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Conflict minerals and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Kocúnová, Oľga ; Pavlík, Petr (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee)
As already the title of the diploma thesis is saying " Conflict minerals and the Democratic republic of Congo" aims at discussing issues around conflict minerals produced in DRC, including illicit trade, exports, smuggling minerals from DRC and committing crimes such as human rights abuses including rapes, sexual violence, executions, forced recruitment, abduction, child work etc. The militarisation mostly in eastern parts of the country leads to escalated conflict, in which rebel groups are warring in order to obtain power and control over rich natural resources in country. Long lasting conflicts, insecurity in the country, failed governance, wide-spread corruption, illegal exploitation of natural resources and of miners as well have reach the level of poverty, economic weakness, as well as political inability to lead the country and control its own natural wealth and prevent from any kind of foreign touch, mostly by armed or rebel groups. This thesis presents measures, which have to be taken in order to mitigate rebel groups power in the country, enhance transparency, remove corruption and exercise due diligence for responsible supply chain and thus strengthen economic and political development as well as human right
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Czech „Opt out“: Study 3.081
Chmel, Marek ; Syllová, Jindřiška
Bruselský summit Evropské rady přijal dne 30. 10. 2009 protokol k závěrům předsednictví. Protokol o uplatňování Listiny základních práv v České republice spočívá v tom, že se Česká republika začleňuje do protokolu č. 30 o uplatňování Listiny základních práv Evropské unie v Polsku a ve Spojeném království. Protokol č. 30 je už začleněn do Lisabonské smlouvy v jejím sjednaném znění. Znění protokolu pro Českou republiku bude (po jeho začlenění do smluvního základu v rámci přístupové smlouvy) shodné jako pro ostatní dva státy. Protokol č. 30 má dva články, dá se však rozdělit do 3 částí. Článek 1 odst. 1 se týká Listiny základních práv EU jako celku, článek 1 odst. 2 se v podstatě týká sociálních práv, článek 2 se týká interpretace určitých pojmů použitých v rámci Listiny základních práv EU. Protokol č. 30 Lisabonské smlouvy a tedy i „český“ protokol, až bude začleněn do smluvního základu EU, vytvoří pro Soudní dvůr více explicitních překážek, pokud by snad chtěl rozšířit pravomoci EU i mimo dosud dané hranice a aplikovat Listinu základních práv EU jako obecně a přímo účinné právo EU. Po prozkoumání protokolu je nutno konstatovat, že obyvatelé České republiky přijetím „českého“ protokolu o žádná práva (ve srovnání s ostatními členskými státy EU) nepřichází. Vnitrostátní soudy i Soudní dvůr nebo další orgány budou moci použít všechna ustanovení Listiny základních práv EU pro interpretaci výkonu všech smluvních pravomocí Unie jak v České republice, tak ve shodném rozsahu v ostatních členských státech.
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The human rights and the animal rights
The thesis, which deals with the issue of human rights and animal rights, is divided into three basic chapters. The first chapter offers a summary of the historical development of human rights and seeks to highlight the coherence of this development with the current understanding of human rights. The second chapter focuses on the development of our relationship with animals. This chapter describes the historical, philosophical and religious aspects of the relationship. The final chapter focuses on the current arguments for animal rights. Part of this chapter is devoted to the animal rights opponent Tibor Machan, according to whom the animals do not need any rights.
Human Rights in China´s African Policy
Fiala, Petr ; Zemanová, Štěpánka (advisor) ; Knotková, Vladimíra (referee)
The thesis deals with the analysis of the importance of human rights issues in China's foreign policy in Africe. Its aim is to assess the importance of this issue in relations between China and Africa, and the perspective of changes of its importance in the further development of these relations. The thesis examines, how the Chinese stance on human rights is reflected in its foreign policy in Africa, and what impacts on their relations it has. In addition, it estimates how the further development influences Chinese approach to the issue of human rights. At first, the work analyzed the human rights issue and the International human rights regime. Then it studied the special African and Chinese stance on the issue of human rights. Further it analyzed Chinese foreign policy, and the projecting of the human rights issue into the foreign policy. Then the work analyzed the relations between China and Africa, and the significance of human rights issue in it. Finally, the thesis deals with the changing of the Chinese approach to human rights in Africa.
Human dignity in old age
The work is aimed on the concept of human dignity in terms of age. The first chapter is devoted to the basic definition of human dignity and human rights. I describe a certain views of human dignity and human rights. The second chapter is devoted to the perspectives of an age and changes in the old age, which are of great importance for the preservation of human dignity. An important part of an old age is a matter of dying, which is nowadays bound with a form of palliative care associated with the difficult ethical issue of euthanasia. The concluding part summarizes the problem of an old age that is not an easy life stage for everybody, and therefore it is important to try, in the term of the helping profession, to keep the human dignity of the old people if they do not meet it in their neighbourhood.
Special aspects on the situation of gender minorities in Namibia
My thesis evaluates the current situation of sexual minorities in the Karas region of Namibia by interpreting the values of the Namibian society in the context of Christian ethics. The first part of my thesis explains the methodology I have used and defines key terms used in the thesis. The second part provides an insight into the living conditions of homosexuals in Namibian society in the context of religion, traditions and legislation applying to this issue. The third part deals with the Christian ethical perspective of homosexuality in the context of natural religions and human rights.
Does the violation of Kurdish minority´s rights prevent Turkey from joining the EU?
Pačutová, Zuzana ; Druláková, Radka (advisor) ; Zemanová, Štěpánka (referee)
The topic of this thesis is a research of human and minority rights of Kurds in Turkey. The work especially seeks to answer the question whether violations of minority rights of the Kurdish minority in Turkey is an obstacle that prevents Turkey from joining the European Union. It cannot be denied that the problem actually exists in Turkey. However the thesis tries to figure out the real extent to which Turkey violates these rights and how these violations are contrary to European Union legislation.
Human rights in Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp
Praskačová, Henrieta ; Zemanová, Štěpánka (advisor) ; Kochan, Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis is concerned with the policy of the administration of G.W. Bush connected with American Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp after the events of September 11, 2001. The thesis describes a violation of detainees' human rights in this detention facility and, using this example, it shows a conflict between state's commitments and national interests in the theories of international relations. The thesis also presents the main international obligations of The United States of America related to the humanitarian law and human rights law.

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