National Repository of Grey Literature 31,134 records found  beginprevious31125 - 31134  jump to record: Search took 2.28 seconds. 

Static analysis of XSLT programs
Červák, Jan ; Toman, Kamil (referee) ; Bednárek, David (advisor)
Nazev prace: Staticka, analyza. XSLT programu Autor: ,Ian Cervak Katedra: Katcdra softwarovcho inzenyr.stvi Vedouci diplomove prace: RNDr. David Bednarek E-mail vedouciho: Abstrakt: Zabyvame se statickou analyzou XSLT programu se znalosti sche- matu vstupnich dokumeutu. Analyza, je zamcfena, na odhalovani behovych chyb v prograniecli. Konkretue hiedamp nedosazitelna pravidla,, slepa vo- lani a cykly ve volamch pravidcl, jako zdroj potrncialne nekonecneho behu prograniu. XSLT je t\iringo\sky uplny ja/yk, konipletni staticka analyza je z principu neproveditelna, feseni tohoto problcniu jsou Jen i^fiblizna. Pre- zentovane rcseui je kvazi-sinndace bohu programu nad niodeleni XML doku- inentu. Vyslodny graf toku fizeni programu rlava infonnaee o zkouinanych probleineeh. Algcjritinus simulace je zavedeu nezavisle na pouzitein inodclu, coz pfinasi moznost analyzy na. ruzne urovni dotailu. Klicova slova: a.nalyza toku rizeiii, XSLT, XML Schema, behove dryby, zasta- vcni Title: Static analysis of XST/F ]>rograms Author: Jan Cervak Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: RXDr. David Bcdnarek Supervisor's e-mail address: David.BednarekyimU' Abstract: The aim of this work is static analysis of XSLT programs with the knowledge of an input document's schema....

Graphical Models in Continuous Financial Data Analysis
Podolská, Kateřina ; Hurt, Jan (referee) ; Zichová, Jitka (advisor)
Xa/ev prace: Graficke niodely v analy/e spojilych linancnich dat Autor:'ina Podolska Kaledra: Kat.edra pravdepodobnost i a matenial.icke isl.ikv Yedouci bakalafske prace: KXDr. Jilka Zichova, Dr. e-mail vedouciho: Jit ka.Zicliova:("inff.cuni.c/ Abslrakt: Hlavnini cilem teto bakalarske praee je aplikovat gralickf'1 niotk'ly urrene pro /praeovaiii tlat se spojityin ro'/delem'in na data z linanrni praxe. Pro lento Tieel byly /voleny denni ineno\(; knr/y / dalaba/,e C'XB. Pro \yber konkret niho gralickeho niodelu byl pou/it pro^fam Backward]. vytvofeny jako soneast diplomove [>raee [ !]. reali/ovany v syst.einn Mat.heinat.ica 4.0. Klirova slo\a: graficke niodely. analy/a spojilveh (inanrnieh dal Title: Graphical Models in Continuous Financial Data Analysis Author: Katenna Podolska Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: RXDr. Jitka Ziehova, Dr. Supervisor's e-mail address: .Jilka.Ziehova Abstract: The- main topic of this bachelor thesis is the application of graphi- cal models developed for data processing of the continuous distribution on finance data. For this purpose, daily exchange rates from the CXB database were selected. The program Backward!, which was created as a part of the thesis [Ij under the system Malhematica 4.0, was used for selection of t he...

Investment of Czech Pension Funds
Obdržálková, Ludmila ; Zichová, Jitka (referee) ; Hurt, Jan (advisor)
Xazev prace: Invesfovam penzijnich iondu C'H Au tor: Ludmila. Obdrzalkova Katedra (ustav): Katedra pravdepodobnosli a inatematicke .statistiky Vedouci bakalarske prace: Doc. RNDr. .Inn Hurt, CSc. e-n ia,il vcdoucfho: Jau.Hurt'tMiifi'.cuni.c/ Abstrakt: V predlozeiie pnici stiulujcinc investovani pen/ijiu'cli fondu Coske republiky zc hlcdi.sok - vvnosnosti. ri/ika a likvidity. Popisujrmt1 inve.siicni strategii {}onzijin'ch fondu, rizikasouviseJR-i s invc^slovani'in, invcsticni ]) lia pcnzijni'ch fondu a invest irnf limity aoiruvenf. ktere jsou pro ne stanovciiy zakoncin o jx'nzijniiu ])fi]K)jisten(. V uvodnfch dvou kapitolach se navic se- zn^ininjrine s Icgisla.t.iviii lipravon ]xnizijiii'lio ])ri])ojistr'ni a aktuaine aktivno ]>u,sobk'inii iicnzijninii fondy v Coske republico. Klicova slova: invcstovani, pcnzijni fond, portfolio Title: Investinent of Czech Pension Funds Author: Ludmila Obdrzalkova Depii.rtnient: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Doc. UNDr. .Jan Hurt. ("Sc. Supervisor's address: Jan.lhul'O.' Abstract: In this thesis \vestndy investment of Czech pension funds from the three point of view: profitability, risk, and liquidity. \Ve describe investment strategy of pension funds, investment related risks, investment portfolios oi...

