National Repository of Grey Literature 32,629 records found  beginprevious32620 - 32629  jump to record: Search took 1.20 seconds. 

Creation and drawing of provisions for mine damages connected with the relocation of utilities in terms of accounting and taxes
Vincíková, Hana ; Zelenková, Marie (advisor) ; Peroutka, Ondřej (referee)
The thesis deals with some selected problematic areas related to the creation and drawing provisions for mine damages connected with the relocation of utilities in the Hořanský corridor. It describes the specific nature of the activities carried out by mining organizations in relation to the owners of utilities.

Light sources and their use in cinematography practice
Pavelek, Tomáš ; ŠPELDA, Josef (advisor) ; MACÁK, Jiří (referee)
This thesis is written in the genre of manual with reflection of a problem and focuses on the importance of light as one of the main aspects of filmmaking and as a main tool for creation of an atmosphere. That are examples of the key expressions, which are used and described in the text: light ratio, light as a source of shadow, characteristic of the light, light perspective, color temperature, reflectance, skin tone, light design for film stock and digital camera. In order the problematic of lights sources with different color temperature is presented, so as the aspects of shooting low light chiaroscuro atmospheres, Inverse-square law usages, light source as a part of the frame, shooting in small scale locations and shooting with multiple cameras.

Application of integration model in the development of IT pharmaceutical company
Beneš, Jan ; Gála, Libor (advisor) ; Komenda, Vojtěch (referee)
This diploma thesis is about Singletary's Integration Infrastructure Model and its practical application. The main goal of the thesis is proposal of application of IT Integration Infrastructure Model from Lester Singletary in practical realization of integration with development of existing eCommerce solution in business practice. In theoretical part there is introduced each point for achieving the goal, which is used to build an appropriate methodology or its consequential application. In the following part there is shortly defined the description of practical application, where is explained how is the creation of methodology for fulfilment of Singletary model approached. After that follows the proposal of methodology, character of particular environment in which is the model applied and the application of the methodology itself as well as creation of the model. The benefit of this thesis is experimental application of proposed methodology, which leads to achievement of Lester Singletary's model which helps to determine easier if the model is suitable for practical application or not. Another benefit is categorisation of the model by chosen solution which simplifies its search and classification.

The comparison of pension systems in the Visegrád Group focused on the Czech Republic
Hlavová, Kristýna ; Ježek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Damborský, Milan (referee)
Visegrád countries were forced to adopt a widespread pension reform due to demographic facts. This reform led to the creation of the 2nd pillar. This thesis deals with this new funded pillar, which should facilitate the financing of the PAYG system (1st pillar). Using comparative analysis I reveal why all of Visegrád countries reduce 2nd pillar after several years of its functioning. The most common reason for this reducing was an effort to improve the unsatisfactory situation of public finances. The abolition of 2nd pillar actually leads to a certain improvement of public debt and deficit, but this positive effect is only short-term. More specifically I focus on the arguments of the Government for the abolition of the funded pillar in the Czech Republic, which I consider largely baseless. I also discuss the possible impacts of the reducing of the 2nd pillar. Currently, the countries of V4 try to save their pension systems using the 3rd pillars, however the current form of this supplementary pillar cannot provide a sufficient financing of the PAYG system.

Politicko ekonomický cyklus v České republice
Benko, Tomáš ; Potužák, Pavel (advisor) ; Dušek, Libor (referee)
This thesis seeks to analyze the phenomenon of political business cycle (PBC) in the Czech Republic. It follows up the efforts of previous authors to determine the existence and subsequent character of the PBC in the country. Based upon the related works, it summarizes the current situation. However, unlike the previous analyses, this work concerns the monetary side of the economy. To be more precise, it examines the role of the Czech National Bank (CNB) within the process of political business cycle. It questions the level of independency of the CNB and poses a question whether the institution might actively participate in the creation of PBC. The following empirical analysis reveals that the CNB actively reduces the monetary base level in the economy within the pre-election period. It might signal its tendency to mitigate opportunistic behavior of the government.

