National Repository of Grey Literature 39,430 records found  beginprevious39421 - 39430  jump to record: Search took 0.95 seconds. 

Contamination of powdered infant formula by Enterobacter sakazakii
Bartovičová, Radka ; Schneidrová, Dagmar (advisor)
Contamination of powdered milk formula with Enterobactersakazakii in recent decades came to the forefront experts on the food hygiene. This hardly detectable gram-negative bacteriacausing especially serious in newborns, in some cases deadly diseases such as are necrotizing enterocolitis, neonatal meningitis or necrotizing meningoencephalitis. Premature infants or infants with low birth masses are most vulnerable to foodborne intoxication E.sakazakii.Kotaminace E.sakazakii milk is not only developing countries but alsodeveloped countries high hygienic standard. To eliminate the risk of infection have been issued best practices of production and preparation of infant milk powderfor babies dairy nutrition. An example is the Directive of the European FoodSafety Authority (EFSA), the standard recommendation of the EuropeanUnion for the preparation of dried baby food and recommendation of the Scientific Committee for Food of the State Health Institute of the Czech Republic. Medical personnel preparing milk formula should be informed of the directives dairy food preparation process and should follow these procedures. is necessary educate health professionals about the fact that the packaging of powdered infant milk formulas not sterile. From this information is based on selecting the appropriate type of nutrition...

Eurozone from the view of OCA theory: conclusion for the Czech Republic
Kovač, Vojtěch ; Czesaný, Slavoj (advisor) ; Rybáček, Václav (referee)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the Robert Mundell's theory of optimum currency area (OCA) and its relation to European monetary union (EMU) or (if you like) Eurozone. The OCA theory belongs to one of the most comprehensive approach to evaluate whether adoption of a common currency by a certain block of countries is beneficial of not. Thus this paper tries to apply OCA theory to the current Eurozone member countries and is focused especially on three main attributes -- the symmetry of economic shocks, the labor market flexibility and the economic integration of international trade between the member states of the euro area. Results of this analysis are then applied to the new member states and the immediate candidate EU member states -- especially to the Czech Republic. The work assesses the feasibility of the OCA theory for classification the candidate countries and their readiness for entering the Eurozone and finally offers alternative criteria by which the readiness for adoption of the Euro should be measured. The text is based on available theoretical and empirical sources supplemented by the author's analyses.

The Czech Bar Association and its Position in the Czech Civil Sector.
Bláhová, Lenka ; Šťovíčková Jantulová, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Deverová, Lenka (referee)
This master's thesis aims to describe the status of the Czech Bar Association in the Czech civil sector and to present the professional chambers as the part of the civil sector, which has not been described much so far. It aims to prove that the professional chambers are one of the organizations of the Czech civil sector, using the Bar Association as an example.

Former German Colonies and the Policy of Appeasement, 1933-1939
Krejčí, Pavel ; Horčička, Václav (advisor) ; Valkoun, Jaroslav (referee)
This thesis is focused on the policy of appeasement during the 1930's. It aims to describe one shade of a policy appeasement and its position in British and German foreign conceptions This thesis further deals with the rise and fall of the German colonial Empire, the British reaction to this process and also with the fate of the German in Africa colonies after the First World War. It is concentrated solely on German African colonies. The thesis works with hypothesis of the same methods and different aims of British and German attitudes. Whilst the British aim was the peace in the world, the Nazi aim was world war. Despite these differences, both sides adopted a similar approach to negotiation processes. The thesis shows the impractibility of British efforts and critically judges the British proposals to appease Germany on account of the third countries. Key words: appeasement, colony, revision, Africa, Great Britain, Germany, Empire

Medieval mural paintings in the Church of Saint Apollinaire at new city in Prague
Skalický, Petr ; Royt, Jan (referee) ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor)
Chapter of St. Apollinaire was transfered to Prague from Sadská next to Nymburk town in 1364. Recent knowledge was showing that Karel IV. got an important role in fundation of that. I think, that there is a more important to highlight a role of Prague archbishops there. These mural paintings where perhaps ordered by the third prague arcibishop Johannes of Jensenstein, at least he was probably participating on it. He was probably the most important medieval latin writer in Bohemia. We also can recognise the original iconography of murral paitings in the church through his literary output. These paintings are not only ilustrations of his literary output. They are even a way how to thing about it. Their main idea is an united church with only head, Jesus Christ. His represetative was St. Peter and his followers from papst throne. The style of these paintings is created by painting style of workers from Karlstein castle. They are showing court painting style from the end of seventies and beginnig of eighties of 14. century as well. That's why we can say that they where done in the first half of eighties of 14. century. They are done in interim style. These paintings are the most inportant and the best done after court paitings (Karlstein castle, Na slovanech monastery and The Catedral).