Applications of Markov processes to modeling HIV disease progression
Žohová, Ivana ; Prášková, Zuzana (referee) ; Kulich, Michal (advisor)
Nazev prace: Aplikace Mnrkovovych procesu pfi modclovaiii prubehu cho- n.hy HIV Autor: I\aua Zohova Katcdra: Katcdra pravdepodobnosli a malematicke statistiky Vedouci bakalafske prace: Mgr. Michal Ivulich,Ph.D. o-mail vedonciho: kulich fikarlm.mff'.cnni.c/ Abstrakt: V pfedio/ene praci se zabyvame slochastickym modelovam'm priibellii choroby HIV. pfedevshu pak inkubacni doln' AIDS. Hlavni po/or- noyt jc vuiiuvana. inorldlovdni |)oniuc( hoino^eiiiiicli Markovovych proce.sit sc s])ojit.yni c;isein a kouernou iniioziiion stavu. V praci ncjprvc Ktuclujoiric nOklora .spojili'i ro'/drloni, a to pft'devsiin z hk'diska jcjich vliodnosl.i k ino- dolovani inkulmrnf doby AIDS. Dalsi' cast jc vonovana konstnikci Ma.rko- vuvych niodelu. Pnilioh fihoroliv HIV jc iicjprvr niixlrlovaii poinorf dvou Iconkrntnicli inodrlu a jjotc pomoci zdliccnoDrhc) modclu. V niodelcch JHOTI odvox.cna. rozdrlrni inkubariii duljy AIDS. Klicova slova: chornba HIV. inkiiliariii doba AIDS. lhmiu»t'iim' Markovuv l>ro('{'s. Markovuv Title: Ap])lications of Markov processes to modeling, HIV di.scas siun Author: Ivana Zohuva Department: Drpartnicnt of Probability and MaHicniatical Statistics Supervisor: Mgr. Michal Kulich, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: kuhch^karhn.nifF.riirii.c? Abstract: In tlu1 present work \vc study stochastic modeling of...

Open problems in Continuum thory
Seifrt, Jan ; Spurný, Jiří (referee) ; Pyrih, Pavel (advisor)
ISYixev prace: Otevfene problemy teorie konlinm Autor: Jan Seifrt Katcdra (ustav): Katedra matematicke analyzy Vedouci ba.kaliirske prace: Doc. RNDr. Pavel Pyrih, CSc. e-mail vedouciho: Anstrakt: PiYdlo/ena pracc sc /a))yva v/tahrin iiia^iicli('l\ycb a koiH-rnr pn- riodickych bodu v jislycli koiiipaktiiu-li .souvislych mno/iuach. Teziste prace s])ociva v in)di-()l)in''in ro/boru dvou ])ul)liku\>uiycli vyslcdkii (motor a null- comb). Fungovam Irclito ])fikladu JL- /achycono na fade pomocnydi obraxkii. Pia(.:c obsabnjc polrubnc definicr a /aktadni 1 vr/cm' Inv, dukaxu. V praci JHOU dale doka'/ana i dalsi tvr/oni / dam'1 problcmatiky. vii shiva: dcndril., ill]I', ina^iiutickr body a mill-comb Tillc: Open problems in Continuum thmry Author: Jan Scifrt Department.; Department of Matheinal ical Analysis Supervisor: Doc. HNDr. Pavel Pyrili, CSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract: In t lit1 present work \ve study the relation between non-wandering ami eventually-periodic- points in certain compact conned ed sets. The goal of the work consists of detailed study of two published results (engine and null-comb). How these examples work is demonstrated by a. sequence of fi- gures. The work contain all needed definitions a.nd lacts wit.lumt proofs. In the work are proved some other...

Graphical 3D Editor for the AGE Project
Herceg, Tomáš ; Šerý, Ondřej (referee) ; Ježek, Pavel (advisor)
Title: Graphical 3D Editor for the AGE Project Author: Tomáš Herceg Department: Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Supervisor: Mgr. Pavel Ježek, Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract: The goal of the thesis is to create an editor of graphical three-dimensional scenes. The editor is going to be an AGE project add-in. Because the AGE project is by the time of writing this thesis still in development its first version should be implemented as well as a part of this thesis. The 3D editor add-in should support creation of simple 3D primitives, manipulation with vertices, faces and mesh parts and also should contain basic tools for texture mapping. The Microsoft .NET Framework will be used as a target platform and all graphics content will be rendered using the Windows Presentation Foundation and DirectX technologies. Keywords: Computer graphics, Windows Presentation Foundation, DirectX, 3D

