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Acceleration Methods for Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits
Vašíček, Zdeněk ; Miller, Julian (referee) ; Zelinka,, Ivan (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (advisor)
Ačkoliv můžeme v literatuře nalézt řadu příkladů prezentujících evoluční návrh jakožto zajímavou a slibnou alternativu k tradičním návrhovým technikám používaným v oblasti číslicových obvodů, praktické nasazení je často problematické zejména v důsledku tzv. problému škálovatelnosti, který se projevuje např. tak, že evoluční algoritmus je schopen poskytovat uspokojivé výsledky pouze pro malé instance řešeného problému. Vážný problém představuje tzv. problém škálovatelnosti evaluace fitness funkce, který je markantní zejména v oblasti syntézy kombinačních obvodů, kde doba potřebná pro ohodnocení kandidátního řešení typicky roste exponenciálně se zvyšujícím se počtem primárních vstupů. Tato disertační práce se zabývá návrhem několika metod umožňujících redukovat problem škálovatelnosti evaluace v oblasti evolučního návrhu a optimalizace číslicových systémů. Cílem je pomocí několika případových studií ukázat, že s využitím vhodných akceleračních technik jsou evoluční techniky schopny automaticky navrhovat inovativní/kompetitivní řešení praktických problémů. Aby bylo možné redukovat problém škálovatelnosti v oblasti evolučního návrhu číslicových filtrů, byl navržen doménově specifický akcelerátor na bázi FPGA. Tato problematika reprezentuje případ, kdy je nutné ohodnotit velké množství trénovacích dat a současně provést mnoho generací. Pomocí navrženého akcelerátoru se podařilo objevit efektivní implementace různých nelineárních obrazových filtrů. S využitím evolučně navržených filtrů byl vytvořen robustní nelineární filtr implusního šumu, který je chráněn užitným vzorem. Navržený filtr vykazuje v porovnání s konvenčními řešeními vysokou kvalitu filtrace a nízkou implementační cenu. Spojením evolučního návrhu a technik známých z oblasti formální verifikace se podařilo vytvořit systém umožňující výrazně redukovat problém škálovatelnosti evoluční syntézy kombinačních obvodů na úrovni hradel. Navržená metoda dovoluje produkovat komplexní a přesto kvalitní řešení, která jsou schopna konkurovat komerčním nástrojům pro logickou syntézu. Navržený algoritmus byl experimentálně ověřen na sadě několika benchmarkových obvodů včetně tzv. obtížně syntetizovatelných obvodů, kde dosahoval v průměru o 25% lepších výsledků než dostupné akademické i komerční nástroje. Poslední doménou, kterou se práce zabývá, je akcelerace evolučního návrhu lineárních systémů. Na příkladu evolučního návrhu násobiček s vícenásobnými konstantními koeficienty bylo ukázáno, že čas potřebný k evaluaci kandidátního řešení lze výrazně redukovat (defacto na ohodocení jediného testovacího vektoru), je-li brán v potaz charakter řešeného problému (v tomto případě linearita).

Řezníček, Ivo ; Baláž, Teodor (referee) ; Sojka, Eduard (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá vylepšením systémů pro rozpoznávání činností člověka. Současný stav vědění v této oblasti jest prezentován. Toto zahrnuje způsoby získávání digitálních obrazů a videí společně se způsoby reprezentace těchto entit za použití počítače. Dále jest prezentováno jak jsou použity extraktory příznakových vektorů a extraktory pros- torově-časových příznakových vektorů a způsoby přípravy těchto dat pro další zpracování. Příkladem následného zpracování jsou klasifikační metody. Pro zpracování se obecně obvykle používají části videa s proměnlivou délkou. Hlavní přínos této práce je vyřčená hypotéza o optimální délce analýzy video sekvence, kdy kvalita řešení je porovnatelná s řešením bez restrikce délky videosekvence. Algoritmus pro ověření této hypotézy jest navržen, implementován a otestován. Hypotéza byla experimentálně ověřena za použití tohoto algoritmu. Při hledání optimální délky bylo též dosaženo jistého zlepšení kvality klasifikace. Experimenty, výsledky a budoucí využití této práce jsou taktéž prezentovány.

