National Repository of Grey Literature 244 records found  beginprevious214 - 223nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Ellipsometry of Thin Films
Novotný, Zbyněk ; Navrátil, Karel (referee) ; Nebojsa, Alois (advisor)
Diploma thesis deals with ageing process of thin films of Co and Cu on Si substrate, prepared by the IBAD method. The process of film ageing, which depends on time of exposition to the atmosphere at room conditions, was investigated with spectroscopic ellipsometry (VIS+UV) and atomic force microscopy. In case of thin Co films, approximately four days long incubation period was observed. During this time period, a change in the optical parameters of the film occurs without a measurable change of the film topography. Using non-contact atomic force microscopy, a growth of the transitional film in the island growth regime was observed. During the ageing of thin Cu films, two stages of growth of the transitional layer were observed - nucleation stage and growth stage. Both of these time periods of the transitional layer growth show direct logarithmic dependence. Using non-contact atomic force microscopy, the growth of the transitional film was observed. Using atomic force microscopy in non-contact regime, time dependent measurement was done and the process of forming of one monolayer of the transitional layer was documented. Within the diploma thesis, a series of experiments on ultra high vacuum system were performed in order to investigate phase transformation of thin Fe films (22 monolayers) on Cu(100) stabilized by CO absorption. The transformation from fcc phase to bcc phase was induced by Ar+ ion beam bombardment with the ion energy in the range (0.5-4) keV. The process of phase transformation was observed by surface magneto-optic Kerr effect, Auger electron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction.
Temperature Profile in Reflow Soldering and Influence of Different PCBś and ComponentsThermal Capacities
Procházka, Martin ; Špinka, Jiří (referee) ; Starý, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis mainly deals with the prediction of temperature on the components and the PCB during reflow soldering. The theoretical part describes the particular solder reflow process, types of heat transfer and temperature profiles. The practical part is divided into forecasting temperatures if the conveyor is stopped and the temperature predictions when the conveyor is in motion. In both parts of the measured temperature is compared with the predicted temperatures, which show the success rate of prediction. The last part of this work is part of the simulation, which helps in proper understanding of the issues discussed.
Calorimetric study of interactions of humic substances with metal ions
Solná, Irena ; Pospíšilová, Ľubica (referee) ; Klučáková, Martina (advisor)
The main object of the diploma thesis is study of interaction beetween humic acids and selected metal ions using calorimetric titration. The research about reactivity of humic substances is done comparing the different models used to describe the variety of properties of humic substances. In experimental part the methods of FT-IR spektrometry, potenciometric and conductometric titration are used to recieve the total acidity and carboxylic acidity of lignite humic acid. The optimalization of isothermic titration calorimetry is done to be used within study of reactivity of humic acids, revealing the best correlation with sols of studied humic acid. The basic organic compounds were used including benzoic acid, ftalic acid, salycilic acid, pyrocatechol and phenol as models of bonding groups in humic acids. The reaction enthalpy was calculated from the titration of models and results were compared with semiempiric quantum chemistry calculations following INDO method.
Plazmachemical reduction of corrosion layers on copper samples
Kujawa, Adam ; Slavíček,, Pavel (referee) ; Mazánková, Věra (advisor)
The object of study in present diploma thesis is the plasmachemical reduction of corrosion layers on copper. This process is based on reductive properties of low pressure hydrogen plasma. In this case three series of copper samples were prepared and corroded in different corrosion environments in order to create three kinds of artificial corrosion layers. In the first step the copper coupons were properly grinded in order to achieve a defined surface roughness. In the next step the coupons corroded for 12 days in vapours of three concentrated acids – HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4. SEM/EDX analysis was carried out in order to characterise the grown corrosion layers on copper coupons, which showed us the presence of nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine and sulphur in different chemical forms in corrosion layers. The most significant part of this work was the plasmachemical treatment of corroded copper samples. Pure hydrogen was used as a reaction gas under the pressure of about 200 Pa and 50scc/m flow rate. The discharge was generated in quartz-glass reactor by using RF generator under the different power and mode settings. Optical emission spectroscopy was used to detect the intensity of plasma radiation. The value of integral intensity of OH radicals represented quantitative ablation of oxygen from a corrosion layer. OH radicals were the main products of reaction between hydrogen radicals (from plasma) and oxygen in corrosion layer. Time of increasing of OH radicals intensity was different for coupons from different corrosion environment and was also related to used power of generator and mode. The process was finished when the OH radicals intensity decreased to 10% of reached maximum. Sample temperature was an important indicator of sample protection against metallographic changes. The analyses XRD and SEM/EDX on corroded and treatment samples were performed. The analyses show that the decrease of main corrosion agents as chlorine and oxygen was achieved by hydrogen plasma treatment. The corrosions as well as their removal are a very complex problem and the plasmachemical treatment of metal objects is an efficient method for the removal of corrosion layers as compared to conventional conservations methods mainly due to a significant reduction of treatment time.