Use of Neural Networks in Equity Trading
Lahodová, Martina ; Veselá, Jitka (advisor) ; Stádník, Bohumil (referee)
The neural networks have been the fastest developing area of computer science lately. They have strong interdisciplinary character, so that they can be applied in many fields of human activity e.g. capital markets. The objective of the thesis is to apply a perceptron model to predicting future value of a sample of shares, to set the accuracy of prediction and bring the conclusion of reliable use of the neural networks. Opening chapters are concerned with general principles of neural networks functioning, their classification and different ways of their "learning". Analytic chapter is based on the creation and use of the perceptron model and the analysis of given results.

Media Ethics and Discursus of Moral Values in Movie
Cút, Dušan ; Mucha, Ivan (advisor) ; Marcelli, Miroslav (referee)
Thesis is focused on media ethics and concentrate on moral values in film. The goal of thesis is to confirm or to disprove the need of applied ethics in film production. Thesis is divided into three parts. First part is focused on media ethics in film in general. Second part advise about several media theories and film in relation to ethics. Thirt part is dedicated to film semiothics and values. The core of theses is created of several aspect of film such as film editing, language and meaning through out film acting, sounds and costume. We do not emphasise good or bad impact on film on moral values but we bring out significance of value creation process. We underline film creation itself and tools of film production. The structure of thesis is interdisciplinary. I tis verz sensitive connection of ethics knowledge, media and semiothics. Interdisciplinar view brings toghether known facts and new approach. Key words: applied ethics, media ethics, film theory, film semiothics, moral values

Design's crossroads of the past century
Krušková, Kateřina ; Šmíd, Jan (advisor) ; Sedlák, Michal (referee)
The bachelor thesis has the character of reflection design in terms of cultural, historical and theoretical. It deals with a design as specific bringing together science, technology and fine arts in relation to human culture and indicates the position of design in art education for pupils from 12 years. Based on the analysis of the design is elaborated suggestion of educational work together with the author's own creation. The result and benefit of the thesis is a) division of the design into two basic tendencies in the 20th century b) a set of didactic's procedures geared to dealing with the design on the border of art and media education c) creation of the author, as the design of storage space, d) reflection of relation photographs and design based on the author's own photographs. KEY WORDS design, applied arts, history, historical development of design, culture, phothography, art education, advertisement

Schleiermacher's general hermeneutics and brief outline on its influence on advancement of hermeneutics in 20th century
Hauzrová, Kateřina ; Lyčka, Milan (referee) ; Halík, Tomáš (advisor)
The work is divided into two quite heterogenous parts. First part deals with Schleiermacher's concept of hermeneutics. The character of this part is more likely interpretative. The second part of the work is conceived as brief summary of the basic branches of 20th Century hermeneutics. It should only briefly outline what direction took the Schleiermacher's idea of the creation of general interpretation method. The second part is meant to be only a kind of addition to the first fundamental part. That is the reason why both parts are of different lenght (the first being significantly longer) and why the extend of investigation of each subject is of different intensity (the second being rather superficial). Main part of the work tries to show Schleiermacher's concept of interpretation. According to him the interpretation is not primarily concerned with text but speech. Speech is in his point of view identical with thought, text being only one form of the speech. General hermeneutics should be first of all concerned with search for understanding the other, finding the sense respectively. Further, Schleiermacher tries to show our relation to the world as primarily happening through this speech and what more, the world being shaped by our own speech (thought). Mainly this theoretical philosophical extend of his...

Zkvalitňování kultury vyučování matematice cestou kolektivní reflexe
Hošpesová, A. ; Tichá, Marie
Cultivation of teachersďself-reflection and systematic conduction of collective reflection can change character and promote quality of personaly oriented education. Therefore we aim at creation of supporting conditions for realizing these activies. In this contribution we show how a choosen group of primary shool teachers perceived and evaluated their competencies in the course.