Location-aware data transfers scheduling for distributed virtual walkthrough applications.
Přibyl, Jaroslav ; Sochor, Jiří (referee) ; Sojka, Eduard (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Důležitou součástí aplikací procházení distribuovanou virtuální scénou je proces plánování přenosu dat. Jeho hlavním úkolem je zajištění efektivního přenosu dat a maximální kvality renderovaného obrazu. Největší vliv na kvalitu renderované scény mají omezení síťového připojení. Tyto omezení lze redukovat pomocí multi-resolution reprezentace dat scény, určováním priorit stahování jednotlivých částí scény, a přednačítáním dat. Pokročilé metody pro určování priorit a přednačítání částí scény jsou založeny na predikci pohybu uživatele vycházející z matematického popisu jeho pohybu. Tyto metody jsou schopny predikovat následující pozici uživatele jen v krátké vzdálenosti od jeho aktuální polohy. V případě náhlých, ale pravidelných změn směru pohybu uživatele jsou tyto metody nedostatečné co do přesnosti i délky predikce. V této práci je navrhnut komplexní přístup k řešení plánování přenosu dat splňující i tyto požadavky. Navrhované řešení využívá predikci pohybu uživatele založenou na znalostech k určení priority stahování dat i předstahování částí scény. Provedené experimenty nad testovacími daty ukazují, že navržené schéma plánování přenosu dat umožňuje dosažení vyšší efektivity přenosu dat a vyšší kvality renderovaného obrazu během průchodu testovací scénou.

Kaštil, Jan ; Plíva, Zdeněk (referee) ; Vlček, Karel (referee) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
Disertační práce se zabývá rychlým vyhledáváním regulárních výrazů v síťovém provozu s použitím technologie FPGA. Vyhledávání regulárních výrazů v síťovém provozu je výpočetně náročnou operací využívanou převážně v oblasti síťové bezpečnosti a v oblasti monitorování provozu vysokorychlostních počítačových sítí. Současná řešení neumožňují dosáhnout požadovaných multigigabitových propustností při dodržení všech požadavků, které jsou na vyhledávací jednotky kladeny. Nejvyšších propustností dosahují implementace založené na využití inovativních hardwarových architektur implementovaných v FPGA případně v ASIC. Tato disertační práce popisuje nové architektury vyhledávací jednotky, které jsou vhodné pro implementaci jak v FPGA tak v ASIC. Základní myšlenkou navržených architektur je využití perfektní hashovací funkce pro implementaci přechodové tabulky konečného automatu. Dále byla navržena architektura, která umožňuje uživateli zanést malou pravděpodobnost chyby při vyhledávání a tím snížit paměťové nároky vyhledávací jednotky. Disertační práce analyzuje vliv pravděpodobnosti této chyby na celkovou spolehlivost systému a srovnává ji s řešením používaným v současnosti. V rámci disertační práce byla provedena měření vlastností regulárních výrazů používaných při analýze provozu moderních počítačových sítí. Z provedené analýzy vyplývá, že velká část regulárních výrazů je vhodná pro implementaci pomocí navržených architektur. Pro dosažení vysoké propustnosti vyhledávací jednotky práce navrhuje nový algoritmus transformace abecedy, který umožňuje, aby vyhledávací jednotka zpracovala více znaků v jednom kroku. Na rozdíl od současných metod, navržený algoritmus umožňuje konstrukci automatu zpracovávajícího libovolný počet symbolů v jednom taktu. Implementované architektury dosahují v porovnání se současnými metodami úspory paměti zlepšení až 200MB.

