National Repository of Grey Literature 26,917 records found  beginprevious26908 - 26917  jump to record: Search took 1.19 seconds. 

Clickstream Analysis
Kliegr, Tomáš ; Rauch, Jan (advisor) ; Berka, Petr (referee)
Thesis introduces current research trends in clickstream analysis and proposes a new heuristic that could be used for dimensionality reduction of semantically enriched data in Web Usage Mining (WUM). Click-fraud and conversion fraud are identified as key prospective application areas for WUM. Thesis documents a conversion fraud vulnerability of Google Analytics and proposes defense - a new clickstream acquisition software, which collects data in sufficient granularity and structure to allow for data mining approaches to fraud detection. Three variants of K-means clustering algorithms and three association rule data mining systems are evaluated and compared on real-world web usage data.

Software tools for analysis of discrete problems of Decision theory
Chlum, Ladislav ; Kalčevová, Jana (advisor) ; Kuncová, Martina (referee)
První kapitola je přehledem o softwaru pro řešení diskrétních rozhodovacích úloh. V dalších dvou kapitolách je podrobně popsán teoretický základ, který dále slouží jako návod pro návrh jednotlivých algoritmů a datového modelu. Předposlední kapitola je podrobná programová analýza, ze které je možné vycházet při vývoji v jakémkoliv prostředí. Obsahuje základní informace jaké metody by měly vzniknout, jaká vstupní data jsou pro jednotlivé metody nutná, a přehledný popis algoritmů. Poslední kapitola nejprve seznamuje s podnikovým informačním systémem Microsoft Bussines Solution ? Axapta, který slouží jako vývojové prostředí pro implementaci nového modulu ?Diskrétní úlohy?. Nový modul byl navržen tak, aby byl zcela nezávislý na funkcionalitě celého systému. Obsahuje dvanáct různých modelů vícekriteriálního hodnocení variant (Konjunktivní, Disjunktivní, Permutační, Lexikografická, ORESTE, WSA, TOPSIS, AGREPREF, ELECTRE I., třídu metod PROMETHEE a MAPPAC) a Bayesovskou analýzu pro řešení jednokriterálních rozhodovacích úloh při riziku.

Design of machining technology for production of the camera base
Trčka, Vojtěch ; Polzer, Aleš (referee) ; Sedlák, Josef (advisor)
This thesis deals with streamlining of the process of machining parts Basis of camera in cooperation with PEVOT Products Ltd. The first part focuses on the analysis of existing machining technology in terms of technology, as well as an analysis of time consumed for assessing the effectiveness of the current machining process. The second part of the thesis focuses on the design of innovative technology machining of components and design postprocessor for manufacturing equipment VMC ZPS 560. In conclusion, both variants of production are evaluated. They developed the analyses of time consumed for the production of components and production costs.

Development of solar diffuser.
Pintr, Pavel
Theoretically attainable productions of photovoltaic plants depend on the quality of solar sensors. We can determine an effeciency and reliability of photovoltaic plants with them. We introduce optical simulation of the original solution of solar sensor in software Optic Studio 15.5 Zemax. We propose new diffuser shape of solar sensor according to our analyse. We\ndescribe a development of first prototypes and their testing in the real conditions.

Simulace stochastických modelů hromadné obsluhy
Slámová, Kateřina ; Jablonský, Josef (advisor) ; Kuncová, Martina (referee)
Práce vystihuje teoretické poznatky z oblasti teorie hromadné obsluhy a simulace a následně jsou aplikovány poznatky do praxe. Pro případovou studii je využíván simulační software Simul8 a podpůrný program Crystal Ball, pomocí nichž je vytvořen model. Cílem je navrhnout nejlepší řešení daného problému a zhodnotit systém z hlediska struktury a funkčnosti. S modelem je provedeno několik experimentů a následně je posouzena vhodnost či nevhodnost použití jednotlivých variant.

Analysis of the gas flow in the passage of the primary electron beam differentially pumped chamber depending on the shape of the nozzle inlet
Hladký, David ; Vaculík, Sebastian (referee) ; Maxa, Jiří (advisor)
It is necessary to separate sample chamber with pressure up to 2000 Pa and the surroundings of tube with pressure 0.01 Pa with help of a differential pumped chamber at the environmental scanning electron microscope This differential pumped chamber is to be designed so that it has to manage to separate sections with very different pressures sufficiently and in the trajectory of transitting (overflying) prime electrons the average value of pressure and density has to be as low as possible, so that it would occure the lowest diffusion of these electrons, which is caused by collisions of electrons and air molecules too. It were created axisymmetric 2D models variant of Differentially pumped chamber with different opening angles of the clone, which were analyzed to choose the best variant. The Ansys Fluent systeme using finite volume method for analysis of fluid flow was used for analysis.

Air permeability of the building structures according to artificial air pressure on the surface
Dvořák, Jan ; CSc, Vladimir Tichomirov, (referee) ; Bečkovský, David (advisor)
This thesis examines the influence of the intensity of pressure strain of structures printed on the value of air permeability. The measurement is carried out using Blower Door Test on six variants using OSB boards as airtightening layers in the building. Part of the research was to verify the suitability of the test chamber and measuring devices for similar purposes and adjustment chamber

Evaluation of gas flow in the scintillation detector at different profiles and sizes of holes in the screens that have shaped the network
Truhlář, Michal ; Špinka, Jiří (referee) ; Maxa, Jiří (advisor)
This work deals with the flow of gas in the scintillation detector. Thesis describes the function of an electron microscope, the composition, distribution and development of microscopes from the earliest to modern. The work also includes familiarization with SolidWorks 3D modeling in which is the electron microscope modeled and Cosmos FloWorks in which they are carried out simulations of gas flow. The paper is focused on the flow of gas in various shapes of the screen and various pressures in chamber of specimen. The results of the analysis of both apertures variants are compared with the request to minimize the pressures in the trajectory of the secondary electrons of well as in the chamber of specimen.

Strategic plan for the Berg Orchestra for period 2012 - 2016
Košťálová, Kateřina ; Švecová, Lenka (advisor) ; Kesslová, Eva (referee)
This dissertation work examines the role of strategic management in the non-profit sector on the example of the Berg Orchestra, which is a chamber orchestra specializing in contemporary classical music. A theoretical analysis of several strategic planning models is presented, and the most appropriate is selected based on the general requirements of a non-profit organization. Applied specifically to the Berg Orchestra, the proposed strategy takes into account the various roles and activities of the orchestra.

Comparison of flow conditions in the gas detector used in the aperture and screen
Hubáček, Jiří ; Špinka, Jiří (referee) ; Maxa, Jiří (advisor)
The first part of the thesis deals with electron microscopy and physical model fluid flow. In the next part, a three-dimensional model is created in programme SolidWorks. It is the model of scintilating detector with aperture or screen with three hundred little apertures. These models are submitted to analysis focusing on investigation of the gas flow at different pressure in chamber of specimen ESEM using Cosmos FloWorks system. The results of the analysis of both apertures variants are compared with the request to minimize the pressure in the trajectory of the secondary electrons as well as in the chamber of specimen.