Determination of hazardous elements in soils with different anthropogenic contamination using sequential extraction analysis
Židek, Michal ; Sommer, Lumír (referee) ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals about determination of hazardous elements and their mobility in soils from Brno and Ostrava. For extraction of soil samples was used sequential extraction by Tessier and BCR sequential extraction. Extraction by nitric acid was also used. Mercury was determinated by the advanced mercury analyser AMA 254. Lead, copper and zinc were determinated by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Cadmium and vanadium were determinated by the electrotermic atomic absorption.
Bioavailability of metals species in water ecosystem
Tandler, Ágnes ; Řezáčová, Veronika (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
Koncentrace volných kovových iontů je často jen malou částí celkové koncentrace kovu v prostředí. Přes tento malý obsah, je ve většině případů koncentrace volných kovových iontů klíčovým faktorem při určování biodostupnosti a toxicity pro organizmus. Membránová technika Donnan se používá k měření koncentrace volných kovových iontů a v této diplomové práci je ověřena pro směsi kovů (Pb + Cu) při absenci a přítomnosti malých organických ligandů. Olovo a měď jsou environmentálně důležité kovy díky své toxicitě a rozdílným vazebným vlastnostem ve vztahu ke studovaným ligandům.
Determination of heavy metals in soils and sediments in the region Revúce
Kováč, Lukáš ; Vávrová, Milada (referee) ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (advisor)
This thesis aims to assess the extent of contamination of soil and sediment with risk metals in Jelšava. The main polluter of the environment in this area is the magnetize factory. Sampling of soils and sediments were made in three seasons. Sampling times were staggered to represent different seasons and to take into account the impact of the seasons on the obtained values of the concentrations in soil and sediment. Sampling sites were selected according according to the different distances from the factory and according to the different loading of roads. In each of the collected samples were determined concentrations of the elements copper, lead, zinc, nickel, manganese, mercury, cadmium and vanadium. Copper, lead, zinc, nickel and manganese were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry with atomization in a flame (F AAS), cadmium and vanadium were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization (ET AAS). For the determination of mercury was used mercury analyzer (AMA).
Assessment of soils and sediments contamination by heavy metals in the region Jihlava river
Marek, Milan ; Adamec, Vladimír (referee) ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with a potential contamination of hazardous metals of soil and sediments. The metals cadmium, copper, lead and mercury were chosen, their specification, limited concentration and methods of determination are also described in thesis. City Jihlava and its surroundings were chosen for evaluating pollution of the soil and sediments in this area. In collected samples of the soil and sediments presence of copper, cadmium, lead and mercury were detected via atomic absorption spectrometry (F-AAS, ET-AAS, AMA 254). The metal pollution of soils and sediments by hazardous elements in Jihlava River and in Jihlava region was evaluated.
Presence of heavy metals near the way Rudná
Chovanec, Petr ; Pavlovský, Jiří (referee) ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (advisor)
These diploma thesis is focused on assessment of hazardous metals in soils near the road Rudná in Ostrava. Seventeen sampling sites have been chosen along this road, samples from this sites were collected in three series. The amounts of mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, zinc, vanadium and manganese were determined. There was also assessed contamination of selected sites using contamination factor and degree of contamination.
Determination of heavy metals in waste energetic materials with using sequential extraction
Kořínková, Alena ; Sommer, Lumír (referee) ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o stanovení vybraných kovů v energetických odpadech, jako je úletový popílek, škvára, struska, ložový popel, produkt odsíření apod., které pocházejí ze čtyř moravských tepláren. Extrakce kovů z energetických materiálů byla provedena Tessierovou extrakcí. Za tímto účelem byla použita extrakční činidla chlorid hořečnatý (MgCl2), octan sodný (CH3COONa), hydroxylamin hydrochlorid v kyselině octové (NH2OH.HCl v CH3COOH), peroxid vodíku v kyselině dusičné (H2O2 v HNO3) a kyselina fluorovodíková (HF). Extrakce probíhala při teplotách 25°C a 40°C. Ve všech frakcích byly stanoveny olovo, měď a kadmium s využitím atomové absorpční spektrometrie (F AAS, ET AAS) a rtuť metodou AMA 254.

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