Právní a zdravotně sociální aspekty činnosti OSPOD jako ustanovených opatrovníků v zámu nezletilých dětí
The Czech Republic as a signatory of the Convention on the Rights of the Child has vested the practice of state administration in the field of care for minor children to municipalities with extended powers, where the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minor children is safeguarded by state authorities of social and legal protection of children (ASLPC hereinafter). These authorities are incorporated to the extent laid down by the Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children (Act No 359/1999 Coll., as amended). The position and roles of ASLPC and their competence and jurisdiction are also regulated by the same act. The position of workers of these authorities and its legal embodiment is equally important. Regarding professionality, there are high demands on these workers. In the Czech Republic, significant changes in legislature have been made over the past three years. These amendments have led to the strengthening of the rights of minor children and to the establishing of new tools for their protection. In connection with the adoption of new substantive regulation of family law, which is now exhaustively dealt with by the Act No 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, new procedural rules have been established regarding protection of rights of minor children. Such procedural legislation includes (apart from the long-existent Act No. 99/1963, the Code of Civil Procedure) the Act No 292/2013 Coll., on Special Civil Proceedings. The decision-making regarding minor children has been vested mainly by the state into the competence of courts. The courts appoint the locally relevant ASLPC as a guardian who then represents the interests of minor children. The purpose, interwoven with and derived from the first one, was to explore the opinions of selected social workers of ASLPC and of district court judges regarding the defined problems occurring during the work of ASLPCs and courts while protecting the interests of minor children. These particularly include: the use of the tool of precautionary measure; problems of different territorial jurisdiction of courts and ASLPCs; processing of complaints regarding bias in various phases of the proceedings; professional training of workers of ASLPC It is evident from the proposals of both judges and ASLPC workers that it is necessary to unify territorial jurisdiction. The courts are suggesting the priority criterion of the address where the child mainly resides. ASLPC workers suggest the official permanent residence as the prime criterion. Bias causes problems in all phases of proceedings. It is obvious that courts take differing approaches towards the solution of this problem (some courts solve the problem of bias complaints filed by the parties while other courts do not) and for ASLPC workers it is difficult to assess how to act when such complaint is raised against them. The training of ASLPC workers - workers are obliged to educate themselves and their employer is obliged to finance such training. Not all ASLPCs are able to provide training in the required extent - due to financial reasons (the average costs of education of one employee pose from 9,169 to 13,400 CZK annually and they cover approximately 6 days of training). The heavy work-load caused by insufficient numbers of ASLPC employees prevents them from completing such compulsory training. As part of the examination of the "participation of a collision guardian in court proceedings" it has been found out that irregular participation of the worker in the proceedings (absence from participation in appeals proceedings); incomplete reports (directed to courts) from surveys in families. Based on comprehensive examination of the problems of territorial jurisdiction, it was recommended that requests are independently recorded and financial compensation is provided for ASLPCs who are requested to represent minors in front of courts, to draft proposals for precautionary measures.

Basic product and sales formats of tea. Tearooms
PACLÍK, Ladislav
This bachelor thesis is oriented primarily on tea and the popularity among its consumers, and also on popularity of the "phenomenon" tearooms in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of thesis deals with Camellia sinensis, the plant of which is tea produced. The attention is paid to the cultivation of tea as well as on the treatment of tea, the distribution of tea and the trade with tea. Finally, it is also mentioned the distribution of tea according to Czech legislative requirements. The practical part is divided into three parts. The first one is analysis of products and sales formats of tea on Czech market, it means in which forms and where can consumers tea buy (for example in retail network, in pharmacy, in health food store etc.). The second part presents a questionnaire survey, which focuses on consumer preferences in tea consumption and their popularity of tearooms, in order to find out which retail formats of tea are the most popular among the consumers. The third part is based on interview with Mr. Aleš Juřina, the CEO of company Spolek milců čaje, s.r.o., which operates franchise network of tearooms in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia, in Hungary and in the USA.

