National Repository of Grey Literature 23,732 records found  beginprevious23714 - 23723next  jump to record: Search took 1.74 seconds. 

Health and Social Protection of Students of the Faculty of the University of South Bohemia in the Czech Budejovice from Sexually Transmitted Diseases
The study deals with ways to protect students of the Faculty of Health and Social University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice against sexually transmitted diseases. The group consisted of students of the Faculty of Health and Social University of South Bohemia . The aim of this work consists in monitoring students' knowledge of Health and Social Faculty of sexually transmitted diseases and mapping the extent of health students from the Faculty of Health and Social sexually transmitted diseases. The theoretical part describes the evolution of human sexual behavior. It describes the characteristics of the different stages of development issues and pitfalls of each of these periods. The practical part monitors the students' knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases, while also monitoring their sexual behavior and surveyed coverage of girls against cervical cancer . As a tool of data collection method was used questioning, which was carried out using a questionnaire. Quota for the research was to study the JU Faculty, students , elected to field ZSF JU and the form of study. The whole research was preceded by partial study , which was supposed to verify all stages of research tools and data collection, sample survey and analysis.

Suicidal behaviour in adolescent age
Vrbová, Kristýna ; Chudomelová, Lenka (advisor)
The present thesis aims to concentrate available sources of scientific literature on adolescent suicidal behavior, which would also provide a tutu on certain issues holistic view. In the introductory part of the thesis points to the fact that suicidal behavior is being explored especially psychiatric disciplines because in psychiatric disorders are at high risk of suicidal behavior. The seriousness of this issue and the benefit of that statistical data on both the domestic and the World Health Organization, the number of suicide attempts and suicides are mentioned also the trends per decade for the Czech Republic (from r. 1990). In the next part of the thesis are presented in various forms of suicidal behavior with an indication of the usual motivation, quantitative data on the most frequently used methods of suicide in this country and abroad. In connection with the study of adolescent suicidal behavior are also explored in parallel manifestations of self-harm, stating the characteristic differences. The analysis of risk factors for suicidal behavior in children and adolescents. Special attention is paid to the influence of the family, the school environment, the role of their own state of health, religion, social situation, etc. Separately are analyzed negative effects of drug addiction. Attention is also...

název v anglickém jazyce není uveden
Kališová, Lucie ; Paclt, Ivo (advisor) ; Höschl, Cyril (referee) ; Schreiber, Vratislav (referee)
At present, depressive disorders affect a considerable proportion of population, their incidence showing an increasing tendency in the developed world. Depression mostly afflicts people in the age of 25-35. It occurs in females twice as often as in males. Depression involves an intense subjective suffering accompanied with a disruption of normal everyday functioning. Moreover, when compared with the healthy population, there exists a thirty times higher danger of suicide in the people affected with depression. The illness unfortunately tends to become chronic, the probability of recurrence of an episode being 50%. Furthermore, some patients suffering from the depressive disorder do not adequately respond to an antidepressant therapy; we call such patients treatment-resistant. There certainly exists a close relation between the endocrine and the central nervous system, most endocrine disorders being potentially accompanied with changes of psyche and vice versa. With affective disorders the most frequently reported disruption involves an interference with the function of the hypothalamicpituitary- adrenocortical (HPA) axis, though various studies repeatedly acknowledged also deviations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis. The most frequent findings comprise an altered serum thyrotropin response...

Measurement of Vibration Mode Structure for Adaptive Vibration Suppression System by Digital Holography
Psota, Pavel ; Lédl, Vít ; Doleček, Roman ; Mokrý, P. ; Kopecký, V.
Previously the frequency-shifted digital holographic interferometry (FSDHI) for measurement of vibration amplitudes in range of nanometers was introduced and verified by authors [1,2]. The method FSDHI addressed some of the drawbacks of the conventional methods and was used mainly for piezoelectric transformer vibration amplitudes and mode structures measurement [3]. The limiting factor for application of this method is the maximal measured value of the vibration amplitude without the risk of ambiguity. The value is approximately 80nm for the frequency doubled Nd: YAG line. Since FSDHI enables us to precisely measure vibration amplitudes over the whole inspected area with very high lateral resolution, it could also be a very useful tool for measurement of vibration amplitudes and mode structures for research in the field of adaptive suppression systems. Such a measurement would provide a necessary feedback about the system behavior.This was the reason why we put an effort

