National Repository of Grey Literature 22,609 records found  beginprevious22600 - 22609  jump to record: Search took 1.56 seconds. 

Geodynamics development of the Losenice valley, Šumava Mts.
Hartvich, Filip ; Vilímek, Vít (advisor) ; Kirchner, Karel (referee) ; Minár, Jozef (referee)
Topic and aims of the thesis Presented PhD thesis summarizes broadly conceived research of the relief development in the valley of the Losenice, a minor stream descending the steep outer slopes of the Šumava(Bohemian Forest) Mts. The thesis presents an overyiew of the knowledge' gathered throughout ,"u..uí years ofintensive research in the target area, as well as in řts surroundings in the Šumavaand Pošumavíregions. The conception of the thesis is based on a set of reviewed scientific publications, *hi"h were published during the almost six years and which were supported bý several consequent research grants and projects' systemátically almed at th9 research of geodynamics and curient processes in selected parts of the Sumava Mts' The chief aim of the work was to establish a valid hypothesis on the development of the outer s1ope of the ŠumavaMts., particularly in the catchment of the Losenice River' To fulfil this aim' following partial goals were set: ' - t; perform a complete, systematic uld ^ detailed geomorphological mapping of tire target area, analyse the forrns and i.o""'."' wiň particular aim at current and recent dynamics Based on ihe character, intensity and spatial relationships between the processes formulate hypotheses on the development of the area' - to design, build and run a monitoring...

Phylogeny and biogeography of Neotropical and African riverine cichlids: multilocus phylogenetic methods in the evolutionary studies
Musilová, Zuzana ; Novák, Jindřich (advisor) ; Bryja, Josef (referee) ; Reichard, Martin (referee)
Summary: The thesis comprises from the introduction and five main parts: three of them are published papers, the rest two are manuscripts prepared for submitting to the scientific journals. The first two are published phylogenetic studies of the cichlasomatine cichlids based on (1) molecular characters, and (2) both morphological and molecular data with the description of a new genus Andinoacara. The third (3) is the already published description of the new species Andinoacara stalsbergi from Peru combining both morphological and phylogenetic approaches and including the detailed phylogeny of the genus Andinoacara. The next unpublished manuscript (4) is the more detailed comprehensive phylogeography of the two non-relative genera (including Andinoacaras) of the trans-Andean cichlids. Including all valid species from the majority of their distribution areas it was reconstructed the ancestral area of both genera in the Choco region, Colombia, and revealed the directions of their distribution spreading. The last (5) unpublished manuscript is the phylogeographical study of the cichlid genus Serranochromis from the headwaters of the totally unknown Central Angola. It showed several evidences of the faunal exchange among the adjacent river systems. Lastly, the thesis is supplemented by several appendices...

Mobbing and Bossing as a Modern Problem
Seidlová, Renata ; Kaczor, Pavel (advisor) ; Černá, Dagmar (referee)
A bachelor's thesis describes mobbing and bossing as a pathological phenomen of a modern society and it is looking for ways how to spread information about this psychological terror among people. The theoretical part deals with the issue of mobbing and bossing, defining the terms, describing their causes, phases and tactics and subsequent health results. The work includes graphs and charts for better understanding and comparison of dates and some information of publications and questionnaires. The practical part deals with analysis of the appearance of mobbing and bossing in Kutna Hora locality. The aim of this thesis is a description and characteristic of terms, characters of a mobber and wictims, tactics of achieving of mobbing and bossing and the possibility of prevention or defense. It is necessary to remark that mobbing and bossing are long-term issues that can not be explained or resolved in the only thesis. The dates are approximate, corresponding to only a small sample of the population.

Community of phytophilous benthos in fishponds
Community of phytophilous macrozoobenthos (PM) represents an important component of fishponds ecosystems concerning biomass as well as essential part of food webs. There are evident linkages between PM and water macrophytes. Their influence on PM is the main topic of many scientific papers which state three main water macrophyte characters with the strongest impact on PM - coverage, biomass and morphological complexity. The main aim of this diploma theses was to analyse linkages between four different water macrophyte species and PM in eight different fishponds devided into two groups according their localisation- třeboňské a rakouské. Water macrophyte species have any influence on PM abundance in both fishpond groups. Water macrophyte species have significant influence on biomass of PM in třeboňské and rakouské fishponds analysed together and also in both fishpond groups analysed separately. PM biomass was significantly higher in Glyceria maxima during first sampling period in both fishpond groups. Water macrophyte species have significant influence on PM diversity in třeboňské and rakouské fishponds analysed together and in rakouské fishponds group analysed separately. Just one variable, water macrophyte species, was analysed in my diploma thesis, but some others abiotic and biotic variables influence phytophilous macrozoobenthos community in fishponds littoral zones as well. That´s why conclusions of this thesis should be interpreted circumspectly.

Hydrochemistry of underground waters in Chynov cave
LUTZ, Vojtěch
This thesis deals with the evaluation of hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater (dripping water) in The Chýnov Cave and the subsequent statistical processing of the results. There were followed three sampling points, which were irregularly distributed in the cave system. Bicarbonates occured as the dominant anions in the dripping water. The dominant cation was calcium. Water can therefore be classified as bicarbonate - calcium. This corresponds with the expectations for The Chýnov cave location. There were also detected enhanced concentrations of nitrates and sulphates at sampling site Štola - this has long-term character and influences the quality of the underground stream of The Chýnov cave, which is directly connected to spring "Rutický" (source of drinking water for the town of Chýnov). Although a protective zone is declared over the whole territory of Rutice water resources, there is increased amount of nitrates and sulphates which probably has anthropogenic character and it comes from applied fertilizer and mineralization processes in arable land in the close surrounding of the National Natural Monument: The Chýnov cave.

