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Gender issue in police armedforces
This bachelor´s thesis deals with the Gender issue in the armed police forces. I focused on the differences in the position of men and women working for the Police ČR which could affect career of the policewomen. I also pick the gender stereotypes which predetermine the women for certain posts and tasks. Result of my work is the review of the questionnaire and the suggested solution which should lead women to posts, not yet, fully occupied by them. The theoretical part of my thesis defines terms as: gender, gender stereotypes, the characteristic of labor relations, principles of equal treatment and non discrimination.The main part contains the status of women in labor relations and the special position of pregnant women , nursing women and mothers within nine months after child delivery in labor law in selected institutions. The bachelor´s thesis is based on the current legislation of women position in labor relations and reflects the legal situation valid till 1.9.2013.

Knowledge of pedagogical workers to provide the first aid for children with epilepsy.
Theoretical assumptions Epilepsy belongs to one of the most common neurological disorders. People usually have their first epileptic seizure at about the age of 20. As the age group mostly in danger of a seizure occurrence are the children of a school age, it is vital to study this disorderamong this particular group. As childrenspend a lot of time with their school staff, it is consequently very likely that a seizure happens at school. This bachelor thesis analyses the knowledge and experience of educators in the area of the first aid for children with epilepsy. The theoretical part deals with the history of epilepsy - its definition, causes, the types of epileptic seizures and epilepsy syndromes. It also describes the crucialrole of a nurse in diagnosing epileptic seizures. Furthermore, it analyses the epilepsy treatment and primarily focuses on seizure first aid, medication and types connected to this disorder. As is also set out in this thesis, the professional qualification of a nurse gives him or her the opportunity to educate others about this disorder and disorder-related practices. The thesis also studies the available information about children suffering from this disorder and the ways educators are being prepared for working with these children in the course of their university studies and following professional life. The last part describes the role of a school nurse; a functionessential for school life nurses provide in foreign countries, but one which is wholly absent in Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis This bachelor thesis aims to analyse the knowledge of educators in the area of first aid for children with epilepsy.This aim is interconnected with a research question that attempts to establish the knowledge of educators about first aid for children with epilepsy. Methodology My research was based on a quantitative analysis of anonymous questionnaires that had been distributed, with the oral approval of directors of said elementary schools, amongst nine elementary schools in the South-Bohemian Region (in the cities of Písek and České Budějovice). I have distributed 225 questionnaires andthe return rate was 166 questionnaires. Respondents were supposed to answer 22 questions (the aim of two questions was to achieve personal identification).My research was conducted in February 2014. The acquired data was analysed with statistical methods and appropriate statistical tools (determined averages and percentages) and the results were clearly demonstrated through graphs. Results While the conclusion of the data acquired from respondents was that the educators have sufficient knowledge in the area of seizure first aid, it was also revealed that they are not well acquainted with medication and its application used in seizure first aid. Even though the educators are (to a great deal) acquainted with first aid procedures, the majority of them is interested in improving their knowledge of first aid. Conclusions This research answers the set research question. Educators have sufficient knowledge of first aid procedures; however, they are not acquainted with a proper medication and its use. Taking into account the active interest of educators in first aid training, a nurse may organise theoretical and practical first aid sessions focused on children epilepsy seizure first aid to introduce further cooperation with elementary school teachers. While for the majority of people is the profession of a nurse connected to hospitals, her or his role is much more far-reaching. Many professional roles of a nurse are easily applicable outside hospitals - for example in schools a nurse may find him/herself involved in a variety of functions in education, prevention and distribution of information about child daily regime measures.

Anthropological profile of children with diagnosis ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Uhlířová, Jaromíra ; Sedlak, Petr (advisor) ; Zemková, Daniela (referee)
This final thesis deals with the anthropological profile of children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), which is one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses in childhood. Many studies have demonstrated the relationship of ADHD to differences in physical growth, mostly in terms of growth retardation and lower weight parameters. However, these differences are often associated with the use of pharmacological treatment. Some authors point to the possibility of the influence of ADHD itself. In this paper we compare the anthropometric parameters of the 40 boys with ADHD from 6.00 to 10.99 years of age who are treated with medication (methylphenidate) and 172 boys of control group. The compilation of control group for use in clinical research of ADHD was one of the objectives of the thesis. We also compared anamnestic data obtained using questionnaires. It provided information such as birth parameters, duration of breastfeeding, eating habits, amount of time spent in physical activity, or time spent watching television. The control group of healthy individuals was established to better reflect the somatic profile of recent child population and also provided the anamnestic data. Against currently used growth standards control group showed some significant differences, which could be...