Spiritual service in the home for the elderly in Jindřichův Hradec
The spiritual care in all Elderly Houses is perceived as a part of total care of clients. Contemporary holistic interpretation distinguish biological, psychological, social and spiritual dimension of human person. All these spheres form a complex, are inseparable and influence each other. The duties of care of clients are characterized not only as a care of biological needs but also as a help in solving social, psychological needs and an assistance in filling of the spiritual needs. The spiritual needs of each person and it would be a failure to think, that the spiritual needs are only for believer human people. The rate of satisfying these needs is changing during client´s life and present foreign researches indicate, that the need of spiritual is increased in old age and in illness. The clients can this spiritual care seek out when they need stimulation in exacting part of their life, they want to talk about spiritual or existential topics or when they are interested in various churches. In some countries is already common that the hospital employs own priest or a hospital chaplain. In our republic the installation of hospital chaplain is also started to discuss, even some hospitals employ the chaplains. The target of this bachelor´s work is to map the offer of spiritual care in Elderly House in Jindřichův Hradec, if these services are used there and which the most frequent spiritual services the clients use. Work found out which the spiritual services are interested and how many clients use them. And also from the clergyman´s side indicated which the spiritual services are offered to the clients and from the side of the social worker found out that the majority of clients, who are coming to the Elderly House, is informed, that the spiritual services are running there and he or she can use them. The hypotheses were verified by quantity study. In order to find patient´s interest of satisfying their spiritual needs was used the method of controlled talk and the same method was used in the case of talk with the clergyman and the social worker.

Study of Electrophysiological Function of the Heart in Experimental Cardiology
Ronzhina, Marina ; Tyšler, Milan (referee) ; Halámek, Josef (referee) ; Kolářová, Jana (advisor)
Srdeční poruchy, jejichž příkladem je ischemie myokardu, infarkt, hypertrofie levé komory a myokarditida, jsou v experimentální kardiologii obvykle studovány na modelu izolovaného srdce. Kritéria pro detekci srdečních poruch však nejsou pro zvířecí modely standardizována, což komplikuje srovnání a interpretaci výsledků různých experimentálních studií. Obzvlášť složitá situace nastává při současném výskytu několika patologických jevů, jejichž vzájemná součinnost komplikuje rozpoznání jejich individuálních účinků. Korektní posouzení stavu srdce vyžaduje také zohlednění mnoha faktorů spojených s akvizicí dat. Tato práce je věnována kvantitativnímu hodnocení elektrofyziologických změn způsobených globální ischemií myokardu. Vliv ischemie byl hodnocen pro fyziologická srdce a srdce se zvětšenou levou komorou a dále pro srdce nabarvená napěťově-citlivým barvivem di-4-ANEPPS. Přestože jsou oba fenomény často zastoupeny v animálních studiích, nebyl dosud popsán jejich vliv na manifestaci ischemie v elektrogramech (EG), ani nebyl kvantifikován jejich vliv na přesnost detekčních algoritmů pro identifikaci ischemie. Práce shrnuje kvantitativní změny srdeční funkce vyvolané ischemií (v normálních podmínkách, při hypertrofii levé komory, a při administraci barviva) založené na hodnocení EG a VKG parametrů. Dále práce obsahuje rozbor důležitých aspektů akvizice záznamů, jako je umístění snímacích elektrod, způsob výpočtu deskriptorů z EG a VKG (s použitím výsledků manuálního rozměření záznamů, nebo bez něj) a identifikace okamžiku vývoje ischemie v preparátu. Nedílnou součást práce tvoří návrh, realizace a ověření metod pro automatickou detekci ischemie v experimentálních záznamech. Výsledky práce dokazují, že dosažení opakovatelných a věrohodných výsledků je podmíněno zohledněním všech výše uvedených faktorů souvisejících jak se stavem srdce, tak s metodikou záznamu a analýzy dat.

