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Determinants of nurses work on internal departments of the South-Bohemian region
Basic theoretical background: The background of elaboration of this thesis was the fact that the perception of the occupation of a nurse has also changed remarkably with the requirements of the developing society. The present labour market mainly demands erudite, qualified general nurses that are able to work flexibly and independently under various conditions, to educate themselves independently, and to absorb new experience. The introduction of the theoretical part deals with more detailed identification of nurses' work and focuses on the individual attributes affecting nurses' work, like education, job contents and competences. One of the chapters also focuses on the personality traits necessary for the job of a nurse and on the organisation of work at internal medicine departments. The second part of the theoretical work then analyses the main determinants of the work. The aims of the thesis, questions and hypotheses: Three aims were set to meet the main purpose of the thesis. Aim 1: To identify the main determinants of the work of general nurses at internal wards. Aim 2: To map satisfaction among nurses from internal wards of the South Bohemia Region. Aim 3: To map the burnout syndrome among nurses from internal wards of the South Bohemia Region. Four research questions were asked in the qualitative research part to achieve the aims. RQ 1: What are the work determinants most often mentioned by the nurses? RQ 2: Are nurses satisfied with their work conditions? RQ 3: What motivating elements have the nurses experienced during their practice? RQ 4: How are nurses informed of the burnout syndrome phenomenon? Five hypotheses were consequently set for the quantitative research. H1: Nurses with tertiary education identify poor organization structure as the most important determinant of their work more than those without tertiary education. H2: Nurses with tertiary education perceive lifelong education as a motivating element for improvement of nursing care quality more than those without tertiary education. H3: Nurses with 10-year or shorter experience in internal medicine express the feeling of satisfaction with their work more than nurses with longer than 10-year experience in internal fields. H4: Nurses with 10-year or shorter experience in internal medicine express satisfaction with their working conditions more than nurses with longer than 10-year experience in internal fields. H5: Nurses with longer than 10-year experience have more experience with the burnout syndrome occurrence than nurses with 10-year or shorter experience. Methodology: Both the qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques were used in this thesis. The results for the first phase of the empiric research were obtained by means of semi-structured interviews led with twelve general nurses working at internal medicine specialized departments of four hospitals of the South Bohemia Region (České Budějovice, Tábor, Prachatice, Jindřichův Hradec). The results of the research were consequently analysed and categorized. The second part of the empiric research contains the results of the quantitative research based on data obtained by an anonymous questionnaire designed for general nurses working at internal medicine specialized departments of hospitals of the South Bohemia Region (České Budějovice, Tábor, Prachatice, Jindřichův Hradec, Písek, Strakonice, Český Krumlov). The obtained data were then classified, described and processed first by descriptive statistics into graphs by means of Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and statistical evaluation of the hypotheses was consequently performed. The hypotheses were tested by the chi-square test in a contingency table. The chosen significance level was 5 %.

Analysis of verbal communication in the instruction of vocational subjects in secondary school
This bachelor thesis delas with the theme of long term observation of verbal communication in the education process of professional subjects. It's theoretical part characterizes the pedagogic communication with a view to verbal communication in relation to education methods and organizational forms of education used in the education process at secondary school. Later follows the experimental part, which is authentically concerned with process of verbal communication directly in the education process of professional subjects. The main source of the experiment is the video-record from particular classes in concurrence of observation of particular aspects, forms and percentage of occurrence of verbal communication between the teacher and the students. Having the video record of the class brings a great advantage and is a big inspiration and self-reflection not only for myself, but also for the fellow teachers and the students. The overall picture from the experimental part is completed by the questionnaires for teachers and students, who in the written form express their opinions and evaluation of the verbal communication in the professional subjects classes. The personal contact with the teachers and students directly within the classes at the secondary school brought me the actual insight at the particular topic of my bachelors thesis topic.

Ontogeny of trilobites
Laibl, Lukáš ; Fatka, Oldřich (advisor) ; Budil, Petr (referee)
The thesis summarizes the current state of knowledge about the ontogeny of trilobites. The introductory chapters describe the basic morphology and anatomy of trilobites, and also mention their ecology, occurrence and feeding habits. In the main part of my thesis, I first summarized the existing research in this area, and also dealt in detail with methods of preservation of trilobite larvae, their reproduction, growth, embryology, postembryonal development, segmentation and ecology. I also mentioned the possible usage of this knowledge in other fields (stratigraphy, biogeography, etc.). The last section is a contemporary view on the systematics of trilobites and their position within the Arthropoda.