The optimization of hospital attendants' staff in selected departments of Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s.
Optimization of the number of nursing staff at selected workplaces of the České Budějovice Hospital As the title shows determination of the optimum number of non-physician health care staff members at surgical departments of České Budějovice Hospital is the main question this thesis deals with. The topic is up-to-date mainly for the lack of funds in health care and for the permanent pressure from the general public on the need of health care quality improvement. The works of Karla and Otakar Pochylý, who published their first book dealing with these issues in 1999, were the basic inputs for the research part of the thesis. We set the following hypotheses before commencement of the research: 1 ? The numbers of nursing staff at standard health care units are in line with K. Pochylá?s methodology. This hypothesis was partly confirmed. The average numbers of nursing staff workloads are in line with K. Pochylá?s methodology at two surgical departments only. 2 ? Qualification representation of nursing staff at the individual health care units complies with the recommended methodology of K. Pochylá. This hypothesis was not confirmed. Representation of the nursing staff qualifications is based on the individual needs of the particular departments. 3 ? The number of nursing staff members at the intensive care unit corresponds with the recommended methodology of K. Pochylá. This hypothesis was not confirmed. The number of nurses is lower by 2.23 in average at the intensive care unit. The content of the work has more informative character and should actually serve as an insight into the existing situation at the particular departments. It might also serve as a guide helping top managers with efficient utilization of human resources in health care facilities. This is why the results will be provided to the surgical department management of the České Budějovice Hospital.

Study of population \kur{Melampyrum nemorosum} in the contact zone of two lineages with different geographic distribution.
Melampyrum nemorosum agg. is the most problematic group of hemiparasitic genus Melampyrum with more than 15 species with the main centre diversity in the Balkan Peninsula. A contact zone between two molecular supported lineages of the M. nemorosum s. str. was studied. Three cpDNA regions (trnTUGU-trnLUAA, psbA-trnHGUG, rpl32-trnLUAG) were sequenced. Differentiation in genome size and variability in morphological characters among molecular supported groups was studied.

Molecular mechanisms of apoptosis induction in tumor cells
Koc, Michal
This work has focused on study of processes involved in apoptosis induction by various stimuli in cancer cells. In our case we induced programmed cell death in cancer cells by iron deprivation, commercially available taxanes docetaxel (Taxotere® ) and paclitaxel (Taxol® ) and application of novel porphyrins derivates P(-CD)l and P(-CD)2. From presented publications we can conclude: Studies dealing with iron deprivation clearly demonstrated participation different signal pathways which lead to apoptosis induction in mouse and human cancer cell lines. We used for study of apoptosis induction B lymphom cell line sensitive to iron deprivation in both mouse and human experiment model. In the case of sensitive mouse tumor cells (38C13), we have described a significant portion of the apoptotic pathway leading to apoptosis induction by iron deprivation. Iron deprivation in these cells leads to translocation of proapoptotic Bax protein from the cytosol to mitochondria which is succeeded by mitochondrial membrane potential disruption due to mitochondrial permeabilization, cytochrome c release from mitochondria, activation of caspase-9 and subsequent activation of caspase-3. In the case of sensitive human tumor cells (Raji) we detected as well apoptosis induction by iron deprivation, however, in character of...

Extreme runoffs from the Modrý důl basin in the vegetation season
Šír, Miloslav ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Dvořák, Igor
The main objective of the present article is to advance understanding of the complex role of various vegetation cover in extreme runoff formation in the Modrý potok basin. This watershed (1010–1554 m a.s.l., 2.62 km2) is situated in the northern part of the Czech Republic in the eastern part of the Krkonoše Mts. The soil types are the mountainous Podzole and Lithosol with a thin humic layer on crystalline bedrock. Monitoring stations with data transfer to the internet are installed on several localities differing in the type of vegetation cover (in the grassland and dwarf pine above the forest margin, in the growth of mature spruce forest, and in the grassland below the spruce forest). The discharge at the closing profile is continuously recorded. Meteorological data are collected at a station close to the Výrovka chalet (1360 m a.s.l.): year-round precipitation, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, air and soil temperatures and soil moisture. The long-term monitoring of the water balance of the headwater catchment Modrý potok and its soil water regime was evaluated taking into account the discontinuous character of water transport in an unsaturated zone. Extreme runoffs in a vegetation season are caused by these factors: (1) oversaturation of the soil profile, (2) water repellency of the soil surface, (3) gravitationally destabilized flow of water in the soil profile, (4) extreme rainfall. The typical combinations are (1) and (3) – gravitationally destabilized flow of water can be caused even by a small rainfall under the oversaturation, (2) and (4) – long-term drought can cause the water repellency of the soil surface and the extreme rainfall. The research is supported by the Czech Science Foundation (205/09/1918) and by the Technology Agency of CR (TA02021451).

To the Surname in České Budějovice
Subject of this thesis falls under the onomastic section, more precisely under its sub-section, antroponomastics, which is a branch specializing in origin, creation, distribution and character of names of people. In this thesis that is divided in two sections, I will research into types of surnames in the town of České Budějovice. The first section is theoretical and shortly introduces the development of surnames since their origin. The second section is practical ? investigative and addresses their concrete zoning in České Budějovice. As a part of the practical section there is also a synopsis of surnames divided in several groups based on a variety of criteria. At the end of the thesis there is an index of surnames in alphabet order containing also the exact pages with their appearance.