National Repository of Grey Literature 17,626 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.63 seconds. 

Mophological and molecular diversity of a tropical tree species Guazuma crinita in the Peruvian Amazon
Tuisima Coral, Lady Laura ; Lojka, Bohdan (advisor) ; Helena, Helena (referee)
Fast growing tree species Guazuma crinita (Malvaceae) was selected as a priority species for domestication in the Peruvian Amazon due its important contribution to the livelihood of local farmers. Its domestication process is still in an early age as for many tropical tree species little is known about its genetic variability and we dont know anything about the impact of domestication on its genetic resources. The main objective of this research was to assess the genetic variability of G. crinita within and among populations in the Peruvian Amazon by the use of morphological (wood physical traits) and molecular (ISSR and AFLP) markers. Wood physical properties among six G. crinita provenances were evaluated. Wood samples were drilled from the base middle and top of the stem of 12 randomly selected eight-years-old trees for determination of wood measurement. Pearson correlations between physical properties were also determined. All wood physical properties except green density differed significantly among provenances. We also found statistically significant variation due to stem level position. The moderately dense wood and the coefficient of anisotropy (1.6) suggested that G. crinita has stable wood; they represent important advantages in terms of costs for transport and transformation process. The results suggested potential to select provenances with desirable wood properties for further breeding and domestication. Due to the variation found even in limited tree samples it is recommended further analysis with more extensive number of samples from different provenances and planting zones. This research presents the first assessment of genetic variability based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers for 44 G. crinita genotypes from a clonal garden multiplication established in the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP) in Ucayali region. Ten ISSR primers amplified a total of 65 bands of which 61 were polymorphic (93.8%). The range of DNA amplification varied from 260 to 2200 bp. Among the provenances overall genetic differentiation (Gst) was 0.03 indicating 97% of genetic diversity within provenances. Gene flow (Nm) was 12.9 alleles per generation. Cluster analysis was not related with geographic origin suggesting a common gene pool which was supported by calculation of weak positive correlation was found between genetic and geographic distance. With the use of AFLP markers an insight on how domestication process does impact G. crinita genetic resources is also reported on this research work. I was able to generate fingerprint for 58 leaf samples representing eight provenances and three population types, 19 from a natural regenerated population 15 cultivated in home garden nursery and 24 from a collection of genotypes considered as semi-domesticated population. Seven selective AFLP primer combinations were used. A total of 171 fragments were amplified with 99.42% of polymorphism at species level. Each type of population generated fragments with 72.51% 49.12% and 54.39% of polymorphic fragments respectively. Neis genetic diversity and Shannon index information were found to be higher in the population of natural regeneration compared to overall semi-domesticated population (He = 0.10 and 0.9; I = 0.19 and 0.16 respectively). The analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) showed higher variation within provenances rather than among (84% and 4% respectively). UPGMA clusters analysis and PCoA did not showed correspondence between genetic and geographic distance in addition their correlation was not significant. There was a significant genetic differentiation among types of population suggesting slight genetic bottleneck in semi-domesticated populations yet with relatively high levels of genetic variation. In situ conservation for populations with high levels of genetic diversity was recommended. In addition proper management of natural regeneration and ex situ genotype collections might be a good conservation strategy to maintain G. crinita genetic resources. The use of morphological (wood physical traits) and molecular markers were successful to reveal genetic variability of G. crinita and they could be used for other tropical tree species. For further researches it is emphasis to extent the number of samples and geographic scale.

Use of composts and vermicomposts and their extracts together with bioffectors for growing of plants.
Bouček, Jiří ; Tlustoš, Pavel (advisor)
The aim of this project will be to determine the influence of conditions during composting and vermicomposting of biodegradable waste of organic matter on physical-chemical properties of compost and vermicompost extracts. From this point of view mainly the content of basic nutrients and humin substances will be monitored and also the possible content of risk elements. In the same purpose the presence of different types of microorganisms in these extracts will be investigated and the enzyme activity of microorganisms in their extracts will be also determined. The extracts will be simultaneously prepared under aerobic and unaerobic conditions in different portion among the organic matter and its leachate and each sample variants will be compared to above conditions. The real effect of extracts applied on grown plants or into a soil including the fungicide effect of sample extracts during pot experiments will be reported. The effect of extracts will be also compared with commercial bioeffectors.

