measuring of dry matter content are within the interval 16.67 to 21.74 g on 100 g of fresh muscle, the lowest values were measured at C. batrachus and the highest at O. niloticus. Measuring of fat content showed difference in the interval 2.29 - 30.08 %, the lowest value at M. albus and highest at P. hypophthalmus. From the measurements of amount of salt were found influence of the salting time on the total amount of salt. Values increased with the higher time of salting. An important prerequisite for achieving high-quality dried products is characteristic properties for individual fish species to achieve maximum yield.