Vyhledávací stroj pro matematiku
Mišutka, Jozef
Title: Mathematical search engine Author: Jozef Mišutka Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: RNDr. Leo Galamboš, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract: The WWW is dominated by search engines such as Google. They are inseparable part of everyday search for information. Theoretical research field interested in searching, the information retrieval, focuses mainly on the natural language constructs - words. During the last years the field has been extended to other searchable content as well. The world of mathematical knowledge on the WWW has grown enormously. The importance of a general mathematical search engine is clear. However, this research field had been abandoned until very recently. Despite the fact that an active ongoing research is in progress, few practical results have been presented. The main goal of this thesis is to fill this gap. A new mathematical search engine was proposed with the focus on applicability. As the only capable search engine of indexing WWW effectively is the full text search engine it was used as the basis. The mathematical extension was designed as an extension which allows it to exploit and use all the advantages of the full text search engine. Most of the mathematical documents do not contain semantic information. The...

Numerical solution of 3D ow
Kyncl, Martin
Nazev prace-: Numericke fesem tfirozrnorneho proucleni Autor: Martin Kyncl Katcdra: Katedra numericke iiiatcinatiky Vedouci diplomove prace: Doc. RNDr. Jifi Felcman, CSc. e-mail vedouciho: felcman(G>karlm.inff.cuni.c/ Abstrakt: Prace se zabyva numorickym modelovanim nevazkeho a vazkeho stlacitelneho proudeni plynu ve 3D. Pou/iLa mutoda fes(Mif jn zalo2cna na ro/lo/rni systemu, kterym jc proudoni popsano, na nevazkou a ciste vaxkou cast. V praci json uvedeny numericke vyskulky, ktcre uka/uji pou/Jtelnost navrzene metody. Klicova slova: stlacitelne proudeni, Eulerovy rovnice, Navier-SLokesovy rov- nice, mctoda konecnycli objeinu, motoda konecnych prvku, Dolauriayova tri- angulace Title: Numerical solution of 3D flow Author: Martin Kyncl Department: Department, of Numerics Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Jin Felcman, CSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: folemanQkarlin.mff.cuni.c/ Abstract: The paper is concerned with numerical modelling of inviscid as well as viscous gas flow in 3D. The method is based on upwind flux vector splitting finite volume scheme combined with finite elements. The geomet- rical data and the computational results for the three-dimensional flow arc presented. Keywords: compressible flow, Euler equations, Navicr-Stokes equations, fi- nite volume method, finite element method, Delaunay...

Good practice of departments of social and legal protection of children in the care of children at risk
Laubová, Lenka ; Matoušek, Oldřich (advisor) ; Salačová, Lucie (referee)
This paper deals with selected conditions of good practice of the Department of Social-legal Protection of Children (OSPOD) in the current system of care for children at risk and their families. Currently, this system finds itself in the early stage of transformation. Its starting point is the trans-sectoral "National action plan for the transformation and unification of the system of care for children at risk for the period 2009-2011" (NAP). NAP is a set of key measures in the form of visions, among which an idea of OSPOD as a core body of multidisciplinary cooperation stands out. This thesis addresses the cooperation of OSPOD with other subjects in practice. The first chapter identifies key concepts; other chapters analyze specific areas of cooperation of OSPOD (multidisciplinary cooperation, social planning, cooperation with clients) and highlight the potential risks and opportunities. The thesis closes with a research, which aims to find examples of good practice in OSPOD in the Central Bohemian Region in the Czech Republic.

Moment-tensor inversion of earthquakes in Greece, method ISOLA
Červinková, Dana ; Šílený, Jan (referee) ; Zahradník, Jiří (advisor)
3 Title: Moment-tensor inversion of earthquakes in Greece, method ISOLA Author: Dana Červinková Department: Department of Geophysics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jiří Zahradník, DrSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract: The possibility of obtaining a reliable moment tensor using a low-frequency waveform inversion from a single seismic station is studied. Deviatoric part of the moment tensor is described in usual way, using its orientation (angles strike, dip, rake), scalar seismic moment M0 and the double-couple percentage (DC%), and also by means of the coefficients of linear combination of elementary mechanisms. We estimate the formal error of the coefficients and study conditionality of the inverse problem. Data from earthquakes Trichonis (Mw = 5.2, April 2007) and Leonidio (Mw = 6.2, January 2008), Greece, are processed using software ISOLA (Sokos and Zahradník). The moment tensor is calculated from many stations and its stability is tested. This reference solution is compared to those independently obtained from single stations. Synthetic tests are performed to understand why the single-station estimates are sufficient for Trichonis, but not for Leonidio, paying attention to the focal depth, station azimuth and epicentral distance. It is found that the depth is crucial at...