Selection of the optimal financing housing for selected client
HOLÝ, Hubert
At the beginning of the thesis I am focused on gathering information on mortgage loans in the current financial market. At the beginning of the chapter on mortgage credit, I will discuss dividing the mortgage loans. I draw up a detailed procedure that has everything a client to do to get a loan, what are the procedures in banks and what banks need to know information about the client. The next chapter will bring information on building savings and conditions, which the client must satisfy in order to get a loan from the savings. Also characteristic of this product. In the last chapter of the theoretical part of the introductory acquainted readers with investments in mutual funds and bring their individual characteristics and procedures for negotiation. In the practical part will deal has particular offering selected companies, which will be compared using the methods of multi-criteria decision. The work is divided on the analysis of mortgage loans, building savings and investment products. Information from these analyzes will also be used for application to a specific customer with specific requirements for housing. From the client I find out any information about his wishes and requirements for their future with regards to housing. The client chooses the aspects that are most important for him and the order in which they should be respected. It is for this reason that it is often not important final amount that the client pays for the loan, but for him the current situation in life more important monthly installment. Finally, the client selected the optimal variant, as can finance their own housing.

: Time Requirement for Basic Nursing Care Procedures
A large number of nursing procedures are carried out in each ward in every hospital every day. In its theoretical part, this Bachelor thesis presents twenty basic procedures. The goal of the thesis was to find out what the most used nursing procedures are and to map the time consumption for individual nursing procedures. The quantitative research method was applied in the Bachelor thesis. Data were collected by measurement of time consumption of ten individual nursing procedures. These ten procedures were selected from a list of most used nursing procedures. Performance of the procedures was observed at the internal and surgical wards of the Hospital in České Budějovice. Both wards were observed over a 3-day span. Ten most often used nursing procedures were selected from the total number of procedures identical for both wards. Correctness of inclusion of the procedures was evaluated by the chi quadrat test in a contingency table. In addition, each of the ten most used procedures was measured ten times at each ward, from the preparation to the clean-up of instruments. The individual time values were averaged and presented along with conclusive deviations. A conformity with or difference in the time consumed was tested statistically by using the F or T test, where the applied significance level equals 5%. The research group was composed of the nurses and ancillary nursing personnel. Results are presented in graphs and tables. The following procedures differed in the individual wards: administration of medicines per os, serving of meals, venous blood sampling and blood pressure measurement. The bachelor thesis is focused on the time consumption for individual nursing procedures. The time consumption and the frequency of the individual procedures can serve as a base of explanation of the number of employees to the nursing management.

Specifics of nursing care in patients after transapical aortic valve implantation.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a new and an attractive method in cardiology and as well as in cardiac surgery. It is constantly evolving method which has been developed as an alternative to standard open surgery, especially in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis with unacceptably high perioperative risk or patients who are not suitable for conventional open heart surgery because of age and comorbidities.A teamwork is very importantfor this new method and approach. The choice for TAVI is discussed by the institutional multidisciplinary heart team, typically consisting of interventional cardiologists, imaging-specialists, cardiac surgeons and anaesthesiologists. The first implant in a human being was performed by Cribierin 2002. In Czech Republic this method was first used in 2008. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) was accepted as a minimally invasive alternative to open surgery. This method does not require the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, and cardiac arrest. Other several benefits includinglower risks of bleeding and stroke events, better wound healing, less pain, as well as more rapid early recovery due to preservation of continuity of the sternumthat result in shorter durations of stay in the hospital, earlier rehabilitation and faster returns to normal life. In the presented work was used a combination of qualitative-quantitative methods of investigation. The data was obtained by using the quantitative research. The main technique was using the questionnaires designed for nurses working at the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Hospital Czech Budejovice, a. s. These results were backed up by the implementation of qualitative research, which investigated the patients and physicians view on monitored issues. Questioning method using a semi structured interview technique was used for qualitative research. The results of the survey were processed using descriptive statistics charts in LibreOffice Calc and using diagrams created in LibreOffice Writer. Qualitative results of the research were transcribed from audio recordings and coded, and the base code was created nine categories of interviews with clients/patients and three categories of interviews with doctors. The aim of this work was to explore the specific problem of nursing care about the clients / patients after transapical aortic valve implantation. On the base of our obtained data it is evident, that the client/patient after TAVI may be positioned sideways, the use of surgical drains are less frequently, so the care about the surgical wounds is simpler, patients report less pain in the surgical wound and postoperative rehabilitation and recovery is shorter. H1 - The nurses take care about the clients/patients after transapical aortic valve implantation in the same way as about the clients/patients after open aortic valve replacement, without realizing the differences between the patients treated with different approaches, was not confirmed. The nurses'sees/reported major differences in invasiveness and extent of providing care, rehabilitation, convalescent, in the duration of the hospitalization and better cosmetic effect. The results of the research can serve as a basis for creating the standards of nursing care or educational material for clients/patients. It is also possible to present the results of this work at a specialized seminar for non medical healthcare workers and results can also increase the quality of nursing care about the clients/patients after transapical aortic valve implantation.