The observation of qualitative characteristics of adipose tissue in pigs with regard to different live weight and sex
Pospíšilová, Lucie ; Okrouhlá, Monika (advisor) ; Michaela, Michaela (referee)
The aim of this study was to determine, the influence of gender and the live weight on qualitative indicators of adipose tissue. A total of 40 pigs were divided into four groups according to gender (barrows, immunocastrates, young boars and gilts). According to live weight, these individuals were divided into two groups: up to 104.9 kg of live weight and up from 105 kg of live weight. The influence of gender and live weight on production indicators were examined as follows: daily feed consumption, average daily gain and conversion ratio, as well as colour and perforation of fat, fat content of neck, ham, loin and shoulder, fatty acid content and histology of fat cells. Daily food consumption was statistically significant with respect to gender, when the highest consumption was measured in barrows to 104.9 kg of live weight (3.97 kg) and the lowest consumption was measured in gilts of the same live weight (3.09 kg). The live weight had significant effect on the average daily gain. It had been proved, that increasing daily gain grew up with live weight. The lowest daily gain had the immunocastrates from 104.9 kg of live weight (991.43 g) and the highest gain had barrows of live weight above 105 kg (1211.79 g). Furthermore, it was found that the average feed conversion is reduced in pigs above 105 kg of live weight. Physical quality indicators of fat were not statistically significant, however, according to the test results the lowest values of fat perforation were measured in both cases in barrows in 104.9 kg of live weight (lower 40.39 N upper 52.79 N), indicating that barrows to 104.9 kg of bodyweight have the most delicate fat. In the study of the fat content in the main meat parts, the most statistically significant differences were in the content of intramuscular fat between genders, namely in slaughter parts of ham and shoulder. The highest content of intramuscular fat in ham was measured in gilts to 104.9 kg of live weight (5.18%) and the lowest content in young boars to 104.9 kg of live weight (0.73%). At the shoulder, the highest intramuscular fat content was measured in barrows to 104.9 kg (2.86%) of live weight and the lowest in gilts to 104.9 kg of live weight (1.79%). Generally, the test results shows, that barrows have the most IMF, whereas the gilts have the lowest. Regarding to fatty acids content, the most significant differences were measured in content of saturated fatty acids, where the highest percentage was measured in barrows above 105 kg of live weight (52.15%), contrary the lowest content was measured in young boars to 104.9 kg of live weight (49.2%). Fat cells histology showed no statistical significance barrows to 104.9 kg of live weight had the largest area of fat cells, while the smallest area of fat cells was detected in young boars of live weight above 105 kg. Statistical significance for other indicators have not been established.

Current situation regarding the sources and intake of selenium in European population
Půtová, Lucie ; Čadková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Křivská, Daniela (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the current dietary recommendations and the actual intake of selenium from food for the European inhabitants, divided into 6 appropriate regions. Above all, the thesis deals with the issue of the sources of this element and possible ways of its supplementation. Part of this thesis is also the identification of areas in which there is a risk of low intake of selenium, and at the same time there the reasons for this deficit are adressed. In the introduction selenium is characterized as a trace biogenic element that has physical and chemical properties, which affect the organism of each individual. Selenium can have a wide range of positive effects, but at the same time, of course, its toxicity needs to be taken into account. For this reason, in this study space was devoted to diseases that selenium may cause in cases of non-compliance with the recommended amount of intake. The amount of the intake of selenium depends mainly on its content in the soil. The concentration of selenium differs according to the geographical conditions of individual regions, which are described in the main part of this thesis. Each region contains a different amount of selenium in soil and consequently in animal and plant products. According to my knowledge from the study of literature, another very important factors is the availability of certain foods, such as fish, which are rich in selenium and thus greatly increase concentration of selenium in the daily diet for several states. The focus was also given to countries, that don't have food rich in selenium, and thus, continue to seek the best possible form of supplementation. This thesis shows the total comparison of the daily intake of selenium in the specific states of Europe. The results have shown that the most stable intake of this element occurs on the territory of the South Europe. They are mainly coastal states and there is a very good availability of fish products mentioned before. By contrast, in south-eastern Europe it is evident that due to the low financial possibilities the problem of selenium deficit is not dealt with and it is assumed that there may occurr a decline in intake of this element in the diet.

Terminology of the new Civil Code regarding to physical persons and analysis of equivalent expression in French
VOSTRÁ, Žaneta
This thesis deals with the terminology of the new civil code from the field of natural persons, followed by the analysis of equivalent expression in French. The thesis consists of two large parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part is defined the professional functional style, legal language, legal translation and methods of translation with a short digression into the Czech and French civil code. Theoretical part is dedicated to suggestions of translation of natural persons related terminology area of the new civil code. Selected terms are divided into groups according to their common features. The aim of this paper is to create equivalents of the selected terminology.