Importance of primary and secondary prevention in cardivascular disorder
Koníčková, Veronika ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Skalská, Marie (referee)
1 Abstract: Title: The importance of primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease Goals: Develop a theoretical basis for the selected topic. Describe the basic principles of primary and secondary prevention, and thus prepare the groundwork for creating questionnaires. Questionnaire compiled to complement the information obtained from the literature on insight into the practice. Confirm or refute the hypotheses chosen on the basis of a questionnaire. Discuss the most frequently occurring phenomena and compare them with the latest reported information. Draw conclusions and recommendations. Method: For the theoretical treatment of the retrieval method was used. I compared the information and inclined to the best proven. The theoretical part resulted in the goals and tasks of work. For the practical part was conducted by questionnaire survey, which has additional information on the issue of primary and secondary prevention. In the end I obtained data compared with information obtained from studying literature. Results: Lack of information on primary and secondary prevention is mainly for young people aged 10-15 years. This trend is accompanied by the deteriorating health situation and the occasional occurrence of the "diseases of civilization", which can produce complications in adulthood....

Protection of Transformer by Differential Relay
Jára, Jaroslav ; Haluzík, Evžen (referee) ; Toman, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with transformer failures and principles of their protection and a design of differential protection of transformers. The first part details with transformer failures, classification of these failures, short-circuit ground faults types, causes of the short-circuit occurrences and consequences of oil-transformer failures. The second part deals with problems of protection in general with the description of protection function, requirements of protection such as selectivity, speed of response, sensitivity and protection classification, methods of protection according to failure type - size of nominal power of transformers. It further describes principle of differential protections. Finally there are previews of historical and modern protections. The third part describes a design of differential protection of transformers. It includes short-circuit ratio calculation, example of three phase short-circuit calculation, CT ratio check, actual setting of protection and setting evaluation.

Collective Nouns in Contemporary English
ŠULCOVÁ, Tetyana
This thesis is focused on the issue of collective nouns in current English. The theoretical part is devoted to definition, description and classification of English nouns, peculiarities of their use and differences in use between British and American English. It also provides a brief overview of their etymological origin, the methods of formation and current development in the lexical field. The practical part deals with exploring the occurrence of collective nouns in newspapers of British origin and their behaviour in accordance with a verb and a pronoun and provides semantic enumeration of the collectives found in the corpus. Excerpts for the research in the practical part were taken from the British daily newspapers The Guardian and The Independent.

Malware - threats and countermeasures
Hejduk, Jakub ; Luc, Ladislav (advisor) ; Veber, Jaromír (referee)
This bachelor's thesis addresses the issue of a threat in the area of computers and internet networks, malware. It defines what malware is, its various types and the history in terms of occurrence and actions. It also provides the reader with insight into malware's functionality and how it threatens users. Furthermore, the thesis contains examples of some current well-known threats. A dossier on antivirus and antispyware software is also included. It is essentially a summary of their functions, properties, benchmark results and a list of countermeasures it equips the user with. The last section of the theoretical part of the thesis is a prediction of the future regarding the evolution of these threats and how will they affect the user. A considerable part of this work is a survey providing a summary of the current level of malware knowledge among people. I intend to determine if people are aware of these threats, their ability to defend themselves against them and also whether they already encountered this issue and if so, how did they handle it. This thesis should increase awareness about malware to make people understand what it is capable of in the environment of an unsecured computer. Ultimately, I am going to present the results of the survey and evaluate the depths of knowledge about malware among people.

Parents´ and students´ attitudes to truancy
Truancy is a behavioural disorder characterized by the student wilfully staying away from school without permission or appropriate excuse. The student's absence is always excused by the teacher rather than by one of the student's parents, upon a written request of the student's legal representative (if he or she is a minor), or the student himself/herself (if he/she is of age), and invariably in accordance with the school's rules. Truancy is a serious offence; the student intentionally avoids compulsory school attendance, thus violating not only the school's rules, but also the Education Act. The socio-pathological phenomenon mentioned above is not a rare occurrence in today's school practice, having become commonplace in both elementary and secondary education. Owing to its serious nature, topicality and potential negative impacts, it merits a deeper examination. The present bachelor thesis, Attitudes of Parents and Students to Truancy, attempts to identify views of today's ninth-grade students of elementary schools on truancy-related problems by means of an analysis of different components of their attitudes. Its objective is therefore to map opinions, emotional reactions and behavioural trends of the students with respect to the object of the attitude. At the same time, it outlines how the students perceive the attitudes of their parents to the same problem. The work is divided into two principal parts. The theoretical part summarises existing knowledge on truancy-related problems. The first chapter deals with truancy in general, presenting relevant terms and definitions. Subsequent chapters are dedicated, in particular, to the typology of truancy, a detailed analysis of different causes of truancy, available solutions, and last but not least very important prevention of the socio-pathological phenomenon. The empirical part is based on a qualitative survey; a semi-structured interview technique was used to collect the data needed to meet the objective of the thesis. The respondents were pupils of the "Vltava" Elementary School in České Budějovice, who were interviewed, after their grades had been closed, using a set of questions based on the objective of the work and prepared in advance. The survey shows that today's ninth-grade students harbour mainly negative attitudes to truancy. They deny they would intentionally stay away from school, although most of them admit they often fake health problems to be able to stay home and avoid school. The paradoxical attitude is attributable to the fact that the students do not have any information on types of truancy and that they are not aware of potential consequences of the phenomenon, thus not knowing that even faking health problems qualifies as truancy. Furthermore, the survey has confirmed that parents' attitudes to truancy are negative as well, although they often support the socio-pathological phenomenon by allowing their offspring to stay at home without a serious reason at the time they should be at school. The reason is that they too are unaware of consequences of their acts. It should be noted that the results of the survey may be skewed to a substantial extent, as attitudes to truancy are affected by many factors. The bachelor thesis aims to present a comprehensive view on truancy-related issues. The results of the survey it presents could be made use of by teachers and educators who encounter the socio-pathological phenomenon in their everyday work, as well as by parents or general public interested in the topic.