Spatial aspects and their impact on social life on Strahov campus
Pflegerová, Nikola ; Tuček, Milan (advisor) ; Pašková, Miroslava (referee)
The main topic of this bachelor thesis deals with the issues of individuals and spatial aspects in general and uses the Strahov dormitory as an example. The text is composed of two parts, theoretical and practical. The first part is based on theoretical architectural determinism with an emphasis on interactionist theory and tries to characterize concepts related to space and spatial behavior, which may, to some extent, positively or negatively influence the behavior in general. This work also focuses on social function of buildings and the influence of the quality of space on the amount of social interaction and social life. This thesis also addresses the issues of living on university campuses - its temporary nature, sharing space with unfamiliar people and limited set of free choices. I applied the information from the theoretical part of this text on the case study of Strahov dormitory. I learned about serious lack of quality of that area, such as bad climate and operating conditions. On the other hand, I witnessed the effort made by students themselves, who are not satisfied by the conditions in which they live and try to make them better. Thanks to their initiative, new social spaces are made and the quality of the dormitory gets better.

The Sacroiliac Joint Ratio. Determination of Normal Values.
MAŘÍK, Karel
Indices SI joint. Determination of normal values. The present thesis aims to establish normal values in adults without any pathological changes in the SI joint, LS spine and pelvis who are examined at the whole-body bone scintigraphy in the Department of Nuclear Medicine Hospital in Czech Budejovice. The SI joint is examined in patients with suspected inflammation in focusing on the joint activity with the whole-body scintigraphy of the skeleton. Then, using the ROI ratio, the ratio of the activity in the SI joint activity and the sacrum or L spine is calculated. The first hypothesis assumes that people without any pathology changes of the SI joint belong to the range of 1,0?1,4. To determine the normal values, a reference file was created based on data of people whose whole body scintigram showed no pathology in the LS spine and SI joint and without any clinical suspicions of SI joint inflammation. The people selected for this research had not suffered from Bechterew?s disease, pelvic trauma and LS spine, bearing altered bone metabolism in the LS spine or pelvis. Their age at the examination time ranged from 25 to 45 years. Applying the ROI technology, values were obtained from the areas of the right and left SI joint, from the L4 and os.sakrum to verify the second hypothesis. This hypothesis assumes that in order to determinate normal values in the SI joint it is better to make a comparison using os.sakrum than L4. Applying statistical calculations, normal values of the SI joint are determined from these areas. The values will assist in the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of spine in patients who are examined at the scintigraphy in the Department of Nuclear Medicine Hospital in Czech Budejovice.

Quality control and phantom scintillographic measurements to check the condition of data-visualisation equipment
In its theoretical part, this work is concerned with the equipment and devices used within the nuclear-medicine quality assurance programme, in particular gamma-camera, as well as acceptance and operational tests the purpose of which is to verify parameter compliance in reference to the values determined during the equipment acceptance tests. Special attention is paid to the signal detection quality, activity measurement correctness and precision, the factors influencing the same and the measurement errors. To avoid incorrect interpretation of erroneous measurements results, continuous quality control is required for the instruments intended to detect ionising radiation. Another subject of the theoretical part is quality of the visualisation technique where the poor quality of the final image may result from incorrect setting and/or failures of the visualisation equipment. The final section of the theoretical part reviews the existing fixtures and radiation sources used in calibration and testing of the image properties of scintillation cameras {--} the so-called phantoms. The target of this work is verification of the basic parameters stability of two gamma-cameras and demonstration of the importance of regular scintillographic measurements for the medical examination quality. The practical part of this work is focused on comparison regarding parameter stability of two Siemens SPECT cameras, model E.CAM of different manufacturing dates. Subject to verification were the basic equipment parameters normally tested within the standard operation stability and quality assurance programmes. The measured values have been arranged in tables and shown in graphs, and subject to statistical processing. The results of this work will be used in working out the operational standards for the nuclear medicine department of Faculty Hospital in Lochotín in Plzeň, and may serve as reference data in decision on replacement of outdated equipment and devices.

Innovation of the software for design of the analog frequency filters
Boleček, Libor ; Slanina, Martin (referee) ; Petržela, Jiří (advisor)
The object of this bachelor‘s project is to create a PC programme for designing crossbar filters. The programme is realized with programming language C++ and Borland C++. The application uses the method of designing filters which is based on the normalized lowpass filter. This method uses the application of normalized approximation. The user interface of the programme has a wizard character. Input data are parameters of filters which are ordered by a user. The user orders the marginal frequency and the type of filter. The output is an electrical circuit with RLC parts values. The user has a choice if he/she wants to realize the circuit as a T or type circuit. The output may be printed or saved to a file.