Constructional History of the Church of Our Lady Týn
Filipec, Marek ; Mudra, Aleš (advisor) ; Ottová, Michaela (referee)
ANGLICKÁ ANOTACE Edificial history of the church of Our Lady before Teyn in Prague The Church of Our Lady is the most important ecclesiastical building on the right bank of the river Vltava. The nowadays building preceded a lesser edifice from the turn of the 13th and 14th century. Propulsion to a new building was solution of dispute about patronal privilege between parishioners and Vysehrad's canonry. The construction started perhaps round 1350. The aisles and choirs were finished twenty years later. The builder was influenced by czech architecture of the first half of 14th century ( Golden Crown, Sedlec, Prague - st. Thomas, st. James) as well as by contemporaneous Silesian architecture (parish churches Svidnice, Vratislav). During the construction squarers from the Arras mason's lodge, who worked on St. Vitus Cathedral, took place here (shaping of nave arcade) and from late 70's also stonemasons of the Parler lodge. They created the sedilia in the presbyteries of both aisles, window's traceries of nave, especialy of western Windows, remiscent to Parler's tracery in st. Zikmund's chapel of Prague cathedral. Their production is also undoubtedly the northern entrance portal, originated during the last twenty years of the 14th century. During the Hussite Wars works were intermited for almost 40 years. It...

Development of learning autonomy as a personality quality (focused on language teaching)
Svárovský, Jan ; Pelikán, Jiří (referee) ; Krykorková, Hana (advisor)
Současná doba klade velké nároky na žáky, ale i na lidi, kteří už dávno opustili školní lavice. Neustálý rozvoj moderních technologií a z něj vyplývající nové možnosti pro jednotlivce, firmy a různé další instituce s sebou nese zvyšující se nároky na vědění, dovednosti-klíčové kompetence jako jsou například odpovědnost, spolehlivost, myšlení a učení, řešení problémů a tvořivost, samostatnost a výkonnost, komunikace a spolupráce, zdůvodňování a hodnocení apod. Jen malá část obyvatel rozvinutých zemí si může dovolit neučit se novým věcem a využívat znalosti ze školy a následně jen z praxe. Požadavky školy, trhu práce, strach ze ztráty zaměstnání , ale i činnosti ve volném čase jsou silnými motivy pro další sebevzdělávání. Práce zaujímá v žebříčku hodnot vysokou příčku a má zásadní vliv na vnímání naší identity a společenského postavení. Mezinárodní organizace (OECD, UNESCO aj.) si tuto novou realitu uvědomily a změnily požadavek celoživotního vzdělávání na požadavek celoživotního učení (lifelong learning). V Helsinkách vychází od roku 1997 specializovaný časopis Lifelong Learning in Europe. Mluví se o učící se společnosti. Jedinec je nucen několikrát za život změnit svou kvalifikaci, jsme společnost, která se učí celý život.

Need analyses of todays and former clients of house "Fatima": joint research mapping the natural world of people with spinal cord injury
Houška, Pavel ; Vodáčková, Daniela (advisor) ; Havránková, Olga (referee)
Sociální práce v ČR se od roku 1989 mohutně rozvíjí a není důvodu domnívat se, že by tomu mělo být v příštích letech jinak. Uvolnění podmínek pro rozvoj sociální práce u nás zapříčiněné pádem takzvaného "komunistického režimu" dalo vzniknout nepřebernému množství poskytovatelů sociálních služeb postavených na různých filosofických, etických a politických základech, poskytujících množství různých služeb rozdílné kvality. Tento stav není zapříčiněn pouze roztříštěností současných věd o člověku, ze kterých vychází teorie sociální práce, jak by se mohlo na první pohled zdát, ale i dlouhodobou neexistencí standardu kvality poskytovaných služeb a z toho vyplývající nemožnosti tuto kvalitu posuzovat a kontrolovat. Ačkoli se již řadu let věnuje této otázce zájem, jehož výsledkem jsou Standardy kvality sociálních služeb, resp. jejich mírná modifikace, která je součástí zákonu č. 108/2006 o sociálních službách, nejsou ještě zdaleka principy v nich obsažené poskytovateli chápány (neřku- li naplňovány) zcela jasně a v dostatečné míře. Výrazným fenoménem české sociální práce působícím na její dnešní podobu je také určitá diskontinuita jejího vývoje způsobená čtyřiceti lety vlády KSČ v naší zemi. Důsledkem "přetržení" vývoje je i to, že nám v mnohých oblastech chybí hlubší zkušenosti. Práce s lidmi po úrazu míchy je také...

Some aspects of economic diplomacy on the example of Czech Republic and New Zealand
Janeková, Jana ; Šaroch, Stanislav (advisor) ; Hnát, Pavel (referee)
The paper analyses relations between economic diplomacy and foreign development assistance. The ground of the analysis constitutes theoretical and practical concept of foreign development aid provided by the Czech republic and New Zealand set into the scope of economic diplomacy. The approaches of indicated countries are compared in aspect of total volume, territorial and issue allocation and the potential to utilize foreign development aid as a tool of economic diplomacy is assessed.

Deflace - skutečný problém k řešení nebo nevyhnutelný důsledek globalizace?
Mudra, Martin ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Villaverde, José (referee)
The aim of this paper is to examine the striking inverse co-movement of decreasing inflation rates and increasing degree of globalization in developed economies during the current wave of globalization beginning in the 1980s. Our analysis stands on theoretical identification of channels through which globalization affects inflation in developed economies and the role of monetary policy in the process. Econometric estimation of the impact of advancing globalization on the rate of inflation carried out on a sample of high-income OECD countries over the years 1980 - 2013 supports our hypothesis that advancing globalization has a significant negative impact on the rate of inflation in advanced economies.