Comparison of intercultural competences of nursing staff in the Czech Republic and German-speaking areas
The increasing migration of population in the 21 century causes development of multicultural societies. With the increasing number of foreigners in individual countries it is possible to also presume an increasing number of patients/clients from different cultures in medical facilities. These facts require modern attitude to nursing, developing of transcultural nursing, implementing multi- and transcultural education in the health care education and propagation of multicultural conception of nursing between the nursing personnel. The result of these necessary changes should be the ability to provide effective nursing care which is culturally adjusted to the patient/client that would also take their specifics, customs and traditions of their culture into account and that would saturate all their biological, psychological, social and spiritual needs according to their race, nationality or belief. This thesis deals with multicultural nursing and confronts cultural competence of the nursing staff in Czech Republic with that in German-speaking countries. This thesis aim is to state the level of multicultural competence of the nursing staff and explore conditions provided to the nursing personnel of the hospital for giving culturally adapted care to patients-foreigners. The results of the research give an overview of the state of culturally competent care in comparable medical facilities in Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. They will also give a feedback to the questioned hospitals. Such information may alert their management to possible lack of knowledge of their nursing personnel and help them direct its further education. The theoretical part of the theses defines the basic concepts regarding culture, ethnic groups, race or nation, formulates the difference between the terms "multicultural" and "transcultural" nursing, multicultural education and culturally competent care, compile the most common sections of specific cultural needs of the individuals. In short it also processes J. Campinha-Bacote's model of cultural competence in health care delivery, the Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor Model for developing cultural competence and the Purnell Model for cultural competence. It also shortly deals with nursing frameworks for acquiring cultural data, such as the Sunrise model from M. Leininger, the Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural assessment model and Bloch's ethnic/cultural assessment guide. The empirical part processes and evaluates data obtained during the quantitative research. The accumulation of the data was conducted through anonymous questionnaires that were distributed between the nursing personnel of internal and surgical wards of the hospitals in Czech Republic and in German-speaking countries. In Czech Republic these were hospitals in Prague and in Tábor, in Germany a hospital in Dortmund and one in Cottbus, in Austria the hospitals in Salzburg and in Weiz and in Switzerland a hospital in Aarau and one in St. Gallen. The collection of the data was conducted either on-line or by way of printed questionnaire forms. The acquired data were valorized and sorted into diagrams and tables for further clarity. From the respondent´s answers follows that the queried medical facilities in Czech Republic do not provide sufficient conditions for their workers to give culturally competent nursing care on such a level, as it is at the facilities questioned in the German-speaking areas. The results also show that language skills of the nursing personnel in these hospitals in Czech Republic are worse than those in the German-speaking countries. With the level of multicultural competence the situation is similar; in this field Czech nursing personnel does not match their foreign counterpart. It is necessary to remark that this research sample of two hospitals from each of the countries is insufficient for the results to be applied on the whole Czech Republic or German speaking countries.