The Aspects of common hospitalisation of parents with their children
Janoušková, Helena ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor) ; Strobachová, Ingrid (referee)
The topic ofmy presentation is chidren's hospital admittion together with their parents or siblings. However it belong among the basic child right and was stated by National Association For the Welfare of Children in Hospital in 1988, ninghteen years later this stili is not an effortless practice at every hospital and with every admitted child. Not only hospitals / the samller ones especially / can have problems to accomodate parents or other attendants, but some difficulties occur even from the parents. I wanted to find out what the main problems are and what could be done for their eliminaion. I was questioning both parents and medical staff to discover what could be easily improved and what problems will need long term prepared and systematic measure which will not be fulfilled without hospital management help The results will be presnted to the maron and staff nurses so that they could call them graduall y into action. Some of the recommended measure could make hospital stay more pleasant and easier for both children and their parents. Powered by TCPDF (

The development of new dilational stents for resolving chronic benign stenosis and strictures of the respiratory airways and esophagus in children
Janoušek, Petr ; Kabelka, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Betka, Jan (referee) ; Šlapák, Ivo (referee) ; Přádný, Martin (referee)
Stenosis of the larynx and trachea accounts for a small but adverse spectrum of diagnoses in patients treated in ENT and Head and Neck Surgical departments. In treating chronic stenosis and strictures, an unequivocal, generally -accepted approach has not been established. The predominant method of treatment is surgical. Other methods applied include endoscopic (laservaporation, aryteooidectomy) and extemal (expansive, resection) procedures. 10 the pediatric population, the desired method is one which has a minimal1y harmful impact to the growing child. For these reasons, indications to exteosive surgical treatments are limited. Dilatation of stenosis and stricture, and temporary maintaining of lumen patency using stents individual1y measured "to size" seem to afford greater advantages for use in the pediatric population. In cooperation with the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic), we have worked on the development of stents suitable for clinical use that exhibit a combination of useful properties (rigidity, absorbability, biocompatibility, microbial inactivity). The steots were developed by polymerisatioo of 2 hydroxyethy1methacrylate onto a template made from polyethylenenterphtalate type silk (Dacron). The Poly-HEMA material is registered by the national Drug...

Diagnosis of laterality in the school environment
Šnajdrová, Veronika ; Vítečková, Michaela (advisor) ; Krykorková, Hana (referee)
This bachelor thesis contains theoretical principals of expressions of the dominance of the brain hemispheres - laterality. It solves the development of laterality, its genotype and phenotype, levels, laterality types and species, refers to the educational consequences of the improper educational influence on genotype laterality and subsequent corrections. It also deals with the diagnosis of laterality, especially from a position of a teacher. The basic idea of this work is to support the natural development of a child through appropriate laterality effects on the child, specifically a student diagnosed with dysphasia.

Physiotherapy for children threatened by the developing CP in the 1 year of life
ŠPIKOVÁ, Alžběta
In my bachelor thesis I have dealt with the problematic therapy of children with cerebral palsy. The aim has been defined as a presentation of therapeutic methods used at children endangered by cerebral palsy in the first year of life and the determination of the time aspect of the therapy. In the theoretical part I have dealt with the topic of psychomotor development of a child and the facts related to coming down with cerebral palsy, that includes its definition, causes of development, types and diagnosis. Since the most widely used method in the Czech Republic for children with cerebral palsy is Vojta´s reflex locomotion, the aim of the research part was to present this method in more detail and to find out experience with its use. The respondents were represented by 28 parents of children afflicted by cerebral palsy, who are treated in special diagnostic Center. This part of the work is methodologically based on the principles of qualitative research. Inquiry method has been used, employing semi-structured interview. The answers to questions demonstrate that an early diagnosis of the disease and an immediate institution of treatment is the main necessary condition for reaching optimal outcomes of the treatment. According to the research, the efficiency of the treatment also depends on its frequency, the expert guidance of professional physiotherapists for parents, their comprehension and conviction that the therapy will be successful. The investigation further showed that parents of children with cerebral palsy tried other therapeutic methods than Vojta´s reflex locomotion, but for lack of cooperation of the child, negligible results of other therapies or poor availability of their parents completed the application. The research findings also showed that improvement, which in practice Vojta´s reflex locomotion in their children diagnosed with cerebral palsy occurs, the main reason for this therapeutic method remain and will continue to apply.