The Effect of Environmental Contamination on Quality of Leafy Vegetables
Jančíková, Silvie ; Pavlíková, Daniela (advisor) ; Veronika, Veronika (referee)
Heavy metals are widely distributed throughout the environment, but environment can be contaminated by these elements originated from anthropogenic activities. These toxic elements can be taken up by plant. Heavy metals accumulation and their uptake by plants depend on plant species, plant growing period, part of plant, soil characteristics (content of organic matters, physical chemical properties), interactions between metals etc. High concentrations of metal ions in plants can result in metabolic stress and so the plant metabolic stress mechanism can be induced : organic acids exudation, heavy metals binding in cell walls, phytochelatins synthesis etc. In case, that various protective mechanisms against toxic elements are not successful, heavy metals cause the damage to plant metabolism. This is indicated by changes in the contents of amino acids and fatty acids, enzymatic changes, inhibition of yield of aboveground biomass, chlorosis of leaves. There is an important difference between Zn and the other elements. Zn is an essential micronutrient and its content in contrast to the other elements without biological function is less toxic for plants. Vegetables are rich sources of essentials nutrients and heavy metals can significantly affect their quality. The consumption of contaminated vegetables may result in negative effects on nutritional composition. Leafy vegetables have relatively higher concentrations and transfer factors of heavy metals in contrast to root and fruit vegetables. There is the high health risk to consume the vegetable which is exposure to heavy metal polluted environment. The majority of European agricultural soils is safe for food production, but the areas with the high population density (China) have level of contamination which present ecological and health risk. For this reason many studies have focused on crop accumulation of heavy metals in such areas.

Multimedial physics course
ČESÁK, Zdeněk
Subject of this work is obtaining of set of materials for practices from physics and its arrangement and final presentation. The part of this work is also creation of interactive sites and presentation over www borderline. Another part is implementation of these sites to system eAmos.

Selected Physical Wood Properties of Douglas Fir from Sites in the Czech Republic
Chvojka, Jan ; Zeidler, Aleš (advisor) ; Podrázský, Vilém (referee)
This diploma thesis was created to evaluate of selected physical properties, density and shrinkage of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii / Mirbel / FRANCO) wood, coming from areas of Lesy města Písku, s.r.o. and the territory of School Forest Enterprise in Kostelec nad Černými lesy of Czech University of Life Sciences. The work tested density and shrinkage, their subsequent comparison with native species and the relevant data from the regions of original distribution of these species. It was also assessed if these physical properties are affected by location of growth or if they vary between individual trees and what is the effect of horizontal or vertical position in a stem on the tested values. It was shown that the density reaches higher values than our native trees. It was found that location of growth or individual trees have influence on the tested properties. The value of density is decreasing with growing height of the tree and increasing with growing distance from the center of the tree. Shrinkage in tangential direction was lower in comparison with Scotch pine, but higher in radial direction. Volumetric shrinkage reached lower values than Scotch pine.

Photogrammetry using UAV and non-metric photocamera
Filín, Slavomír ; Brychta, Jiří (advisor) ; Rejha, Vít (referee)
This thesis deals with the use of unmanned airborne vehicles especially in environmental sectors. Gradually they describe the different types and characteristics of aircraft. The introduction explains the historical development and the legislation applicable to the management of unmanned airborne vehicle. Another part deals with processing of the results acquired with the help of UAVs. It is explained by the physical principle of data collection. The following describes the different types of data that can be obtained by placing different sensors and cameras for UAV support. This is a multispectral, hyperspectral, thermal imaging and lidar sensors. It explains the process of evaluating the measurement data in the GIS environment. Work also addresses the evaluation of the images taken by UAV with the help of a semi automated software. The paper presents examples of the world's most pervasive software. Attention was also placed on the use of individual outputs. The last section provides examples of the use of UAVs or software on concrete examples, where the UAV resources necessary tool for the project implementation.

Assessment of the impact of the type of wood on the properties of snowboard board core
Jiřík, Adam ; Borůvka, Vlastimil (advisor) ; Gašparík, Miroslav (referee)
Snowboarding as one of the fastest developing sports nowadays forces manufacturers to improve equipment for this sport or to introduce other innovations that would enhance pleasure of the ride. The most important and expensive part of the equipment is the snowboard itself. So far, the high-quality snowboards with the best ride properties include wood core. Every year a competition called Good Wood is organized for the best snowboard models of the season. This thesis deals with design and assessment of the new innovative composition of snowboard cores using different combinations of wood and other structural solutions. These compositions were compared with an already time-proven composition currently used by Hackboards Ltd. company. By using the stress simulation with the finite element method in SolidWorks Simulation program the stress progress and the deflection size of designed cores and the reference core were found out. Part of this thesis was also determining some of the physical and mechanical properties of native wood types according to relevant norms. Measured values were used to verify possibilities of using data of appropriate wood type from literatur efor simulation. Designed composition of the wood core formed by battenboard combining by poplar and beech reached very similar values as the reference composition formed by battenboard made of poplar and ash. The composition of combined laminated poplar and beech veneers showed a little worse properties. The composition formed by beech battenboard and the composition of laminated beech veneers showed worse properties in comparison with the reference composition.