Awareness of Seniors about Depression
NOVÁKOVÁ, Kateřina
Depression is a mental illness which affects every aspect of human life. It does not mean that the men went crazy. It is an illness like any other. It only cannot be seen at the first sight. It cannot be measured neither vaccinated against it. But it definitely does not mean that it is less serious or that we should give it no attention. On the contrary, maybe just because it is not possible to recognize it at the first sight, we should give it a great deal of attention if we notice any of the symptoms and we should not underestimate it.This bachelor´s thesis deals with depression, it focuses on the specifics of depression at the age of seniors. Theoretical part deals with depression itself and with depression of senior citizens. Even though they both have many mutual properties, there are some differences between them. Maybe the most important is that the depression in elderly age often hides behind somatic problems and that´s why it is not very easy to recognize it. Further, the work is focused on the occurrence of depressions in population, risk factors which can follow to development of the depression, its symptoms and signs, types, potential effects and their treatment. Practical part is focused on the of dialogues with five senior citizens, on the theme of depression which should help to detect how much seniors know about this disease. The aim of practical part of this bachelor´s thesis was to detect the knowledge of seniors about depression. Fractional aim was to reveal, how the seniors treat prevention of this disease. The strategy of qualitative exploration, method of interrogation, method of half-structured dialogue was used to realise the research. The scheme of half-structured dialogue is composed of 25 questions which are divided into five branches. The research took place in Home for elderly people in České Budějovice ? Máj. The group of research is formed of five respondents who were chosen by deliberate choice. The criteria of the deliberate choice were agreement of the respondents with realization of the dialogue and the Scale of depression according to Yessavage which has tested if the chosen respondents themselves do not suffer from depression. Despite the fact that some of the answers were on the limits, none of them suffered from clinical depression according to this scale at the moment of the research. The results imply that the seniors know what the depression is and what it takes. They know its symptoms, events that can come first and they know to whom they should address in the case of long lasting sad mood and depressive feelings. All the answers concerning the depression can be considered as satisfactory. The biggest problem occurred when they had to answer these questions: Which disease can be often confused with the depression of elderly? Or how long should the depressive feelings last to be diagnosed as clinical depression? The next ?problematic question? was the treatment. All of the respondents mentioned medicaments but only two of them remembered also the non-pharmaceutical treatment. Above that some of them mentioned that depression as illness cannot be cured which, according to my opinion, is a very alarming idea. Maybe this is due to time in which they grew up and lived in a bigger part of their lives or some other factors. Depression and its symptoms are often underestimated in the age of seniors and are ascribe to other diseases what definitely should not happen. My advice is to inform more the seniors about this illness, mainly about its treatment. The research showed that if you say treatment of depression, all of the respondents remembered medicaments. Only two of all mentioned not only medical way but also some other possibilities of treatment. Only one of them remembered psychotherapy. This is not very the best according to my opinion. I believe that it comes from the fact that the seniors are used to take a huge amount of pills for different somatic problems.

Pathological phenomena of children and youth
Cardová, Ilona ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor) ; Koťa, Jaroslav (referee)
The characteristic of my dissertation is theoretic - empirical. The dissertation deals with problems of social pathological phenomena by children and youth and problems of discipline. Some kinds of social-pathological phenomena, their most frequent manifestation and consequent solustions are descrideb in the theoretical part. The important part of the theoretical part is the problem of discipline , its manifestation and the solution too . The empirical part deals with the research at the secondary trade school in order to find out the quantity of the occurrence of socialpathological phenomena and following influencing of discipline. The aim of it is not only the mapping of frequency of the occurrence, but also the options of students and teachers of given problems. Which is suitable preventation or solution of social-pathological phenomena and the lack of discipline by students of the secondary trade schoul. These findings could be a contribution for teachers, who face these problems daily. The questionnaire method for teachers and students was used in the research part, which was completed by the analysis of school documents from the period 2006 - 2009. It was proved in the research increasing occurence of social-pathological phenomena in the context of the lack of discipline. On the basis of finding...