Perceptions of men on their participation in childbirth
This study consists of two key parts. The focus of the theoretical part is pregnancy, childbirth and activities that a partner of the pregnant woman can carry on during various stages of her pregnancy and delivery. Furthermore, activities of nursing midwife who has to bear in mind that not only the laboring woman is in the delivery room, but also her partner. The empirical part was prepared through a qualitative research based on structured interviews with twelve respondents, partners of pregnant women. These respondents were divided into three groups: first-time fathers who participated in specialized childbirth classes, first-time fathers who did not participate in the specialized childbirth classes and obtained the relevant information from their friends, books or from the internet, and fathers-to be attended their child?s birth in the past. The research was carried on in June and July in České Budějovice. The results can be used as educational material for practicing midwives who have decided to use their professional knowledge in the specialized childbirth classes and for midwives working in the delivery rooms. The first goal was to explore whether the expectations of men who decided attend their child?s birth and participated in the specialized childbirth classes differ from the expectations of men who did not participate in the specialized childbirth courses. The results show that both groups basically expect the same; that is willingness, empathy and readiness to help on the part of medical team, active role in childbirth and, in particular, coaching by the nursing midwife. The second goal was to compare expectations of men who had been present at the childbirth in the past and expectations of first-time fathers. There research has shown that their expectations do not differ from the expectations of the first-time fathers who have not yet attended the delivery. They also expect active involvement and guidance on the part of the nursing midwife who would explain everything to them in the delivery room. In case they were not actively involved in the first delivery, they would like to play an active role in the next labor and delivery. This bachelor?s thesis can serve as information and textbook for future students of the branch Midwife. The results can also be used as educational material for practicing midwives who have decided to use their professional knowledge in the specialized childbirth classes and for midwives working in the delivery rooms.

Foot Arch in Childhood
Kellerová, Kateřina ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Maršáková, Kateřina (referee)
Author: Bc. Kateřina Kellerová Title: Foot Arch in Childhood Problem definition: The most often diagnosis related to the foot arch in childhood is definitely flexible flat foot also called pes planovalgus. Because of that this thesis will be mostly oriented on this diagnosis. There are many articles about flexible flat foot and many studies were oriented on this problem. The informations about etiology, influencing factors or therapy are sometimes discordant in different articles. But almost all of them contain one same statement which says that the prevalence of this diagnosis is decreasing as the foot arch is changing during the child's growth. It means in older children there is not flexible flat foot so often as in the younger ones. But there is no detailed description of the dynamics of these changes of the foot arch in childhood. Aim of this thesis: The aim of this thesis is to find out the development of the foot arch in children of pre-school age. In other words to run the survey to find out the changes of the foot arch in children of pre-school age which occurs in six months. Method: The survey contains anamnesis questionnare for parents and also these examinations: footprints, examination of joint laxity, mobility of hip joint, position of knee, patellae and heel, Jack's test, posibility...

Formative Influence of Literary Statemant of a Handicapped Person ( Reader's experience as a source of empathy)
Bachelor thesis describes the proces of dealing with a teenage girl with her physical disability, which takes place within her family and larger social environment. The theorical part is divided into twelve chapters. The first subchapter deals with the social norm as the criterion that defines persons with disabilities. In the second sub-chapter phenomenon of disability combines with its linguistic designation. The third chapter presents historical vertical classification approaches to persons with disabilities. The fourth subchapter describes the situation of persons with disabilities before brea?king year in 1989 and the fifth subchapter after year 1989. The sixth subchapter summa?rizes key points Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The seventh section is a content notion of a person with disabilities. The eighth subchapter is dedica?ted to people with physical disability. The ninth subchapter applies to the task of hel?ping proffesions in relation to persons with disabilities. The tenth subchapter focuses on social work with persons with disabilities and specifies the concept of comprehensive rehabilitation and the role of social work as a tool for inclusion of people with disabili-ties. The eleventh subchapter focuses on social work with families with a child with disabilities, being characterized by their specificity, life situation and social functioning and paradigmas social work in working with them. The last twelve subchapter, which reflects the social systém of the Czech Republic in relation to children with disabilities is concerned with its pillars, cash benefits, identification cards for people with disabili?ties and social services twending in this target group. The empirical part is based on qualitative research, answers to research questions by looking for personal case studies and data gathering analysis technique of sideaffect themes of the book " Pozorovatelka", co-author is now a young woman who was born with a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, with form of spastic quadriparesis. The main objective is to watch by her sight in common, everyday situations in which shows her way of coping with disabilities whose literary treatment entails a for-mative influence on readers. Apartial objective is to evaluate the value of the book as source of information about the possibilities of social work when working with families of children with disa-bilities. The research group consists of a 16-year old girl with disabilities, who is the main heroine of randomly selected novel for adult readers of the catalog of Ji hočeská vědec-ká knihovna in České Budějovice. The data analysis was chosen by penetration depth into the text which is close to the literary proces. The answer of the research question no. 1 How is developer the proces of internal coping with a person with disabilities in the confrontation with how man receives the outside world? It was said it deals with an individual proces influenced by primarily the period when physical disabilities, self-concept persons with disabilities, their family background and the opportunity to live autonomous life. The answer of the research question no 2 What is information value of the book "Po-zorovatelka" in terms of social work with families of children with disabilities? It brou-ght the result that low and tributary to legislation before validation Act. no. 108/2006 Coll., on social services. The Bachelor thesis can serve as a source of empathy for specific ways of meeting the basic needs of people with disabilities as well as an invaluable perspective on physical disability mediated by a person who lives with it.